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Last active September 15, 2018 11:04
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Comparing gas consumption for parsing JSON and Amino messages
// Copyright (C) 2018 LikeCoin Foundation Limited
// This file is part of LikeCoin Smart Contract.
// LikeCoin Smart Contract is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// LikeCoin Smart Contract is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with LikeCoin Smart Contract. If not, see <>.
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract ERC20Basic {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
contract Relay {
event BlockHash(bytes20 hash);
event Height(uint height);
event GasReport(uint id, uint value);
event Debug(uint id, uint value);
event DebugBytes(uint id, bytes value);
ERC20Basic public token;
mapping(address => uint8) public votingPowerIndex;
uint32[] public votingPower; // Note that votingPower[0] must be 0
uint256 public totalVotingPower;
uint public latestBlockHeight;
bytes20 public latestAppHash;
mapping(address => mapping(uint64 => bool)) public consumedIds;
// TODO: mechanism for changing votingPower (may need to record window of total change in votingPower?)
// TODO: timestamp
// Sample input:
// voters: ["0xfd951076dC3b60e304E0059168Fd745e3eb84b6D"]
// votingPowers: [1]
// uint32 to prevent overflow
constructor(address tokenAddr, address[] voters, uint32[] votingPowers) public {
require(voters.length != 0);
require(voters.length < 256);
require(voters.length == votingPowers.length);
token = ERC20Basic(tokenAddr);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < voters.length; i += 1) {
votingPowerIndex[voters[i]] = i + 1;
totalVotingPower += votingPowers[i];
function verifyAppHash(bytes20 blockHash, bytes appHash, bytes20[] proof) internal pure {
bytes20 keyHash = ripemd160(abi.encodePacked("App"));
bytes20 valueHash = ripemd160(abi.encodePacked(byte(appHash.length), appHash));
bytes20 node = ripemd160(abi.encodePacked(byte(20), keyHash, byte(20), valueHash));
node = ripemd160(abi.encodePacked(byte(20), node, byte(20), proof[0]));
node = ripemd160(abi.encodePacked(byte(20), node, byte(20), proof[1]));
node = ripemd160(abi.encodePacked(byte(20), proof[2], byte(20), node));
node = ripemd160(abi.encodePacked(byte(20), node, byte(20), proof[3]));
require(node == blockHash);
function byteCmp(bytes b1, uint start1, bytes b2) internal pure returns (bool success) {
uint len = b2.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (b1[start1 + i] != b2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
function parseUint(bytes bs, uint i) internal pure returns (bool success, uint result) {
result = 0;
uint len = bs.length;
while (i < len) {
uint8 t = uint8(bs[i]);
if (t < 0x30 || t > 0x39) { // 0x30 == '0', 0x39 == '9'
if (t == 0x2c || t == 0x7d) { // ',' or '}'
return (true, result);
return (false, 0);
result = result * 10 + t - 0x30;
i += 1;
return (false, 0);
function parseHash(bytes bs, uint start) internal pure returns (bool success, bytes20 hash) {
// A hash field in JSON should have format '"0123456789ABCDEF"'.
// Requirements:
// - the first byte must be a '"'
// - the last byte must be a '"'
// - the bytes in middle (hex bytes) must be [0-9A-F] (should not have lower case for vote bytes)
// - the number of hex bytes must be even number (since 2 hex digit represents 1 byte)
// - the length of hex digits must be 40 (votes use 160-bit hash = 40 digit hex)
// 40 hex digits + 1 '"'
uint end = start + 41;
// start with '"', end with '"'
if (bs.length <= end || bs[start] != 0x22 || bs[end] != 0x22) { // '"'
return (false, hash);
uint160 hashUint = 0x0;
uint i = start + 1;
// the first byte as a bytes20 needs 19 bytes of zeros after it, 19 * 8 = 152
uint hashShift = 152;
while (i < end) {
// first digit in a byte
int t = int(bs[i]);
if (t >= 0x30 && t <= 0x39) { // 0-9
t -= 0x30;
} else if (t >= 0x41 && t <= 0x46) { // A-F
t -= 0x41;
t += 10;
} else {
return (false, hash);
t *= 16;
i += 1;
// second digit in a byte
int t2 = int(bs[i]);
if (t2 >= 0x30 && t2 <= 0x39) { // 0-9
t2 -= 0x30;
} else if (t2 >= 0x41 && t2 <= 0x46) { // A-F
t2 -= 0x41;
t2 += 10;
} else {
return (false, hash);
hashUint |= uint160(t + t2) << hashShift;
hashShift -= 8;
i += 1;
return (true, bytes20(hashUint));
// TODO: check all indices to prevent overflow
function parseVoteJson(string jsonStr, uint16 typeIndex, uint16 heightIndex, uint16 blockIndex) internal pure returns (uint height, bytes20 hash) {
bytes memory TYPE = '"type":2}';
