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Last active February 4, 2018 20:14
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import re
from functools import reduce
my_str = "one two three"
words = re.split(r'(\s+)', my_str)
# Scoring logic
# To each finger we associate a score:
# thumbs: 1
# index: 1
# middle: 2
# ring: 3
# pinky: 4
# To each required motion we add 1 point
# so that it means that all home row letters will
# get 0 as increment (no motion).
# Every letter on top row will receive the score
# associated with the finger + 1.
# Same for the bottom row.
# Index fingers are special cased as they have one more
# column each (T-G-B and Y-H-N), so they receive +1 for this column.
# Pinky fingers get +1 for each non-column letter (such as [, |, TAB ecc).
# Number row gets +2
# All other chars get +2
# Capital letters get +2
maxScore = 7
scores = {
'q': 5,
'w': 4,
'e': 3,
'r': 2,
't': 3,
'y': 3,
'u': 2,
'i': 3,
'o': 4,
'p': 5,
'a': 4,
's': 3,
'd': 2,
'f': 1,
'g': 2,
'h': 2,
'j': 1,
'k': 2,
'l': 3,
';': 4,
'z': 5,
'x': 4,
'c': 3,
'v': 2,
'b': 3,
'n': 3,
'm': 2,
',': 3,
'.': 4,
'/': 5,
'1': 6,
'2': 5,
'3': 4,
'4': 3,
'5': 4,
'6': 4,
'7': 3,
'8': 4,
'9': 5,
'0': 6,
' ': 1
def to_score(ch):
if ch in scores:
if ch.isupper():
return scores[ch] + 2
return scores[ch]
return maxScore
scored = list(map(to_score, my_str))
aggregate = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, scored, 0)
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