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Changes done for AddColumn in SqlScriptGenerator
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using ENV.Data;
using ENV.Data.DataProvider;
using Firefly.Box.Data.Advanced;
using Firefly.Box.Data.DataProvider;
using Firefly.Box;
namespace ENV.Utilities
public class GetDefinition
public abstract class TableBase : ENV.Data.Entity
protected IEntityDataProvider _dataProvider;
public TableBase(string name, IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
: base(name, dataProvider)
_dataProvider = dataProvider;
AutoCreateTable = false;
public abstract string GetTableName();
internal abstract void WriteTo(EntityWriter ew);
public class Tables : TableBase
public readonly TextColumn TableName = new TextColumn("Table_Name", "100", "Name");
public readonly TextColumn Type = new TextColumn("Table_Type", "50", "Type");
public readonly TextColumn TableCatalog = new TextColumn("Table_Catalog", "100", "Catalog");
public readonly TextColumn TableSchema = new TextColumn("Table_Schema", "100", "Schema");
public Tables(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
: base("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES", dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
public override string GetTableName()
return TableName;
class PrimaryKeys : ENV.Data.Entity
internal readonly TextColumn TableCatalog = new TextColumn("Table_Catalog", "100", "Catalog");
internal readonly TextColumn TableSchema = new TextColumn("Table_Schema", "100", "Schema");
internal readonly TextColumn TableName = new TextColumn("Table_Name", "100", "Table Name");
internal readonly TextColumn ColumnName = new TextColumn("Column_Name", "100", "Name");
public PrimaryKeys(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
public class Indexes : ENV.Data.Entity
public readonly TextColumn TableName = new TextColumn("TABLE_NAME", "100", "Table Name");
public readonly TextColumn Name = new TextColumn("NAME", "100", "Name");
public readonly NumberColumn TableID = new NumberColumn("TABLE_ID", "18");
public readonly NumberColumn IndexId = new NumberColumn("INDEX_ID", "18");
public readonly NumberColumn NumberOfColumns = new NumberColumn("NUMBEROFCOLUMNS", "18");
public readonly BoolColumn IsUnique = new BoolColumn("IS_UNIQUE", "18");
public Indexes(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
public class IndexColumns : ENV.Data.Entity
public readonly NumberColumn TableID = new NumberColumn("OBJECT_ID", "18");
public readonly NumberColumn IndexId = new NumberColumn("INDEX_ID", "18");
public readonly TextColumn ColumnName = new TextColumn("NAME", "100", "Name");
public readonly BoolColumn IsDescending = new BoolColumn("IS_DESCENDING_KEY", "18");
public IndexColumns(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
: base("( SELECT C.NAME,I.INDEX_ID,I.OBJECT_ID,I.IS_DESCENDING_KEY FROM sys.index_columns I,sys.columns C WHERE I.OBJECT_ID=C.OBJECT_ID AND C.COLUMN_ID=I.COLUMN_ID ) as columnIndexes", dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
public class Columns : ENV.Data.Entity
internal readonly TextColumn TableCatalog = new TextColumn("Table_Catalog", "100", "Catalog");
internal readonly TextColumn TableSchema = new TextColumn("Table_Schema", "100", "Schema");
internal readonly TextColumn TableName = new TextColumn("Table_Name", "100", "Table Name");
internal readonly NumberColumn OrdinalPosition = new NumberColumn("Ordinal_Position", "3", "Order");
internal readonly TextColumn ColumnName = new TextColumn("Column_Name", "100", "Name");
internal readonly TextColumn DefaultValue = new TextColumn("Column_Default", "100");
internal readonly TextColumn DataType = new TextColumn("Data_Type", "100");
internal readonly NumberColumn MaxLength = new NumberColumn("Character_maximum_length", "4");
internal readonly TextColumn AllowNull = new TextColumn("Is_Nullable", "2");
internal readonly NumberColumn NumericPresision = new NumberColumn("Numeric_precision", "4");
internal readonly NumberColumn NumericScale = new NumberColumn("Numeric_Scale", "4");
public Columns(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
: base("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS", "Columns", dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
internal void WriteTo(EntityWriter ew)
ew.WriteColumn(ColumnName, DataType, NumericPresision, NumericScale, MaxLength, DefaultValue,
AllowNull != "NO", null);
internal override void WriteTo(EntityWriter ew)
var foundPrimaryKey = false;
var pk = new PrimaryKeys(_dataProvider);
var bp = new BusinessProcess { From = pk };
bp.ForEachRow(() => ew.AddPrimaryKey(pk.ColumnName));
foundPrimaryKey = bp.Counter > 0;
var ind = new Indexes(_dataProvider);
var bp = new BusinessProcess { From = ind };
bp.ForFirstRow(() =>
var cols = new IndexColumns(_dataProvider);
var bp2 = new BusinessProcess { From = cols };
var idxWriter = ew.AddIndex(ind.Name, ind.IsUnique);
bp2.ForEachRow(() =>
if (!foundPrimaryKey && ind.IsUnique)
idxWriter.Add(cols.ColumnName, cols.IsDescending);
