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Xu Siyuan no1xsyzy

  • SH, China
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no1xsyzy / formatted.js
Created December 26, 2018 07:32
Fix Steam Discovery Queue error that the game is not provided. Run in console and reenter queue 修复您所在的国家/地区不允许看到此内容。控制台内使用后重新进入队列。
var m = window
.split("/") // explode it
.map(m=>+m) // transform to number
.filter(m=>m)[0] // filter those transformed to number successfully
$"/app/"+m, {sessionid: g_sessionID, appid_to_clear_from_queue: +m}) // call API
no1xsyzy /
Created January 21, 2019 15:11

The project hugetiny/negibox is abusing FOSS projects

The following is a backup of in case deleted.

Using aria2/aria2 without satifying GPLv2 or later version

default You stated that this is based on, I suppose Negiboxc.exe is actually aria2c.exe. --version option also supports that. Is there any changes and if yes what are they? Where's your source code and license? You haven't even forked aria2. GPLv2 does require extra efforts if you want to put it into your project. GPLv3 even requires more permissions.

Using mayswind/AriaNg without satisfying MIT license

((m=>`${m.replace(/([?&])name=[^&]+/, "$1name=orig")} --out=twitter${(x=>x[x.length-1])(window.location.pathname.split("/"))}.${/[&?]format=([^&]+)&/.exec(m)[1]}`)(document.querySelector(`div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] img[src^=""]`).src))
((ms,f)=>>1)).join("\n"))(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] img[src^=""]`)).map(x=>x.src), (l=>{var c=0;return m=>`${m.replace(/([?&])name=[^&]+/, "$1name=orig")} --out=twitter${(x=>x[x.length-1])(window.location.pathname.split("/"))}${l?"-"+("0"+(++c)).slice(-2,100):""}.${/[&?]format=([^&]+)&/.exec(m)[1]}`}))
#lang racket
(define (remove-palindrome s)
(define f
(lambda (i j)
[(equal? i j) 1]
[(equal? (+ i 1) j) 1]
;[(and (equal? (+ i 2) j) (equal? (list-ref s i) (list-ref s (- j 1)))) 1]
[(equal? (list-ref s i) (list-ref s (- j 1))) (f (+ i 1) (- j 1))]
import itertools, functools, operator
from typing import *
class Solution:
def singleNumber(self, lst: List[int], k: int) -> int:
pattern = []
for i in itertools.count():
if k & 1 != 0:
k >>= 1
if k == 0:
from mitmproxy import http
def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None:
if 'magicnumber' in flow.request.query:
flow.response = flow.response = http.HTTPResponse.make(200)
def response(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None:
flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace(
def deleteorder(x):
n = len(x)
if n%2 != 0:
if any(x.count(i) > n//2 for i in set(x)):
x = sorted(x)
assert all(x[i] < x[i + n//2] for i in range(n//2))
# since x[0] <= x[1] <= x[2] <= ... <= x[n-1]
# there must be x[i] <= x[i + n//2]
#lang racket
;;; Solve <>
(define (get-group ipaddr lines)
(define group-name null)
(let/cc return
(map (λ (line)
[(parse-group-name line)
=> (λ (parsed-group-name)
# coding:utf-8
import requests
import threading
from queue import Queue, Empty
import time
c_thrd = int(input("请输入要执行的线程数:"))
# 设置队列长度
workQueue = Queue(c_thrd)
# 线程池
threads = []
#lang racket
(define (cup volume)
(define amount 0)
(define (pour-in! d)
(let ([old-amount amount])
(if (> (+ old-amount d) volume)
(set! amount volume)
(- (+ old-amount d) volume))