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Created March 22, 2013 01:52
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hashtags on tweets to @adriarichards for one week through early afternoon Mar. 21, 2013
1 #1
1 #1984
11 #1re
2 #1reasonwhy
1 #2
1 #2ThingsThatDontMix
1 #3
1 #4
1 #admireyou
2 #adriaFTW
3 #adriarichards
1 #adriarocks
1 #alone
1 #Also
1 #America
1 #amirite
3 #angryfeminist
1 #antiwhite
1 #apprentice
1 #areyouachild
1 #AreYouSerious
1 #argh
1 #ashole
2 #asshat
3 #AsWell
1 #AttackedBySamsung
1 #atx
1 #aupportadria
1 #avoiding
1 #backlash
1 #badkarma
1 #base
1 #bawse
1 #beingthiswhite
1 #bengthisdumb
1 #BH
1 #biblebelt
1 #bigdongles
1 #biggestdongle
1 #bignose
1 #bigsis
6 #bitch
1 #bitcheslovecannons
1 #blacklisted
1 #blocked
2 #bowtiespin
1 #bsides
1 #bsidessf
2 #butthurt
1 #butyoureaguy
1 #Bye
1 #c
1 #canned
1 #cantexplainthat
2 #cantprogramforshit
1 #cardsagainsthumanity
1 #cdntech
3 #changetherati
4 #changetheratio
11 #checkyourdongle
1 #Childish
2 #chorus
1 #classact
5 #CleanItUp
1 #clevergirl
1 #conundrum
1 #cool
1 #courage
35 #cowards
1 #creepshots
2 #crybaby
3 #cunt
1 #Cyberbullying
1 #d
1 #dailydot
3 #ddj
2 #ddos
1 #dealwithit
1 #delusionsofgrandure
1 #dev
1 #developerevangelist
1 #digitalequality
1 #DigitalSisterhood
1 #disgraceful
4 #diversity
1 #dongel
57 #dongle
5 #dongleberger
193 #donglegate
1 #dongleprivelege
9 #dongleprivilege
3 #DongleQueen
24 #dongles
1 #DongleSlapped
1 #dontbeadick
1 #dontfeedthetrolls
2 #dontfireme
2 #doublestandard
3 #doublestandards
2 #downtime
1 #doyouthinkyoucanplayforgod
1 #dueprocess
2 #dumbass
1 #e3
2 #Eastenders
1 #eastgermanstasi
1 #empowerwomen
1 #endrant
1 #EpicFail
1 #equa
1 #equality
2 #equalrights
1 #everyonewinsexceptallwomen
2 #everythingsoffensive
1 #F
3 #facepalm
2 #FacepalmOfTheWeek
10 #fail
1 #failing
1 #FameWhore
1 #FatDongle
1 #fb
2 #fe
7 #fem2
1 #feminazgul
5 #feminazi
2 #feminazis
11 #feminism
1 #Feminist
1 #feministrationale
1 #feministssuck
3 #ff
1 #filthybitch
1 #FindTerrilynn
4 #fired
1 #FirstAmendment
1 #firstimpressions
1 #FirstWorldProblems
1 #fiverr
1 #forgetyou
2 #fork
7 #forking
1 #fortherecord
1 #freethedongles
1 #FuckFeminists
1 #fuckinghypocrite
2 #fuckinglol
2 #fuckyou
1 #funtimes
1 #GDC
1 #getherfired
1 #gfy
4 #ghc13
1 #giveherthedongle
1 #goaway
1 #gofuckyourself
1 #gogetlaid
1 #goodjob
1 #gradeschool
1 #grandeur
1 #gross
1 #GrowTheFuckUp
1 #growup
1 #GrowUpYall
2 #HackerNews
1 #haha
1 #hangdickjokers
1 #hatemachine
1 #hateonher
1 #hatersgonnahate
1 #HealthIT
1 #heardandsaidmuchworse
1 #hilarityensues
1 #hipocrite
1 #homewrecker
3 #HowAboutNever
1 #hug
4 #hugedongle
8 #hypocrisy
1 #hypocrit
6 #hypocrite
1 #hypocritemuch
1 #hypocrites
1 #hysteria
1 #ialsolearned
9 #IamAdria
2 #IAmOffended
1 #idiots
1 #ignant
2 #ilaughed
15 #ilearned
1 #immature
1 #InBeta
1 #inclusion
1 #injustice
1 #InternetDrama
1 #irony
3 #IT
1 #ITM
9 #iwillbeheard
2 #joanofarc
2 #joke
7 #justice
1 #justiceporn
1 #justiceserved
1 #JustSoYouKnow
3 #karma
1 #karmahackers
1 #KarmaIsABitch