if (ind.IsUnique)
foundPrimaryKey = true;
var cols = new Columns(_dataProvider);
var bp = new BusinessProcess { From = cols };
bp.ForEachRow(() =>
public static string FixName(string name)
if (name.ToUpper() != name)
return name;
var x = name.Split('_');
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
if (x[i].Length > 1)
x[i] = x[i][0] + x[i].Substring(1).ToLower();
return String.Join("", x);
internal class OracleTables : TableBase
internal readonly TextColumn TableName = new TextColumn("tname", "100", "Name");
internal readonly TextColumn Type = new TextColumn("tabtype", "50", "Type");
public OracleTables(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
: base("tab", dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
public override string GetTableName()
return TableName;
internal override void WriteTo(EntityWriter ew)
var cols = new Columns(_dataProvider);
var bp = new BusinessProcess { From = cols };
bp.ForEachRow(() => { cols.WriteTo(ew); });
public class Columns : ENV.Data.Entity
internal readonly TextColumn TableName = new TextColumn("Table_Name", "100", "Table Name");
internal readonly NumberColumn OrdinalPosition = new NumberColumn("Column_id", "3", "Order");
internal readonly TextColumn ColumnName = new TextColumn("Column_Name", "100", "Name");
internal readonly TextColumn DefaultValue = new TextColumn("data_default", "100");
internal readonly TextColumn DataType = new TextColumn("Data_Type", "100");
internal readonly NumberColumn MaxLength = new NumberColumn("data_length", "4");
internal readonly TextColumn AllowNull = new TextColumn("Nullable", "1");
internal readonly NumberColumn NumericPresision = new NumberColumn("data_precision", "4");
internal readonly NumberColumn NumericScale = new NumberColumn("data_Scale", "4");
public Columns(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
: base("user_tab_columns", "Columns", dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
public void WriteTo(EntityWriter ew)
ew.WriteColumn(ColumnName, DataType, NumericPresision, NumericScale, MaxLength, DataType == "CHAR" && MaxLength == 8 ? "('00000000')" : DefaultValue,
AllowNull != "N", null);
public class Indexes : ENV.Data.Entity
public readonly TextColumn TableName = new TextColumn("TABLE_NAME", "100", "Table Name");
public readonly TextColumn Name = new TextColumn("index_name", "100", "Name");
public Indexes(IEntityDataProvider dataProvider)
: base("user_indexes", dataProvider)
AutoCreateTable = false;
internal class EntityWriter : IDisposable
IndentedTextWriter _writer;
string _tableName;
string _datasourceName;
Type _datasourceClassType;
public EntityWriter(IndentedTextWriter writer, string tableName, string datasourceName, Type datasourceClassType)
_datasourceClassType = datasourceClassType;
_datasourceName = datasourceName;
_writer = writer;
_tableName = tableName;
writer.WriteLine("/* auto generated entity code, {0}*/", DateTime.Now);
writer.WriteLine("using {0};", typeof(ENV.Data.Entity).Namespace);
writer.WriteLine("namespace {0}.Models", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name);
writer.WriteLine("public class {0} : {1}", FixName( tableName.Trim()), typeof(ENV.Data.Entity).Name);
class ColumnWriter
IndentedTextWriter _writer;
Text columnName, columnCaption;
string dataType;
Number numericPresision;
Number NumericScale;
Number MaxLength;
string DefaultValue;
bool allowNull;
EntityWriter _parent;
public ColumnWriter(EntityWriter parent, IndentedTextWriter writer, string columnName, string dataType, Number numericPresision, Number numericScale, Number maxLength, string defaultValue, bool allowNull, string columnCaption)
_parent = parent;
_writer = writer;
this.columnName = columnName.Trim();
this.columnCaption = columnCaption ?? this.columnName;
this.dataType = dataType;
this.numericPresision = numericPresision;
NumericScale = numericScale;
MaxLength = maxLength;
DefaultValue = defaultValue;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultValue))
DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Trim();
this.allowNull = allowNull;
void WriteColumn(Type type)
WriteColumn(type, null);
void WriteColumn(Type type, string format)
WriteColumn(type, format, delegate { });
public void WriteColumn()
switch (dataType.Trim().ToLower())
case "decimal":
case "real":
case "int":
case "integer":
case "smallint":
case "tinyint":
case "bigint":
case "float":
case "numeric":
case "number":
case "money":
var p = numericPresision.ToDecimal();
p = Math.Min(p, 20);
string format = null;
if (p > 0)
format = NumericScale > 0 ? (p - NumericScale).ToString().Trim() + "." + NumericScale.ToString().Trim() : p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim();
WriteColumn(typeof(NumberColumn), format);
case "nchar":
case "nvarchar":
case "ntext":
case "nvarchar2":
WriteColumn(typeof(TextColumn), MaxLength.ToString().Trim(),
x =>
typeof(TextStorageType).Name + "." + TextStorageType.Unicode.ToString()));
case "text":
case "varchar":
case "varchar2":
WriteColumn(typeof(TextColumn), MaxLength.ToString().Trim());
