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Last active December 10, 2018 00:03
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A collection of VS Code for faster and more efficient Salesforce development (so far covering Lightning only).
"AuraValueBinding": {
"prefix": "aura:vb",
"body": [
"description": "Aura value binding"
"AuraIteration": {
"prefix": "aura:iteration",
"body": [
"<aura:iteration items=\"{!${1:collection}}\" var=\"${2:varName}\" indexVar=\"${3:i}\">",
" $4",
"description": "<aura:iteration> iterates over a collection of items and renders the body of the tag for each item."
"AuraIf": {
"prefix": "aura:if",
"body": [
"<aura:if isTrue=\"{!${1:expression}}\">",
" $2",
"description": "<aura:if> renders the content within the tag if the isTrue attribute evaluates to true."
"AuraIfElse": {
"prefix": "aura:if/else",
"body": [
"<aura:if isTrue=\"{!${1:expression}}\">",
" $2",
" <aura:set attribute=\"else\">",
" $3",
" </aura:set>",
"description": "<aura:if> renders the content within the tag if the isTrue attribute evaluates to true. Use <aura:set attribute=\"else\"> to define the markup to render when isTrue evaluates to false."
"AuraElse": {
"prefix": "aura:else",
"body": [
"<aura:set attribute=\"else\">",
" $1",
"description": "The markup to render when <code>isTrue</code> evaluates to false."
"AuraAttribute": {
"prefix": "aura:attribute",
"body": [
"<aura:attribute access=\"${1:modifier}\" name=\"${2:attrName}\" type=\"${3:attrType}\" description=\"$4\" />$0"
"description": "<aura:attribute> describes an attribute available on an app, interface, component, or event."
"LtngRequire": {
"prefix": "ltng:require",
"body": [
"<ltng:require scripts=\"{!\\$Resource.${1:name}}\" afterScriptsLoaded=\"{!c.${2:action}}\" />"
"description": "Use a <ltng:require> tag in your .cmp or .app markup to reference an external resource that you’ve uploaded as a static resource."
"AuraEventHandler": {
"prefix": "aura:handler",
"body": [
"<aura:handler name=\"${1:eventName}\" event=\"${2:eventType}\" action=\"{!c.${3:action}}\" />$0"
"description": "Use <aura:handler> to handle an event in the markup of the handler component."
"AuraValueEventHandler": {
"prefix": "aura:handlerValue",
"body": [
"<aura:handler name=\"${1:eventName}\" value=\"${2:attribute}\" action=\"{!c.${3:action}}\" />$0"
"description": "Use <aura:handler> with the value attribute to handle events like initialization or value changes (e.g. init, change)."
"AuraRegisterEvent": {
"prefix": "aura:registerEvent",
"body": [
"<aura:registerEvent access=\"${1:modifier}\" name=\"${2:eventName}\" type=\"${3:eventType}\" description=\"$4\" />$0"
"description": "A component registers that it may fire an event by using <aura:registerEvent> in its markup."
"AuraMethod": {
"prefix": "aura:method",
"body": [
"<aura:method access=\"${1:modifier}\" name=\"${2:methodName}\" action=\"{!c.${3:action}}\" description=\"$4\">",
" <aura:attribute name=\"$5\" type=\"$6\" />",
"description": "Use <aura:method> to define a method as part of a component's API. This enables you to directly call a method in a component’s client-side controller instead of firing and handling a component event. Using <aura:method> simplifies the code needed for a parent component to call a method on a child component that it contains."
"AuraMethodSimple": {
"prefix": "aura:methodsimple",
"body": [
"<aura:method access=\"${1:modifier}\" name=\"${2:methodName}\" action=\"{!c.${3:action}}\" description=\"$4\" />$0"
"description": "Use <aura:method> to define a method as part of a component's API. This enables you to directly call a method in a component’s client-side controller instead of firing and handling a component event. Using <aura:method> simplifies the code needed for a parent component to call a method on a child component that it contains."
"AuraDependency": {
"prefix": "aura:dependency",
"body": [
"<aura:dependency resource=\"markup://${1:namespace:resource}\" type=\"${2:COMPONENT|EVENT|INTERFACE|APPLICATION}\" />$0"
"description": "The <aura:dependency> tag enables you to declare dependencies, which improves their discoverability by the framework."
"AuraExpressionIf": {
"prefix": "ax:if",
"body": [
"if(${1:condition}, ${2:returnIfTrue}, ${3:returnIfFalse})$0"
"description": "Evaluates the first argument as a boolean. If true, returns the second argument. Otherwise, returns the third argument."
"AuraExpressionAnd": {
"prefix": "ax:and",
"body": [
"and(${1:cond1}, ${2:cond2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if both arguments are true."
