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Custom function for DisplayFusion that will move your cursor to the same relative position in the next or previous monitor (e.g. center of monitor 1 to center of monitor 2). Works with any mix of monitors. Workaround for mouse cursor snagging on monitors with different resolutions or not moving to the right position.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
// Note: this won't work if "lock cursor to current monitor" is enabled, so if like me you don't like having the mouse go to next monitor when you're trying to
// click a corner or edge, you can align the monitors diagonally and only use hotkeys to move the mouse between monitors.
// Made by Noam Schvetz (noamnotyou)
public static class DisplayFusionFunction {
// If you have more than 2 monitors and so want a 'previous' hotkey as well, simply use this script twice and change the value of
// 'isForwardDirection' to 'false' in one of them which will make it go backwards.
static bool isForwardDirection = false;
public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle) {
// Get current mouse coordinates
int mouseX = BFS.Input.GetMousePositionX();
int mouseY = BFS.Input.GetMousePositionY();
// Get monitor mouse is currently in and its bounds, get all available monitors' IDs
uint currentMonitorID = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorIDByXY(mouseX, mouseY);
Rectangle currentMonitorBounds = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorBoundsByID(currentMonitorID);
uint[] monitorIDs = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorIDs();
// Find next monitor from left to right and get its bounds
// There is no need to use loops for every case but we're going to, anyway, since it's going to work on any
// setup either way and this is easier to read.
int nextMonitorIndex = -1;
if (isForwardDirection) {
for (int i = 0; i < monitorIDs.Length; i++) {
if (currentMonitorID == monitorIDs[i]) {
if (i == monitorIDs.Length - 1) { nextMonitorIndex = 0; }
else { nextMonitorIndex = i + 1; }
} else {
for (int i = monitorIDs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (currentMonitorID == monitorIDs[i]) {
if (i == 0) { nextMonitorIndex = monitorIDs.Length - 1; }
else { nextMonitorIndex = i - 1; }
if (nextMonitorIndex < 0) { return; }
uint nextMonitorID = monitorIDs[nextMonitorIndex];
Rectangle nextMonitorBounds = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorBoundsByID(nextMonitorID);
// Calculate current position of cursor relative to monitor it's in (percentage of width and height of monitor)
int currentMonitorWidth = currentMonitorBounds.Width;
int currentMonitorHeight = currentMonitorBounds.Height;
int currentMonitorX = currentMonitorBounds.X;
int currentMonitorY = currentMonitorBounds.Y;
int currentMonitorAbsMouseX = mouseX - currentMonitorX;
int currentMonitorAbsMouseY = mouseY - currentMonitorY;
decimal mouseRelativeX = (decimal) currentMonitorAbsMouseX / (decimal) currentMonitorWidth;
decimal mouseRelativeY = (decimal) currentMonitorAbsMouseY / (decimal) currentMonitorHeight;
// Calculate coordinates in next monitor at the same relative position, e.g. center to center
int nextMonitorWidth = nextMonitorBounds.Width;
int nextMonitorHeight = nextMonitorBounds.Height;
int nextMonitorX = nextMonitorBounds.X;
int nextMonitorY = nextMonitorBounds.Y;
int nextMouseX = Convert.ToInt32(nextMonitorX + mouseRelativeX * nextMonitorWidth);
int nextMouseY = Convert.ToInt32(nextMonitorY + mouseRelativeY * nextMonitorHeight);
// Move mouse cursor to new relative position in next monitor.
// If called just once, results in weird behaviour and mouse moving to opposite edges and stuff
// however if called twice it works as expected.
BFS.Input.SetMousePosition(nextMouseX, nextMouseY);
BFS.Input.SetMousePosition(nextMouseX, nextMouseY);
// Debugging message
// BFS.Dialog.ShowMessageInfo("Mouse is at (" + mouseX + ", " + mouseY + ") or as fraction of monitor rectangle (" + mouseRelativeX + ", " + mouseRelativeY +
// ") of " + currentMonitorWidth + "x" + currentMonitorHeight
// + " calculated as:\n( ( mouseX [" + mouseX + "] - currentMonitorX [" + currentMonitorX + "] )" + " / currentMonitorWidth [" + currentMonitorWidth + "] )\n"
// + "( ( mouseY [" + mouseY + "] - currentMonitorY [" + currentMonitorY + "] )" + " / currentMonitorHeight [" + currentMonitorHeight + "] )\n"
// + " So I'll move the mouse to (" + nextMouseX + ", " + nextMouseY + ")");
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