case "char":
if (MaxLength == 8 && DefaultValue == "('00000000')")
WriteColumn(typeof(TextColumn), MaxLength.ToString().Trim());
case "date":
WriteColumn(typeof(DateColumn), null,
x =>
x("Storage", "new " + typeof(ENV.Data.Storage.DateDateStorage).FullName + "()"));
case "datetime":
WriteColumn(typeof(DateColumn), null,
x =>
x("Storage", "new " + typeof(ENV.Data.Storage.DateTimeDateStorage).FullName + "()"));
case "time":
WriteColumn(typeof(TimeColumn),null, x =>
x("Storage", "new " + typeof(ENV.Data.Storage.TimeSpanTimeStorage).FullName + "()"));
case "bit":
case "image":
case "binary":
case "blob":
case "varbinary":
case "rowid":
"public readonly {0} {1} = new {0}(\"{8}\",\"100\"); /* unknown datatype:{2}, default value:{3} max_length:{4} precision:{5} scale:{6} allowNull:{7}*/",
typeof(TextColumn).Name, FixName(columnName.Trim()), dataType.Trim(), DefaultValue.Trim(), MaxLength,
numericPresision, NumericScale, allowNull, columnName);
void WriteColumn(Type type, string format, Action<Action<string, string>> setProperties)
if (_parent._pkColumns.Contains(columnName))
_writer.Write("public readonly {0} {1} = new {0}(\"{4}\"{2}{3})",
type.Name, FixName( columnName), format != null ? ", \"" + format + "\"" : "", (!Text.IsNullOrEmpty(columnCaption) && columnCaption != columnName) ? (string)(", \"" + columnCaption.TrimEnd() + "\"") : "",columnName);
bool hadProperties = false;
Action<string, string> propertySetter = (name, value) =>
if (!hadProperties)
_writer.Write(" { ");
hadProperties = true;
_writer.Write(", ");
_writer.Write("{0} = {1}", name, value);
if (allowNull && type != typeof(ByteArrayColumn))
propertySetter("AllowNull", "true");
if (hadProperties)
_writer.WriteLine(" };");
public void WriteColumn(string columnName, string dataType, Number numericPresision, Number numericScale, Number maxLength, string defaultValue, bool allowNull, string columnCaption)
new ColumnWriter(this, _writer, columnName, dataType, numericPresision, numericScale, maxLength, defaultValue,
allowNull, columnCaption).WriteColumn();
public void Dispose()
if (_indexes.Count > 0)
_writer.Write("#region Indexes");
foreach (var idx in _indexes)
_writer.Write("public readonly Index SortBy{0} = new Index",FixName( idx.Name));
_writer.Write(" {");
_writer.Write(" Name = \"{0}\"{1}", idx.Name, idx.Unique ? ", " : "");
if (idx.Unique)
_writer.Write("Unique = true");
_writer.WriteLine(" };");
_writer.WriteLine("public {0}() : base(\"{3}\", {1}.{2})",FixName( _tableName), _datasourceClassType.FullName,
foreach (var index in _indexes)
HashSet<string> _pkColumns = new HashSet<string>();
public void AddPrimaryKey(string columnName)
internal class Idx
public string Name;
public bool Unique;
public List<IdxCol> Cols = new List<IdxCol>();
bool _hasDesc = false;
public void Add(string name, bool descending)
if (descending)
_hasDesc = true;
Cols.Add(new IdxCol { Name = name.TrimEnd(), Descending = descending });
internal class IdxCol
public string Name;
public bool Descending;
public void Write(IndentedTextWriter writer)
if (!_hasDesc)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var idxCol in Cols)
if (sb.Length > 0)
sb.Append(", ");
sb.Append(FixName( idxCol.Name));
writer.WriteLine("SortBy{0}.Add({1});", FixName(Name), sb);
foreach (var idxCol in Cols)
writer.WriteLine("SortBy{0}.Add({1}{2});", FixName(Name),FixName( idxCol.Name), idxCol.Descending ? ", SortDirection.Descending" : "");
List<Idx> _indexes = new List<Idx>();
public Idx AddIndex(string name, bool isUnique)
Idx result = new Idx { Name = name.TrimEnd(), Unique = isUnique };
return result;
string _datasourceName;
Type _datasourceClassType;
IEntityDataProvider _dp;
ISupportsGetDefinition _gd;
internal GetDefinition(string datasourceName, Type datasourceClassType, IEntityDataProvider dp, ISupportsGetDefinition gd)
_dp = dp;
_gd = gd;
_datasourceClassType = datasourceClassType;
_datasourceName = datasourceName;
string GenerateCsharpCode(TableBase table)
using (var ms = new StringWriter())
using (var writer = new IndentedTextWriter(ms))
using (var ew = new EntityWriter(writer, table.GetTableName().Trim(), _datasourceName, _datasourceClassType))
return ms.ToString();
public void Show()
_gd.SendTables(_dp, (tables, where) =>
var eb = new EntityBrowser(tables);
if (where != null)
eb.AddAction("Generate C# Code", () =>
EntityBrowser.ShowString("Entity Code", GenerateCsharpCode(tables));
catch (Exception e)
Common.ShowExceptionDialog(e, true, "");
}, true);
public static void Run(Type dataSourceClassType)
var e = new Entity("Available Connections", new DataSetDataProvider());
var dataSourceName = new TextColumn("Name", "50");
var definitionGetters = new Dictionary<string, GetDefinition>();
foreach (var propertyInfo in dataSourceClassType.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public))
var x = propertyInfo.GetValue(null, new object[0]) as IEntityDataProvider;
if (x != null)
var name = propertyInfo.Name;
Action<GetDefinition> add = g =>
new BusinessProcess { From = e, Activity = Activities.Insert }.