1 #karmasabitch
1 #KFC
1 #killingcoding
1 #killtheforkers
1 #landonyourfeet
11 #launch2
1 #leanin
1 #leDongle
1 #lesbianfeminist
1 #letsgetlouder
1 #Lifetime
1 #lightenup
2 #logic
2 #LOL
1 #lolfeminism
1 #loosenup
1 #losers
1 #lunacy
1 #m
2 #mad
1 #madmen
1 #madness
1 #mafiosa
1 #makeadifference
1 #manhater
1 #marketing
1 #men
1 #MenAgainstGenderBias
1 #MeToo
1 #MindYourOwnBusiness
1 #misandrist
1 #Mismoronistic
1 #misogynistic
1 #misogyny
1 #mittromneywasbetter
1 #mma
1 #Movie
1 #MRA
1 #MrHank
1 #muhfeelings
1 #needmoreinfo
3 #neverbeenforked
1 #neverStepBack
1 #nignoggery
1 #nobodycares
1 #nobodylikesarat
1 #nojob
1 #nosejob
1 #notclassy
1 #notfunny
1 #NotOkay
1 #notrollzone
1 #notsexist
1 #NumberOne
1 #NVC
1 #NVP
1 #NYC
1 #obviousreasoning
1 #ohwait
1 #ohyou
2 #OMG
1 #oops
3 #openness
2 #outrage
1 #outrageHiatus
1 #ovar9
1 #overlyPC
1 #PartOfTheDamnProblem
1 #PartoftheProblem
1 #patriarchalbullshit
1 #pcstate
4 #PHP
1 #PictureOfTolerance
5 #pr
2 #privacy
2 #privilege
1 #professionalvictim
1 #projecting
1 #protipitmeansretard
1 #PublicShaming
1 #pubstandards
1 #PWDs
1 #pwnd
366 #pycon
4 #pycon2
1 #pycongate
1 #pygate
1 #PyLadies
11 #python
1 #racism
1 #racist
1 #radfem
1 #rageface
12 #rapeculture
1 #rapefantasy
1 #realtalk
1 #rekd
1 #ReproJustice
2 #respect
1 #respectablejobforabitch
1 #rhetoric
1 #riddle
1 #righteousbitch
3 #RIPLucy
1 #ronpaul2
2 #sad
4 #saddayfortheinternet
1 #sadsack
1 #sarcasm
1 #sblaar
2 #seemaboutright
13 #sendgrid
1 #sendgridgate
1 #SeriouslyNotATroll
1 #SethGodin
12 #sexism
1 #sexismintech
2 #sexist
3 #SexyAndIKnowIt
1 #SGSGlobal
2 #shameful
1 #shaveyourlegs
1 #sheneedsagoodforking
1 #shittycompanies
1 #shrekisdreck
1 #sigh
1 #silenceisgolden
1 #situation
1 #situationsolved
1 #sjw
1 #smellybeefcurtains
1 #smellypussy
2 #smh
1 #socent
1 #socialgood
2 #SocialJustic
1 #SocialJustice
1 #socialmedia
2 #softshoe
9 #solidarity
1 #SomeonetellKenya
1 #SomeoneTellNigeria
3 #srs
1 #standwithadria
83 #STEM 1 #stepbackwards
3 #Steubenville
3 #strava
1 #stupidbullshit
1 #stupidity
3 #suckmydongle
1 #superhero
2 #support
119 #supportadria
1 #swag
2 #sxsw
1 #tact
1 #talkaboutowned
1 #tattletail
1 #tcfe
1 #teachablemoment
1 #teacher
85 #teamadria
4 #tech
1 #techies
2 #technology
1 #techsexism
14 #tellafeministthankyou
1 #tgdn
1 #thatisall
1 #themoreyouknow
1 #ThisIsWhyWeStandUp
2 #toolate
1 #Toronto
1 #toxicfallout
1 #Troll
1 #TrollPatterns
2 #trollsnotwelcome
1 #truestory
1 #trump
1 #Tumblr
2 #twitter
1 #TY
1 #u
3 #UGH
4 #uncledongle
2 #unemploymentoffice
1 #unfuckingbelievable
1 #unnecessary
1 #ur
1 #useyourwords
9 #VA
1 #VAW
1 #VideoGames
1 #Wakeup
1 #weak
1 #weave
4 #welcometounemoloyment
1 #weretakingitback
1 #whatajoke
1 #whothefuckdoyouthinkyouare
1 #why
1 #whycantmatriarchybeathing
1 #whyfired
1 #WhyISmile
1 #womanity
2 #women
5 #womenintech
1 #womenlead
1 #worthless
1 #WTFiswrongwithpeople
1 #yawn
1 #yesevenmencanbehave
1 #yolo
1 #you
2 #youarenotthevictimyouarethebully
1 #youlearned
1 #yourbase
1 #YW
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