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Created June 26, 2014 20:15
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slowGET - A throttled version of GET
throttle = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
throttle$recent = data.frame(domain = character(), last_visit = character())
#' A throttled version of GET
#' This uses \code{httr::GET} to fetch a web page, but throttles based on domains.
#' \code{slowGET} keeps a list of domains recently accessed by itself in a
#' separate environment. If a domain has been accessed since \code{pause}
#' seconds ago, it will delay execution until that time has passed
#' @param pause The time between calls to a domain. Defaults to 10. Can be set
#' generally with \code{options(SlowGetPause=VALUE)}.
#' @param url URL to getch
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to \code{httr::GET}
#' @importFrom stringi stri_replace_first_regex
#' @importFROM httr GET
#' @export
slowGET = function(url, pause=NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(pause)) pause = getOption("SlowGetPause")
if(is.null(pause)) pause = 10
domain = stri_replace_first_regex(url, "https?://[^\\.]*\\.([^/\\s]+)/?[^\\s]*", "$1")
if(domain %in% throttle$recent$domain) {
next_time = throttle$recent$last_visit[domain == throttle$recent$domain] +
while(Sys.time() < next_time) {
dum <- 0
throttle$recent$last_visit[domain == throttle$recent$domain] = Sys.time()
} else {
throttle$recent = rbind(throttle$recent,
data.frame(domains = domain, last_visit = Sys.time()))
throttle$recent = throttle$recent[throttle$recent$last_visit > (Sys.time() - pause),]
GET(url, ...)
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