ForFirstRow(() =>
dataSourceName.Value = name;
definitionGetters.Add(name, g);
var z = x as ISupportsGetDefinition;
if (z != null && z.Available)
add(new GetDefinition(name, dataSourceClassType, x, z));
var eb = new EntityBrowser(e);
eb.AddAction("View Tables", () =>
}, true);
public interface ISupportsGetDefinition
bool Available { get; }
void SendTables(IEntityDataProvider dp, Action<GetDefinition.TableBase, FilterBase> to);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ENV.Data.DataProvider;
using Firefly.Box.Data;
using Firefly.Box.Data.Advanced;
using ENV.Data;
using BoolColumn = ENV.Data.BoolColumn;
using ByteArrayColumn = ENV.Data.ByteArrayColumn;
using DateColumn = ENV.Data.DateColumn;
using Entity = ENV.Data.Entity;
using NumberColumn = ENV.Data.NumberColumn;
using TextColumn = ENV.Data.TextColumn;
using TimeColumn = ENV.Data.TimeColumn;
namespace ENV.Utilities
public enum ScriptType
public class EntityScriptGenerator
SqlScriptGenerator _sql;
public EntityScriptGenerator(SqlScriptGenerator sql)
_sql = sql;
public ScriptType ScriptType = ScriptType.Full;
public EntityScriptGenerator(bool oracle)
_sql = new SqlScriptGenerator(oracle);
public void ToClipBoard()
using (var s = new System.IO.StringWriter())
public void ToWriter(System.IO.TextWriter writer)
_sql.WriteTo(writer, ScriptType);
public void Execute(Action<string> executer)
_sql.Execute(executer, ScriptType);
public void ToFile(string fileName)
using (var sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
private static HashSet<string> _invalidNames =
new HashSet<string>(new[] { "GRANT", "CASE", "SELECT", "TABLE", "USER" });
public static string FixNameForDb(string name, int maxLength = int.MaxValue, string numberedNamePrefix = "_")
var newNameCharArray = name.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < newNameCharArray.Length; i++)
if (!"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890".Contains(newNameCharArray[i].ToString().ToUpper()))
newNameCharArray[i] = '_';
var newName = new string(newNameCharArray);
while (newName.Contains("__"))
newName = newName.Replace("__", "_");
if (newName.Length == 0 || "1234567890".Contains(newName[0]))
newName = numberedNamePrefix + newName;
if (_invalidNames.Contains(newName.ToUpper()))
newName += "_";
if (newName.Length > maxLength)
newName = newName.Remove(maxLength);
var result = newName;
return result;
public static string GenerateOKIndexName(string caption, HashSet<string> usedNames, int maxLength, string numberedNamePrefix)
var newName = FixNameForDb(caption, maxLength, numberedNamePrefix);
var result = newName;
int j = 0;
while (usedNames.Contains(result.ToUpper()))
var s = j.ToString();
if (s.Length + newName.Length > maxLength)
newName = newName.Remove(maxLength - s.Length);
result = newName + j;
return result;
public void AddEntity(Firefly.Box.Data.Entity e)
var t = _sql.CreateTable(e, "");
foreach (var c in e.Columns)
AddColumnToTableCreator(t, c);
bool needPKIndex = true;
var usedNames = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var indexxxx in e.Indexes)
var index = indexxxx as Index;
if (index == null)
if (!index.AutoCreate)
string name = PathDecoder.DecodePath(index.Name) ?? GenerateOKIndexName(e.EntityName + index.Caption, usedNames, t.MaxNameLength, "Ix_");
HashSet<ColumnBase> usedColumns = AddIndexToTableCreator(t, index, name);
if (e.PrimaryKeyColumns.Length - usedColumns.Count <= 1)
bool allAreHere = index.Unique;
foreach (var c in e.PrimaryKeyColumns)
if (IsPartOfDateTime(c))
if (!usedColumns.Contains(c))
allAreHere = false;
if (allAreHere && e.PrimaryKeyColumns.Length == indexxxx.Segments.Count)
needPKIndex = false;
if (needPKIndex)
var x = new List<string>();
foreach (var list in e.PrimaryKeyColumns)
var tc = list as TimeColumn;
if (tc != null && tc.DateColumnForDateTimeStorage != null)
if (x.Count > 0)
static HashSet<ColumnBase> AddIndexToTableCreator(SqlScriptTableCreator t, Index index, string name)
var usedColumns = new HashSet<ColumnBase>();
var items = new List<string>();
foreach (var segment in index.Segments)
if (IsPartOfDateTime(segment.Column))
items.Add(segment.Column.Name +
(segment.Direction == Firefly.Box.SortDirection.Descending ? " desc" : ""));
t.AddIndex(name, index.Unique, items.ToArray());
return usedColumns;
static void AddColumnToTableCreator(SqlScriptTableCreator t, ColumnBase c)
string dbType = null;
string dbDefault = null;
var col = c as SqlScriptGenerator.IColumn;
if (col != null)
dbType = col.DbType;
dbDefault = col.DbDefault;
var h = new ScriptHelper(c, dbDefault);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbType))
t.AddCustomColumn(c.Name, c.Caption, dbType, dbDefault, c.AllowNull);
else if (c == c.Entity.IdentityColumn)
t.AddIdentityColumn(c.Name, c.Caption);
else if (c is Firefly.Box.Data.NumberColumn)
AddToT((Firefly.Box.Data.NumberColumn)c, t, () => t.AddNumber(c.Name, c.Caption, c.Format, c.AllowNull), h);
else if (c is Firefly.Box.Data.TextColumn)
AddToT((Firefly.Box.Data.TextColumn)c, t, () => t.AddText(c.Name, c.Caption, c.Format, c.AllowNull, true, false, h), h);
else if (c is Firefly.Box.Data.BoolColumn)
AddToT((Firefly.Box.Data.BoolColumn)c, t, () => t.AddBoolInt(c.Name, c.Caption, c.AllowNull), h);
else if (c is Firefly.Box.Data.DateColumn)