"AuraExpressionEmpty": {
"prefix": "ax:empty",
"body": [
"description": "Returns true if the argument is empty. An empty argument is undefined, null, an empty array, or an empty string. An object with no properties is not considered empty."
"AuraExpressionNot": {
"prefix": "ax:not",
"body": [
"description": "Returns true if the argument is false."
"AuraExpressionOr": {
"prefix": "ax:or",
"body": [
"or(${1:cond1}, ${2:cond2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if either one of the arguments is true."
"AuraExpressionEquals": {
"prefix": "ax:eq",
"body": [
"equals(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if the specified arguments are equal. The arguments can be any data type."
"AuraExpressionNotEquals": {
"prefix": "ax:noteq",
"body": [
"notequals(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if the specified arguments are not equal. The arguments can be any data type."
"AuraExpressionLessThan": {
"prefix": "ax:lt",
"body": [
"lessthan(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if the first argument is numerically less than the second argument."
"AuraExpressionGreaterThan": {
"prefix": "ax:gt",
"body": [
"greaterthan(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if the first argument is numerically greater than the second argument."
"AuraExpressionLessThanOrEquals": {
"prefix": "ax:lteq",
"body": [
"lessthanorequal(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if the first argument is numerically less than or equal to the second argument."
"AuraExpressionGreaterThanOrEquals": {
"prefix": "ax:gteq",
"body": [
"greaterthanorequal(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Returns true if the first argument is numerically greater than or equal to the second argument."
"AuraExpressionConcat": {
"prefix": "ax:concat",
"body": [
"concat(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Concatenates the two arguments."
"AuraExpressionFormat": {
"prefix": "ax:format",
"body": [
"format(${1:\\$}, ${2:attribute1}, ${3:attribute2})$0"
"description": "Outputs a label and updates it. Replaces any parameter placeholders with comma-separated attribute values. Supports ternary operators in labels and attributes."
"AuraExpressionJoin": {
"prefix": "ax:join",
"body": [
"join(${1:separator}, ${2:subStr1}, ${3:subStr2...})$0"
"description": "Joins the substrings adding the separator String (first argument) between each subsequent argument."
"AuraExpressionAdd": {
"prefix": "ax:add",
"body": [
"add(${1:arg1}, ${2:arg2})$0"
"description": "Adds the first argument to the second."
"AuraExpressionSub": {
"prefix": "ax:sub",
"body": [
"sub(${1:num1}, ${2:num2})$0"
"description": "Subtracts the second argument from the first."
"AuraExpressionMult": {
"prefix": "ax:mult",
"body": [
"mult(${1:num1}, ${2:num2})$0"
"description": "Multiplies the first argument by the second."
"AuraExpressionDiv": {
"prefix": "ax:div",
"body": [
"div(${1:num1}, ${2:num2})$0"
"description": "Divides the first argument by the second."
"AuraExpressionMod": {
"prefix": "ax:mod",
"body": [
"mod(${1:num1}, ${2:num2})$0"
"description": "Returns the integer remainder resulting from dividing the first argument by the second."
"AuraExpressionAbs": {
"prefix": "ax:abs",
"body": [
"description": "Returns the absolute value of the argument: the same number if the argument is positive, and the number without its negative sign if the number is negative. For example, abs(-5) is 5."
"AuraExpressionNeg": {
"prefix": "ax:neg",
"body": [
"description": "Reverses the sign of the argument. For example, neg(100) is -100."
"GetCallback": {
"prefix": "aura:getcb",
"body": [
"$A.getCallback(() => {",
" $1",
"description": "$A.getCallback"
"ComponentGlobalId": {
"prefix": "aura:gid",
"body": [
"description": "Get component GlobalId."
"ComponentSet": {
"prefix": "aura:set",
"body": [
"${1:cmp}.set(${2:attribute}, ${3:value})$0",
"description": "Set component attribute value."
"ComponentGet": {
"prefix": "aura:get",
"body": [
"description": "Get component attribute value."
"EnqueueAction": {
"prefix": "aura:enq",
"body": [
"description": "Enqueue an action."
"ActionSetCallback": {
"prefix": "aura:setcb",
"body": [
"${1:action}.setCallback(this, response => {",
" const ${2:state} = response.getState();",
" if (${2:state} === 'SUCCESS') {",
" $3",
" } else if (${2:state} === 'ERROR') {",
" $4",
" }",
"description": "Set an action's callback function."
"ActionSetParams": {
"prefix": "aura:setparams",
"body": [
" $2",
"description": "Set an action's params."
"GetAction": {
"prefix": "aura:getAction",
"body": [
"const ${1:action} = ${2:cmp}.get('c.${3:actionName}');",
"description": "Get an action."
"ToggleClass": {
"prefix": "aura:toggleClass",
"body": [
"$A.util.toggleClass(${1:element}, ${2:className});$0",
"description": "Toggle class util."
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