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Created October 31, 2020 11:52
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generic descriptor and inheritance
from typing import (
Generic, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING,
Type, TypeVar, Union, overload,
T = TypeVar("T", bound="A") # noqa
class Descr(Generic[T]):
def __get__(self: "Descr[T]", instance: None, owner: Type[T]) -> "Descr[T]": ...
def __get__(self: "Descr[T]", instance: T, owner: Type[T]) -> T: ...
def __get__(self: "Descr[T]", instance: Optional[T], owner: Type[T]) -> Union["Descr[T]", T]:
if instance is None:
return self
return instance
class A:
def construct(cls: Type[T]) -> T:
return cls()
def me(self: T) -> T:
return self
attr: int = 123
descr = Descr[T]() # doesn't work
class B(A):
new_attr: int = 123
qwerty: str = "qwe"
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = A().construct()
reveal_type(a) # A*, ok
reveal_type( # A*, ok
reveal_type(a.descr) # T?
print("a.attr =", a.descr.attr) # T? has no attribute "attr"
# no runtime error
b = B().construct()
reveal_type(b) # B*, ok
reveal_type( # B*, ok
reveal_type(b.descr) #T?
print("b.new_attr =", b.descr.new_attr) # T? has no attribute "new_attr"
# no runtime error
print("b.qwerty =", b.descr.qwerty) # T? has no attribute "qwerty"
# no runtime error
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