bytes memory PREFIX_BLOCKID = '"block_id":{"hash":';
bytes memory PREFIX_HEIGHT = '"height":';
bytes memory json = bytes(jsonStr);
uint len = json.length;
require(uint(typeIndex) + TYPE.length <= len);
require(uint(heightIndex) + PREFIX_BLOCKID.length < len);
require(uint(blockIndex) + PREFIX_HEIGHT.length < len);
require(byteCmp(json, typeIndex, TYPE));
require(byteCmp(json, blockIndex, PREFIX_BLOCKID));
require(byteCmp(json, heightIndex, PREFIX_HEIGHT));
bool success;
(success, hash) = parseHash(json, blockIndex + PREFIX_BLOCKID.length);
(success, height) = parseUint(json, heightIndex + PREFIX_HEIGHT.length);
return (height, hash);
function parseAminoVarint(bytes bs, uint start) internal pure returns (uint256 value, uint length) {
value = 0;
length = 1;
uint i = start;
while (bs[i] >= 0x80) {
value <<= 7;
value |= uint256(bs[i]) & 0x7F;
i += 1;
length += 1;
value |= uint256(bs[i]);
return (value, length);
function parseAminoFieldAndTyp(bytes bs, uint start) internal pure returns (uint256 field, uint8 typ, uint length) {
uint256 n;
(n, length) = parseAminoVarint(bs, start);
field = n >> 3;
typ = uint8(n & 0x7);
return (field, typ, length);
function nextFieldStartingIndex(bytes bs, uint contentStart, uint8 typ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (typ == 0) { // Varint
uint i = contentStart;
while (bs[i] >= 0x80) {
i += 1;
return i + 1;
} else if (typ == 1) { // 8Byte
return contentStart + 8;
} else if (typ == 2) { // ByteLength
uint256 contentLength;
uint varintLength;
(contentLength, varintLength) = parseAminoVarint(bs, contentStart);
return contentStart + varintLength + contentLength;
} else if (typ == 5) { // 4Byte
return contentStart + 4;
} else {
function extractBytes20(bytes bs, uint index) internal pure returns (bytes20) {
bytes20 r;
assembly {
r := mload(add(bs, add(index, 32)))
return r;
function parseVoteAmino(bytes bs) internal pure returns (uint height, bytes20 hash) {
uint i = 0;
uint256 voteType = 0;
height = 0;
uint hashIndex = 0;
while (i < bs.length) {
uint256 field;
uint8 typ;
uint keyLength;
uint valueLength;
(field, typ, keyLength) = parseAminoFieldAndTyp(bs, i);
if (field == 3) { // Height
if (typ != 0) { // Varint
if (height != 0) {
i += keyLength;
(height, valueLength) = parseAminoVarint(bs, i);
// height is encoded as signed varint, so need to divide by 2
if (height % 2 != 0) {
height /= 2;
i += valueLength;
} else if (field == 6) { // Type
if (typ != 0) { // Varint
if (voteType != 0) {
i += keyLength;
(voteType, valueLength) = parseAminoVarint(bs, i);
if (voteType != 2) {
i += valueLength;
} else if (field == 7) { // BlockID
if (typ != 2) { // ByteLength
if (hashIndex != 0) {
i += keyLength;
uint valueLengthLength; // Length of the length tag
(valueLength, valueLengthLength) = parseAminoVarint(bs, i);
uint j = i + valueLengthLength;
i = j + valueLength;
while (j < i) {
(field, typ, keyLength) = parseAminoFieldAndTyp(bs, j);
if (field == 1) { // BlockID.Hash
if (typ != 2) { // ByteLength
j += keyLength;
(valueLength, valueLengthLength) = parseAminoVarint(bs, j);
if (valueLength != 20) {
hashIndex = j + valueLengthLength;
} else {
j = nextFieldStartingIndex(bs, j + keyLength, typ);
if (hashIndex == 0) {
hash = extractBytes20(bs, hashIndex);
} else {
i = nextFieldStartingIndex(bs, i + keyLength, typ);
return (height, hash);
// Assumed format: 8-byte big-endian height, 8-byte big-endian round, 1-byte vote type, 20-byte block hash, and then the remaining fields
function parseVotePacked(bytes bs) internal pure returns (uint64 height, bytes20 hash) {
assembly {
height := mload(add(bs, 8))
hash := mload(add(bs, 49))
byte voteType = bs[16];
require(voteType == 2);
return (height, hash);
function extractSignature(bytes signatures, uint index) internal pure returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) {
assembly {
r := mload(add(signatures, add(index, 32)))
s := mload(add(signatures, add(index, 64)))
v := and(mload(add(signatures, add(index, 65))), 0xFF)
return (v, r, s);
function checkVotingPower(bytes32 voteHash, bytes signatures) internal view {
uint len = signatures.length;
require(len > 0 && len % 65 == 0);
uint256 voterSet = 0;
uint power = 0;
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i += 65) {
(v, r, s) = extractSignature(signatures, i);
address voter = ecrecover(voteHash, v, r, s);
require(voter != address(0x0));
uint8 voterIndex = votingPowerIndex[voter];
require(voterIndex != 0);
uint256 voteBit = 1 << uint(voterIndex);
require((voterSet & voteBit) == 0);
voterSet |= voteBit;
// TODO: should check voting power != 0?
