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Last active April 20, 2023 00:31
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    =========================== USB Port1 ===========================

Connection Status        : 0x01 (Device is connected)
Port Chain               : 1-5-1

      ========================== Summary =========================
Vendor ID                : 0x2E8A (Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited)
Product ID               : 0x000A
USB Version              : 2.0 -> but Device is Full-Speed only
Port maximum Speed       : High-Speed
Device maximum Speed     : Full-Speed
Device Connection Speed  : Full-Speed
Self powered             : no
Demanded Current         : 500 mA
Used Endpoints           : 6

      ======================== USB Device ========================

        +++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
Device Description       : USB Composite Device
Device Path              : \\?\USB#VID_2E8A&PID_000A#6&1321bbb9&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE)
Kernel Name              : \Device\USBPDO-8
Device ID                : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A\6&1321BBB9&0&1
Hardware IDs             : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&REV_0100 USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A
Driver KeyName           : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0008 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Driver                   : \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\usbccgp.sys (Version: 10.0.22621.1194  Date: 2023-02-17)
Driver Inf               : C:\WINDOWS\inf\usb.inf
Legacy BusType           : PNPBus
Class                    : USB
Class GUID               : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000} (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Service                  : usbccgp
Enumerator               : USB
Location Info            : Port_#0001.Hub_#0003
Location IDs             : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1), ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)
Container ID             : {f754df9d-d457-11ed-8697-00e04cb2d503}
Manufacturer Info        : (標準 USB ホスト コントローラー)
Capabilities             : 0x84 (Removable, SurpriseRemovalOK)
Problem Code             : 0
Address                  : 1
Power State              : D0 (supported: D0, D1, D2, D3, wake from D0, wake from D1, wake from D2)
 Child Device 1          : USB シリアル デバイス (COM4)
  Device Path            : \\?\USB#VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00#7&1132e143&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT)
  Kernel Name            : \Device\000000c7
  Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00\7&1132E143&0&0000
  Class                  : Ports
  Driver KeyName         : {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001 (GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS)
  Service                : usbser
  Location               : 0000.0014.0000.
  LocationPaths          : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1)#USBMI(0)  PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1)#USB(1)  ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)#USBMI(0)  ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)#USB(1)
  COM-Port               : COM4 (\Device\USBSER001)
 Child Device 2          : USB 入力デバイス
  Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\7&1132E143&0&0002
  Class                  : HIDClass
  Driver KeyName         : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0018 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)
  Service                : HidUsb
  Location               : 0000.0014.0000.
  LocationPaths          : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1)#USBMI(2)  ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)#USBMI(2)
  SelectiveSuspEnabled   : 0
  EnhPowerMgmtEnabled    : 1
   Child Device 1        : HID 準拠デバイス
    Device Path          : \\?\HID#VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02#8&246c7d5&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID)
    Kernel Name          : \Device\000000c9
    Device ID            : HID\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\8&246C7D5&0&0000
    Class                : HIDClass
    Driver KeyName       : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0019 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)

        +++++++++++++++++ Registry USB Flags +++++++++++++++++
 osvc                    : REG_BINARY 00 00
 NewInterfaceUsage       : REG_DWORD 00000000 (0)