AddToT((Firefly.Box.Data.DateColumn)c, t, () =>
if (((DateColumn)c).TimeColumnForDateTimeStorage != null)
t.AddDateTime(c.Name, c.Caption, c.AllowNull, h);
t.AddStringDate(c.Name, c.Caption, c.AllowNull);
}, h);
else if (c is Firefly.Box.Data.DateTimeColumn)
AddToT((Firefly.Box.Data.DateTimeColumn)c, t, () => t.AddDateTime(c.Name, c.Caption, c.AllowNull, h), h);
else if (c is Firefly.Box.Data.TimeColumn)
var tc = c as Firefly.Box.Data.TimeColumn;
if (tc.DateColumnForDateTimeStorage == null)
AddToT((Firefly.Box.Data.TimeColumn)c, t, () => t.AddIntegerTime(c.Name, c.Caption, c.AllowNull), h);
else if (c is Firefly.Box.Data.ByteArrayColumn)
AddToT((Firefly.Box.Data.ByteArrayColumn)c, t, () => t.AddBinary(c.Name, c.Caption, 0), h);
public static void AddColumn(ColumnBase columnToAdd, DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider db = null)
db = GetDb(db, columnToAdd.Entity);
var t = db.CreateScriptGeneratorTable(columnToAdd.Entity);
AddColumnToTableCreator(t, columnToAdd);
t.WriteTo(db.Execute, ScriptType.AddColumns);
public static void AddIndex(Entity e, Index index, DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider db = null)
db = GetDb(db, e);
var t = db.CreateScriptGeneratorTable(e);
AddIndexToTableCreator(t, index, index.Name);
t.WriteTo(db.Execute, ScriptType.IndexOnly);
public static void AddIndexIfNotFound(Entity e, Index index, DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider db = null)
db = GetDb(db, e);
if (db.IsOracle)
var idx = new GetDefinition.OracleTables.Indexes(e.DataProvider);
if (idx.Contains(EntityNameFilter(idx.TableName, e).And(idx.Name.IsEqualTo(index.Name))))
var idx = new GetDefinition.Tables.Indexes(e.DataProvider);
if (idx.Contains(EntityNameFilter(idx.TableName, e).And(idx.Name.IsEqualTo(index.Name))))
var t = db.CreateScriptGeneratorTable(e);
AddIndexToTableCreator(t, index, index.Name);
t.WriteTo(db.Execute, ScriptType.IndexOnly);
public static void AddColumnIfNotFound(ColumnBase columnToAdd, DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider db = null)
db = GetDb(db, columnToAdd.Entity);
if (db.IsOracle)
var cols = new GetDefinition.OracleTables.Columns(db);
var fc = new FilterCollection();
if (cols.Contains(EntityNameFilter(cols.TableName, columnToAdd.Entity).And(cols.ColumnName.IsEqualTo(columnToAdd.Name))))
var cols = new GetDefinition.Tables.Columns(db);
var fc = new FilterCollection();
if (cols.Contains(EntityNameFilter(cols.TableName, columnToAdd.Entity).And(cols.ColumnName.IsEqualTo(columnToAdd.Name))))
var t = db.CreateScriptGeneratorTable(columnToAdd.Entity);
AddColumnToTableCreator(t, columnToAdd);
t.WriteTo(db.Execute, ScriptType.AddColumns);
static FilterBase EntityNameFilter(TextColumn col, Firefly.Box.Data.Entity e)
var entityName = e.EntityName.Replace("dbo.", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
return col.IsEqualTo(entityName);
public static void VerifyEntityStructure(ENV.Data.Entity e)
if (!e.Exists())
var db = GetDb(null, e);
foreach (var column in e.Columns)
foreach (var index in e.Indexes)
var idx = index as Index;
if (idx != null && idx.AutoCreate)
AddIndexIfNotFound(e, idx);
private static DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider GetDb(DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider db, Firefly.Box.Data.Entity e)
if (db == null)
var envE = e as ENV.Data.Entity;
if (envE == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(db) + " should be provided or Entity should be " + typeof(Entity).FullName);
db = envE.DataProvider as DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider;
if (db == null)
if (envE == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(db) + " should be provided or Entity Database should be " + typeof(DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider).FullName);
return db;
static bool IsPartOfDateTime(ColumnBase column)
var tc = column as TimeColumn;
return tc != null && tc.DateColumnForDateTimeStorage != null;
public static void AddToT<T>(TypedColumnBase<T> c, SqlScriptTableCreator t, Action ifDoesntHaveStorage, ScriptHelper helper)
var s = (c).Storage as IStorageScriptCreator;
if (s != null)
s.AddTo(t, c.Name, c.Caption, c.AllowNull, helper);
interface IStorageScriptCreator
void AddTo(SqlScriptTableCreator sql, string name, string caption, bool allowNull, ScriptHelper helper);
public interface SqlScriptTableCreator
void WriteTo(Action<string> commandExecutioner, ScriptType scriptType);
void AddIdentityColumn(string name, string caption);
void AddNumber(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull);
void AddStringDate(string name, string caption, bool allowNull);
void AddIntegerTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull);
void AddText(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull, bool unicode, bool fixedWidth, ScriptHelper helper);
void AddBoolInt(string name, string caption, bool allowNull);
void AddBinary(string name, string caption, int i);
void AddStringTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull);
void AddDateTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull, ScriptHelper helper);
void AddBoolString(string name, string caption, bool allowNull);
string CommandSeparator { get; }
int MaxNameLength { get; }
void AddPrimaryKey(IEnumerable<string> columns);