power += votingPower[voterIndex];
// Need MORE than 2/3 of totalVotingPower
// TODO: be careful about overflow?
require(power * 3 > totalVotingPower * 2);
// "0x0000000000000003000000000000000002C071F4411882647F12016B6BBB94DDB27EF05AD201234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
function commitAppHashPackedTest(bytes votePacked) public {
uint height;
bytes20 blockHash;
emit GasReport(400, gasleft());
(height, blockHash) = parseVotePacked(votePacked);
emit GasReport(401, gasleft());
emit GasReport(402, gasleft());
emit GasReport(403, gasleft());
emit Height(height);
emit BlockHash(blockHash);
emit GasReport(404, gasleft());
emit GasReport(405, gasleft());
// "0x18062A0E090337065B000000001500A4781F30023A300A14C071F4411882647F12016B6BBB94DDB27EF05AD212180802121414135A5CEC2F96968398970D2DB20BFE9D7EE293"
function commitAppHashAminoTest(bytes voteAmino) public {
uint height;
bytes20 blockHash;
emit GasReport(100, gasleft());
(height, blockHash) = parseVoteAmino(voteAmino);
emit GasReport(101, gasleft());
emit Height(height);
emit BlockHash(blockHash);
// Sample input: {"@chain_id":"test-chain-dvwvaa","@type":"vote","block_id":{"hash":"C071F4411882647F12016B6BBB94DDB27EF05AD2","parts":{"hash":"14135A5CEC2F96968398970D2DB20BFE9D7EE293","total":1}},"height":3,"round":0,"timestamp":"2018-05-24T03:52:35.528Z","type":2}
// jsonStr: "{\"@chain_id\":\"test-chain-dvwvaa\",\"@type\":\"vote\",\"block_id\":{\"hash\":\"C071F4411882647F12016B6BBB94DDB27EF05AD2\",\"parts\":{\"hash\":\"14135A5CEC2F96968398970D2DB20BFE9D7EE293\",\"total\":1}},\"height\":3,\"round\":0,\"timestamp\":\"2018-05-24T03:52:35.528Z\",\"type\":2}"
// typeIndex: 241
// heightIndex: 181
// blockIndex: 48
function commitAppHashJsonTest(
string voteJson,
uint16 typeIndex,
uint16 heightIndex,
uint16 blockIndex
) public {
uint height;
bytes20 blockHash;
emit GasReport(200, gasleft());
(height, blockHash) = parseVoteJson(voteJson, typeIndex, heightIndex, blockIndex);
emit GasReport(201, gasleft());
emit Height(height);
emit BlockHash(blockHash);
// Sample input: {"@chain_id":"test-chain-dvwvaa","@type":"vote","block_id":{"hash":"C071F4411882647F12016B6BBB94DDB27EF05AD2","parts":{"hash":"14135A5CEC2F96968398970D2DB20BFE9D7EE293","total":1}},"height":3,"round":0,"timestamp":"2018-05-24T03:52:35.528Z","type":2}
// jsonStr: "{\"@chain_id\":\"test-chain-dvwvaa\",\"@type\":\"vote\",\"block_id\":{\"hash\":\"C071F4411882647F12016B6BBB94DDB27EF05AD2\",\"parts\":{\"hash\":\"14135A5CEC2F96968398970D2DB20BFE9D7EE293\",\"total\":1}},\"height\":3,\"round\":0,\"timestamp\":\"2018-05-24T03:52:35.528Z\",\"type\":2}"
// typeIndex: 241
// heightIndex: 181
// blockIndex: 48
// appHash: "0xACB21A217DBE46B3AAC0E508AF3E42628CBA76D8"
// appHashProof: ["0x263a2b2a6975230091ca1f75254aa67f990c166e", "0x2518991b0459722788cb6f19ebca0ca46ffd2078", "0x617471be53a76299dddbfa3fcf856364f1dadb11", "0x4984658370359ef23dd599bf764284b7b59d8c94"]
// signatures: "0xf8dbaf0e07d98c5f6bfa1f5ed123b8cda630f340ce016aebb247417a134b81bc17620cf62e9fed4cdd0b77568f93cb55ec97b0db9128f50a44e809e5e016bdfb1c"
function commitAppHash(
string voteJson,
uint16 typeIndex,
uint16 heightIndex,
uint16 blockIndex,
bytes appHash,
bytes20[] appHashProof,
