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Last active December 14, 2022 13:46
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Understanding the Haskell IO monad by implementing it in Python
# Based on
# This passes `mypy --strict`, which is cool.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple, Callable, TypeVar
A = TypeVar('A')
B = TypeVar('B')
class World(NamedTuple):
def print_str(s: str, w: World) -> World:
return w
def read_str(w: World) -> Tuple[str, World]:
s = input()
return s, w
WorldT = Callable[[World], Tuple[A, World]]
def bind(wt: WorldT[A], f: Callable[[A], WorldT[B]]) -> WorldT[B]:
def wt_r(w: World) -> Tuple[B, World]:
t, w2 = wt(w)
wt2 = f(t)
s, w3 = wt2(w2)
return s, w3
return wt_r
def read_str_t(w: World) -> Tuple[str, World]:
s, w = read_str(w)
return s, w
_verify_read_str_t_type: WorldT[str] = read_str_t
def print_str_t(s: str) -> WorldT[None]:
def wt(w: World) -> Tuple[None, World]:
w2 = print_str(s, w)
return None, w2
return wt
def what_is_your_pure_name(w1: World) -> World:
w2 = print_str("What is your name?", w1)
name, w3 = read_str(w2)
w4 = print_str(f"Hello, {name}", w3)
return w4
what_is_your_pure_name_t: WorldT[None] = bind(
print_str_t("What is your name?"),
lambda _: bind(read_str_t, lambda name: print_str_t(f"Hi, {name}")))
conditional_t: WorldT[None] = bind(
print_str_t("What is your name?"),
lambda _: bind(
read_str_t, lambda name: bind(
print_str_t("That's a nice name!") if name == 'noam' else print_str_t("That's a name."),
lambda _: print_str_t("Ok, I'm done.")
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