void AddIndex(string name, bool unique, IEnumerable<string> items);
void AddDate(string name, string caption);
void AddTimeSpan(string name);
void AddCustomColumn(string name, string caption, string dbType, string dbDefault, bool allowNull);
public class ScriptHelper
private ColumnBase _column;
private string _dbDefault;
public ScriptHelper(ColumnBase c, string dbDefault)
this._column = c;
this._dbDefault = dbDefault;
internal string GetStringDefault()
string r = _dbDefault;
if (r == null)
if (MssqlTable.UseDefaultsAsDBDefaults)
var c = _column as Firefly.Box.Data.TextColumn;
if (c != null)
r = c.DefaultValue;
if (r == null)
if (c.AllowNull)
return "'null'";
r = "";
r = r.TrimEnd();
return "' '";
if (r == "")
r = " ";
return "'" + r.Replace("'", "''") + "'";
interface SqlScriptGeneratorHelper
string GetEntityName();
public class SqlScriptGenerator
public interface IColumn
string DbType { get; set; }
string DbDefault { get; set; }
Dictionary<string, List<SqlScriptTableCreator>> _tables = new Dictionary<string, List<SqlScriptTableCreator>>();
Func<Firefly.Box.Data.Entity, SqlScriptTableCreator> _createTable;
public SqlScriptGenerator()
: this(false)
public SqlScriptGenerator(Func<Firefly.Box.Data.Entity, SqlScriptTableCreator> createTable)
_createTable = createTable;
static string GetEntityName(Firefly.Box.Data.Entity e)
var h = e as SqlScriptGeneratorHelper;
if (h != null)
return h.GetEntityName();
return e.EntityName;
public SqlScriptGenerator(bool oracle)
if (oracle)
_createTable = s => new OracleTable(GetEntityName(s));
_createTable = s => new MssqlTable(GetEntityName(s), s);
public SqlScriptTableCreator CreateTable(Firefly.Box.Data.Entity dbname, string databaseName)
var result = _createTable(dbname);
List<SqlScriptTableCreator> t;
if (!_tables.TryGetValue(databaseName, out t))
t = new List<SqlScriptTableCreator>();
_tables.Add(databaseName, t);
return result;
public void WriteTo(TextWriter writer, ScriptType scriptType)
foreach (var l in _tables)
foreach (var table in l.Value)
table.WriteTo(x =>
}, scriptType);
public void Execute(Action<string> executeScript, ScriptType scriptType)
foreach (var t in _tables.Values)
foreach (var table in t)
table.WriteTo(executeScript, scriptType);
class TableBase
string _dbname;
protected List<string> _fields = new List<string>();
public TableBase(string dbname)
_dbname = dbname;
protected virtual string WrapName(string name)
return name;
public virtual void WriteTo(Action<string> script, ScriptType scriptType)
using (var sw = new StringWriter())
if (scriptType == ScriptType.AddColumns)
foreach (var field in _fields)
script("alter table " + _dbname + " add " + field);
if (scriptType != ScriptType.IndexOnly)
sw.WriteLine("create table {0} (", _dbname);
bool first = true;
foreach (var field in _fields)
if (first)
first = false;
if (scriptType != ScriptType.TableOnly)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pkColumns))
foreach (var action in _createIndexes)
if (scriptType != ScriptType.IndexOnly)
public virtual void AddCustomColumn(string name, string caption, string dbType, string dbDefault, bool allowNull)
string s = WrapName(name) + " " + dbType;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbDefault))
s += " default (" + dbDefault + ")";
if (!allowNull)
s += " not null";
protected virtual void AdditionalTableInfo(Action<String> script)
protected virtual void CreatePrimaryKeyIndex(Action<string> script)
string indexName = _dbname + "_pk";
if (indexName.IndexOf('.') > -1)
indexName = indexName.Substring(indexName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
if (_pkColumns != "")
script(string.Format("create unique index {0} on {2} ({1})", WrapName(indexName), _pkColumns, WrapName(_dbname)));
public virtual void AddIndex(string indexName, bool unique, IEnumerable<string> items)
if (indexName.IndexOf('.') > -1)
indexName = indexName.Substring(indexName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
var columns = "";
foreach (var item in items)
if (columns.Length > 0)
columns += ", ";
columns += WrapName(item);
_createIndexes.Add(script =>
script(string.Format("create {3}index {0} on {2} ({1})", indexName, columns, _dbname, unique ? "Unique " : "")));
private List<Action<Action<string>>> _createIndexes = new List<Action<Action<string>>>();
protected string _pkColumns = "";
public void AddPrimaryKey(IEnumerable<string> columns)
foreach (var column in columns)
if (_pkColumns.Length > 0)
_pkColumns += ", ";
_pkColumns += WrapName(column);
class OdbcTable : TableBase, SqlScriptTableCreator
protected override string WrapName(string name)
return _nameWrapper + base.WrapName(name) + _nameWrapper;
string _nameWrapper;
public OdbcTable(string dbName, string nameWrapper)
: base(dbName)
_nameWrapper = nameWrapper;
public void AddIdentityColumn(string name, string caption)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void AddNumber(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull)
var f = new NumberFormatInfo(format);
if (f.Precision == 0)
f = new NumberFormatInfo("15.3");
if (f.Scale == 0 && f.Precision <= 9)
Add(name, " int" + (allowNull ? "" : " NOT NULL"));
Add(name, string.Format(" numeric({0},{1})", f.Precision, f.Scale) + (allowNull ? "" : " NOT NULL"));
void Add(string name, string info)
