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Created July 22, 2014 20:33
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Example Dynamic PowerShell MSBuild invocation
Displays a formated string message with color-coding and borders
.PARAMETER message
The message to display
function write-header
if($Host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost")
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $message
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
Displays the message passed in to the host or log if possible.
.PARAMETER message
The message to display
function write-message
[string]$color = "Green"
if($Host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost")
Write-Host -ForegroundColor $color $message
Executes the MSBUILD project file passed in with the
targets and properties defined.
.PARAMETER project
The project file to process
.PARAMETER targets
The Target to execute on the project
The configuration to assign as a property
The bin location to place output under in configuration subfolder
.PARAMETER toolsVersion
The .NET tools version to use when building
.PARAMETER consoleLogLevel
The MSBuild log level to use
.PARAMETER forceCodeAnalyis
Switch allowing enforcement of Code Analysis
.PARAMETER skipCodeAnalyis
Switch allowing forcible omission of Code Analysis
function build-project
[string] $project = $(throw 'A MSBuild project file is required'),
[string] $targets = $(throw 'A target(s) such as Clean or Rebuild is required'),
[string] $config = $(throw 'A configuration to build is required'),
[string] $bindir = $(throw 'A output bin directory for the build is required.'),
[string] $toolsVersion = $('4.0'),
[string] $consoleLogLevel = 'normal',
[switch] $skipCodeAnalysis,
[switch] $buildReferences,
[switch] $binplaceIntoConfig
$outdir = $bindir
if($binplaceIntoConfig) { $outdir = Join-Path -path $outdir -childpath "$config\\" }
#from here down, we are concatenating a large set of switches to pass MSBuild.
$fileloglevel = $consoleLogLevel;
if($fileloglevel -eq 'minimal'){ $fileloglevel = 'normal'}
$console_logging_switch = " /clp:Summary"";""Verbosity=$consoleLogLevel"
$file_logging_switch = " /flp:Summary"";""Append"";""LogFile=build.$config.log"";""verbosity=$fileloglevel"
$file_errlog_switch = " /flp1:Append"";""LogFile=build.$config.err"";""errorsonly"
$file_wrnlog_switch = " /flp2:Append"";""LogFile=build.$config.wrn"";""warningsonly"
$logging_switch = $console_logging_switch + $file_logging_switch + $file_errlog_switch + $file_wrnlog_switch
$targets_switch = " /t:$targets"
$outdir_switch = " /p:OutDir=""$outdir"""
$config_switch = " /p:Configuration=""$config"""
#optionally set some flags based on incoming switches.
if($skipCodeAnalysis){ $config_switch = " $config_switch /p:RunCodeAnalysis=false " }
if(-not $buildReferences){ $config_switch = " $config_switch /p:BuildProjectReferences=false " }
#write out the built switches for debugging purposes.
write-header -message " Logging parameters: `r`n $logging_switch"
write-header -message " Targets parameters: `r`n $targets_switch"
write-header -message " OutDir parameters: `r`n $outdir_switch"
write-header -message " Configuration parameters: `r`n $config_switch"
$options = $outdir_switch + $config_switch + $logging_switch + $targets_switch
write-header -message " MSBuild command: `r`n $options"
write-header -message " Building $project ...";
#build final command and execute it.
$cmd = "msbuild $project $options"
Invoke-Expression $cmd
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