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Created October 13, 2015 21:12
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An example of using type class style, ad-hoc polymorphism
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var buffy = new Person("Buffy Summers", DateTime.Parse("1/19/1981"));
var xander = new Person("Xander Harris", DateTime.Parse("5/2/1981"));
var willow = new Person("Willow Rosenberg", DateTime.Parse("12/3/1980"));
var oldest = OrderModule<Person>.Max(buffy, xander, willow);
public static class OrderModule<T>
public abstract class Order
public T Value { get; }
public Order(T value)
this.Value = value;
public abstract int Compare(Order other);
public static implicit operator T(Order ord) => ord.Value;
public static Order Max(params Order[] xs) => Max(xs as IEnumerable<Order>);
public static Order Max(IEnumerable<Order> xs)
Order max = null;
foreach (var x in xs)
max = x;
foreach (var y in xs.Skip(1))
if (y.Compare(max) > 0)
max = y;
return max;
static IEnumerable<Order> QuickSort(IEnumerable<Order> xs)
var stack = new Stack<Stack<Order>>(new[] { new Stack<Order>(xs) });
while (stack.Any())
var qs = stack.Pop();
var head = from q in qs where q.Compare(qs.Peek()) == 0 select q;
var less = from q in qs where q.Compare(qs.Peek()) < 0 select q;
var more = from q in qs where q.Compare(qs.Peek()) > 0 select q;
if (less.Any())
stack.Push(new Stack<Order>(less));
if (more.Any())
stack.Push(new Stack<Order>(head));
stack.Push(new Stack<Order>(more));
foreach (var q in head)
yield return q;
public sealed class Person
public string FullName { get; }
public DateTime Dob { get; }
public Person(string fullname, DateTime dob)
FullName = fullname;
Dob = dob;
public static implicit operator OrderModule<Person>.Order (Person p) => new BirthOrder(p);
sealed class BirthOrder : OrderModule<Person>.Order
public BirthOrder(Person p) : base(p) { }
public override int Compare(OrderModule<Person>.Order that)
if (this.Value.Dob < that.Value.Dob)
return -1;
if (this.Value.Dob > that.Value.Dob)
return 1;
return 0;
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