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Quotes, Phrases, and Sayings

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Being Professional ProTips

Some of my fav #protips working in the tech industry as a developer, manager, sales leader, etc.

Store All Files in the Cloud

It is rediculious to me that people still store files locally on their computer outside of a cloud-backed storage folder or tool.

# created 2024-04-25 by Noah Coad
# demo video at
import streamlit as st, boto3
# setup app
amazon_q = boto3.client('qbusiness', 'us-west-2')
st.title("Amazon Q Chatbot") #page title
# created 2024-04-25 by Noah Coad
# demo video at
import streamlit as st, boto3
# parameters
aws_region = 'us-west-2'
q_app_id = 'be05d006-3c25-439e-b25d-781ad5b2xxxx'
q_user_id = 'AmazonQ-Administrator'
noahcoad / whenVisible.js
Last active November 9, 2021 09:43
Utility function for Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey scripts to detect and handle AJAX elements and single page apps, waiting until elements exist and become visible
// Description
// whenVisible(): a utility function for Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey
// scripts to detect and handle AJAX elements and single
// page apps, waiting until elements exist and become visible
// Created
// 2021-10-01 by Noah Coad
// Usage Example
# 2021-04-28 by Noah Coad
# simple bash script to turn the Mac OSX volume up, down, get value, or set
# vol = get current volume level
# vol u = volume up by 5%
# vol d = volume down by 5%
# vol 25 = set volume level between 0-100
noahcoad /
Created January 27, 2021 00:17
There isn't a build of the Mongoose OS mos cli tool for a Raspberry Pi provided, so this shows how to build the tool on an RPi

Install Mongoose OS mos CLI Tool on Raspberry Pi RPi

I enjoy seeing how little my dev environment can actually be to accomplish cool stuff. Currently I'm using a terminal app on my iPhone to remote into a RPi0w connected to an ESP8266 dev board to code and program the ESP8266 'from my iphone'. Mongoose OS is a fantastic OS for the ESPxx family line, with it's super easy interface and tons of built-in support into the OS (configuration, common IoT platforms, event-driven javascript, libraries, etc).

# open all the URLs under the "daily" folder on the
# Google Chrome bookmarks bar in a new window from the command line
# dependency: jq
jq '.roots.bookmark_bar.children[] | select(.name | contains("daily")) | .children[].url' \
< ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Bookmarks \
| xargs '/Applications/Google Chrome' --new-window