_fields.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", WrapName(name), info));
public void AddStringDate(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
Add(name, " char(8) ");
public void AddIntegerTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
Add(name, " integer ");
public void AddText(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull, bool unicode, bool fixedWidth, ScriptHelper helper)
var f = new TextFormatInfo(format);
var s = string.Format(" nchar ({0}) ", f.MaxDataLength);
if (f.MaxDataLength > 4000)
s = "ntext";
if (!unicode)
s = string.Format(" char ({0}) ", f.MaxDataLength);
if (f.MaxDataLength > 4000)
s = "text";
s += (allowNull ? "" : " NOT NULL");
Add(name, s);
public void AddBoolInt(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
Add(name, " integer ");
public void AddBinary(string name, string caption, int i)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void AddStringTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
Add(name, " char(6) ");
public void AddDateTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull, ScriptHelper helper)
Add(name, " datetime" + (allowNull ? "" : " not null"));
public void AddBoolString(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
Add(name, " char(1)");
public string CommandSeparator
get { return "\r\ngo"; }
public int MaxNameLength
get { return 30; }
public void AddDate(string name, string caption)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void AddTimeSpan(string name)
throw new NotImplementedException();
class MssqlTable : TableBase, SqlScriptTableCreator
Firefly.Box.Data.Entity _entity;
bool _additionalInfo = false;
public MssqlTable(string dbName, Firefly.Box.Data.Entity entity)
: this(dbName, entity, false)
public MssqlTable(string dbName, Firefly.Box.Data.Entity entity, bool doNotAddAdditionalInfo)
: base(dbName)
_additionalInfo = !doNotAddAdditionalInfo;
_entity = entity;
public virtual void AddIdentityColumn(string name, string caption)
_fields.Add(name + " bigint IDENTITY(1,1)");
protected override void CreatePrimaryKeyIndex(Action<string> script)
if (!UseIdentityAsPrimaryKey)
script(string.Format("alter table {0} add primary key ({1})", _entity.EntityName, _pkColumns));
public void AddNumber(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull)
var f = new NumberFormatInfo(format);
string dataType = string.Format("decimal ({0},{1})", 18,
if (f.Scale == 0)
if (f.Precision < 5 && !UseDecimalTypes && f.Precision > 0)
dataType = "smallint";
else if (f.Precision < 10)
dataType = "int";
else if (f.Precision < 16)
dataType = "bigint";
if (!UseDecimalTypes)
if (f.Precision < 6)
dataType = "real";
else if (f.Precision < 16)
dataType = "float";
_fields.Add(name + " " + dataType + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddStringDate(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(8)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default '00000000' not null"));
public void AddIntegerTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " int" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddText(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull, bool unicode, bool fixedWidth, ScriptHelper helper)
var f = new TextFormatInfo(format);
_fields.Add(name + string.Format(" " + (unicode ? "n" : "") + (fixedWidth ? "char" : "varchar") + " ({0})" + (allowNull ? "" : " default " + helper.GetStringDefault() + " not null"), f.MaxDataLength == 0 || f.MaxDataLength > 4000 ? "max" : f.MaxDataLength.ToString()));
public void AddBoolInt(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " smallint" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddBinary(string name, string caption, int i)
if (i == 0)
_fields.Add(name + " image");
_fields.Add(name + " binary (" + i + ")");
public void AddStringTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(6)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default '000000' not null"));
public void AddDateTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull, ScriptHelper helper)
_fields.Add(name + " datetime" + (allowNull ? "" : " not null"));
public void AddBoolString(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(1)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 'F' not null"));
public string CommandSeparator
get { return "\r\ngo"; }
public int MaxNameLength
get { return 128; }
public static bool UseDecimalTypes { get; set; }//float is evil!!!! it's not accurate
public static bool UseIdentityAsPrimaryKey { get; set; }
public static bool UseDefaultsAsDBDefaults { get; set; }
public void AddDate(string name, string caption)
_fields.Add(name + " date");
public void AddTimeSpan(string name)
_fields.Add(name + " time");
public override void WriteTo(Action<string> script, ScriptType scriptType)
using (var sw = new StringWriter())
base.WriteTo(y =>
}, scriptType);
protected override void AdditionalTableInfo(Action<string> script)
if (_entity.EntityName.Contains("#") || !_additionalInfo || true)
if (_entity.Caption != _entity.EntityName)
script(string.Format(@"EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
@name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'{0}' ,
,@level1name=N'{1}'", _entity.Caption.Replace("'", "''"), _entity.EntityName.Replace("'", "''")));