bytes signatures
) public {
emit GasReport(300, gasleft());
bytes32 voteHash = sha256(bytes(voteJson));
emit GasReport(301, gasleft());
checkVotingPower(voteHash, signatures);
emit GasReport(302, gasleft());
uint height;
bytes20 blockHash;
(height, blockHash) = parseVoteJson(voteJson, typeIndex, heightIndex, blockIndex);
require(height > latestBlockHeight);
emit GasReport(303, gasleft());
verifyAppHash(blockHash, appHash, appHashProof);
emit GasReport(304, gasleft());
// TODO: Extract useful part from appHash,
// e.g. appHash = concat(tree1Hash, tree2Hash), then we may just extract tree2Hash
// and store it
bytes20 extractedAppHash;
assembly {
extractedAppHash := mload(add(appHash, 32))
latestAppHash = extractedAppHash;
latestBlockHeight = height;
function sha256Trunc(bytes packed) internal pure returns (bytes20 hash) {
bytes32 originalHash = sha256(packed);
return bytes20(originalHash);
function proveStateInTree(
bytes key,
bytes value,
uint8[] heights,
uint64[] sizes,
int64[] versions,
bool[] innerBranchFirst,
bytes20[] innerNodes
) public view {
uint length = innerNodes.length;
require(heights.length == length);
require(sizes.length == length);
// versions include 1 more entry than others, since it includes the version of the leaf node
require(versions.length == length + 1);
require(innerBranchFirst.length == length);
bytes20 hash = sha256Trunc(abi.encodePacked(
int8(0), int64(1), versions[length],
int8(key.length), key,
int8(value.length), value
for (uint i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
// Heights are encoded as int8 (signed), which is encoded using binary.PutVarint in
// Amino, so there is a sign bit '0' after the number, making the value of the
// resulting byte doubled
if (innerBranchFirst[i]) {
hash = sha256Trunc(abi.encodePacked(
uint8(heights[i] * 2), sizes[i], versions[i],
int8(20), innerNodes[i],
int8(20), hash
} else {
hash = sha256Trunc(abi.encodePacked(
uint8(heights[i] * 2), sizes[i], versions[i],
int8(20), hash,
int8(20), innerNodes[i]
require(hash == latestAppHash);
function withdraw(
bytes key,
bytes value,
uint8[] heights,
uint64[] sizes,
int64[] versions,
bool[] innerBranchFirst,
bytes20[] innerNodes
) public {
// TODO: Check length of key & value? But invalid key and value should fail Merkle proof checking
proveStateInTree(key, value, heights, sizes, versions, innerBranchFirst, innerNodes);
require(byteCmp(key, 0, PREFIX_KEY));
address from;
uint64 id;
uint256 amount;
assembly {
// 32 = bytes prefix length
// 38 = 32 + PREFIX_KEY.length - (32 - sizeof(address))
from := mload(add(key, 38))
// 46 = 32 + PREFIX_KEY.length + sizeof(address) - (32 - sizeof(uint8))
id := and(mload(add(key, 46)), 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
amount := mload(add(value, 32))
consumedIds[from][id] = true;
require(token.transfer(from, amount));
// TODO:
// - separate different logics into different contracts
// - parse params from bytes so the interface won't be fixed
// - make contracts upgradable by separating LikeCoin storage address and state storage address
// from logic contracts
// - an upgrade mechanism
// - use libary to reduce gas consumption?
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