script(string.Format(@"EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
@name=N'AppClassName', @value=N'{0}' ,
,@level1name=N'{1}'", _entity.GetType().FullName, _entity.EntityName.Replace("'", "''")));
var be = _entity as BtrieveEntity;
if (be != null)
script(string.Format(@"EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
@name=N'Btrieve Name', @value=N'{0}' ,
,@level1name=N'{1}'", be.BtrieveName, _entity.EntityName.Replace("'", "''")));
class OracleTable : TableBase, SqlScriptTableCreator
public OracleTable(string dbname)
: base(dbname)
public void AddIdentityColumn(string name, string caption)
if (name.ToUpper().Trim() != "ROWID")
AddNumber(name, caption, "15", false);
protected override void CreatePrimaryKeyIndex(Action<string> script)
public void AddNumber(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + string.Format(" Number" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null")));
public void AddStringDate(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(8)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default '00000000' not null"));
public void AddIntegerTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " Number" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddText(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull, bool unicode, bool fixedWidth, ScriptHelper helper)
var f = new TextFormatInfo(format);
var dbType = "Clob";
if (f.MaxDataLength < 4001 && f.MaxDataLength > 0)
dbType = string.Format((unicode ? "n" : "") + (fixedWidth ? "char" : "varchar2") + " ({0})", f.MaxDataLength);
_fields.Add(name + " " + dbType + (allowNull ? "" : " default " + helper.GetStringDefault() + " not null"));
public void AddBoolInt(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " Number" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddBinary(string name, string caption, int i)
if (i == 1)
_fields.Add(name + " RAW(1)");
_fields.Add(name + " blob");
public void AddStringTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(6)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default '000000' not null"));
public void AddDateTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull, ScriptHelper helper)
_fields.Add(name + " timestamp" + (allowNull ? "" : " not null"));
public void AddBoolString(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(1)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 'F' not null"));
public string CommandSeparator
get { return ";"; }
public int MaxNameLength
get { return 30; }
public void AddDate(string name, string caption)
_fields.Add(name + " date");
public void AddTimeSpan(string name)
throw new NotImplementedException();
class Db2Table : TableBase, SqlScriptTableCreator
public Db2Table(string dbName)
: base(dbName)
public virtual void AddIdentityColumn(string name, string caption)
_fields.Add(name + " bigint NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY");
public void AddNumber(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull)
var f = new NumberFormatInfo(format);
if (f.Precision == 0)
f = new NumberFormatInfo("15.3");
string dataType = string.Format("decimal ({0},{1})", f.Precision,
if (f.Scale == 0)
if (f.Precision < 5 && f.Precision > 0)
dataType = "smallint";
else if (f.Precision < 10)
dataType = "int";
else if (f.Precision < 16)
dataType = "float";
if (f.Precision < 6)
dataType = "real";
else if (f.Precision < 16)
dataType = "float";
_fields.Add(name + " " + dataType + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddStringDate(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(8)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default '00000000' not null"));
public void AddIntegerTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " int" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddText(string name, string caption, string format, bool allowNull, bool unicode, bool fixedWidth, ScriptHelper helper)
var f = new TextFormatInfo(format);
_fields.Add(name + string.Format(" " + (unicode ? "n" : "") + (fixedWidth ? "char" : "varchar") + " ({0})" + (allowNull ? "" : " default " + helper.GetStringDefault() + " not null"), f.MaxDataLength == 0 || f.MaxDataLength > 4000 ? "max" : f.MaxDataLength.ToString()));
public void AddBoolInt(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " smallint" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 0 not null"));
public void AddBinary(string name, string caption, int i)
if (i == 0)
_fields.Add(name + " image");
_fields.Add(name + " varbinary");
public void AddStringTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(6)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default '000000' not null"));
public void AddDateTime(string name, string caption, bool allowNull, ScriptHelper helper)
_fields.Add(name + " timestamp" + (allowNull ? "" : " not null"));
public void AddBoolString(string name, string caption, bool allowNull)
_fields.Add(name + " char(1)" + (allowNull ? "" : " default 'F' not null"));
public string CommandSeparator
get { return ";"; }
public int MaxNameLength
get { return 128; }
public void AddDate(string name, string caption)
_fields.Add(name + " date");
public void AddTimeSpan(string name)
_fields.Add(name + " time");
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