        ---------------- Connection Information ---------------
Connection Index         : 0x01 (Port 1)
Connection Status        : 0x01 (DeviceConnected)
Current Config Value     : 0x01 (Configuration 1)
Device Address           : 0x0A (10)
Is Hub                   : 0x00 (no)
Device Bus Speed         : 0x01 (Full-Speed)
Number Of Open Pipes     : 0x05 (5 pipes to data endpoints)
Pipe[0]                  : EndpointID=1  Direction=IN   ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Interrupt  wMaxPacketSize=0x10    bInterval=64  -> 270 Bits/ms = 33750 Bytes/s
Pipe[1]                  : EndpointID=4  Direction=IN   ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Interrupt  wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=1   -> 718 Bits/ms = 89750 Bytes/s
Pipe[2]                  : EndpointID=5  Direction=OUT  ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Interrupt  wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=1   -> 718 Bits/ms = 89750 Bytes/s
Pipe[3]                  : EndpointID=2  Direction=OUT  ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Bulk       wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=0  
Pipe[4]                  : EndpointID=3  Direction=IN   ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Bulk       wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=0  
Data (HexDump)           : 01 00 00 00 12 01 00 02 EF 02 01 40 8A 2E 0A 00   ...........@....
                           00 01 01 02 03 01 01 01 00 0A 00 05 00 00 00 01   ................
                           00 00 00 07 05 81 03 10 00 40 00 00 00 00 07 05   .........@......
                           84 03 40 00 01 00 00 00 00 07 05 05 03 40 00 01   ..@..........@..
                           00 00 00 00 07 05 02 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 07   ........@.......
                           05 83 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00                     ...@......

        --------------- Connection Information V2 -------------
Connection Index         : 0x01 (1)
Length                   : 0x10 (16 bytes)
SupportedUsbProtocols    : 0x03
 Usb110                  : 1 (yes, port supports USB 1.1)
 Usb200                  : 1 (yes, port supports USB 2.0)
 Usb300                  : 0 (no, port not supports USB 3.0)
 ReservedMBZ             : 0x00
Flags                    : 0x00
 DevIsOpAtSsOrHigher     : 0 (Device is not operating at SuperSpeed or higher)
 DevIsSsCapOrHigher      : 0 (Device is not SuperSpeed capable or higher)
 DevIsOpAtSsPlusOrHigher : 0 (Device is not operating at SuperSpeedPlus or higher)
 DevIsSsPlusCapOrHigher  : 0 (Device is not SuperSpeedPlus capable or higher)
 ReservedMBZ             : 0x00
Data (HexDump)           : 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

    ---------------------- Device Descriptor ----------------------
bLength                  : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x01 (Device Descriptor)
bcdUSB                   : 0x200 (USB Version 2.0)
bDeviceClass             : 0xEF (Miscellaneous)
bDeviceSubClass          : 0x02
bDeviceProtocol          : 0x01 (IAD - Interface Association Descriptor)
bMaxPacketSize0          : 0x40 (64 bytes)
idVendor                 : 0x2E8A (Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited)
idProduct                : 0x000A
bcdDevice                : 0x0100
iManufacturer            : 0x01 (String Descriptor 1)
 Language 0x0409         : "Raspberry Pi"
iProduct                 : 0x02 (String Descriptor 2)
 Language 0x0409         : "Pico"
iSerialNumber            : 0x03 (String Descriptor 3)
 *!*ERROR  String descriptor not found
bNumConfigurations       : 0x01 (1 Configuration)
Data (HexDump)           : 12 01 00 02 EF 02 01 40 8A 2E 0A 00 00 01 01 02   .......@........
                           03 01                                             ..

    ------------------ Configuration Descriptor -------------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x02 (Configuration Descriptor)
wTotalLength             : 0x006B (107 bytes)
bNumInterfaces           : 0x03 (3 Interfaces)
bConfigurationValue      : 0x01 (Configuration 1)
iConfiguration           : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
bmAttributes             : 0xA0
 D7: Reserved, set 1     : 0x01
 D6: Self Powered        : 0x00 (no)
 D5: Remote Wakeup       : 0x01 (yes)
 D4..0: Reserved, set 0  : 0x00
MaxPower                 : 0xFA (500 mA)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 02 6B 00 03 01 00 A0 FA 08 0B 00 02 02 02 00   ..k.............
                           00 09 04 00 00 01 02 02 00 00 05 24 00 10 01 05   ...........$....
                           24 01 01 01 04 24 02 06 05 24 06 00 01 07 05 81   $....$...$......
                           03 10 00 40 09 04 01 00 02 0A 00 00 00 07 05 02   ...@............
                           02 40 00 00 07 05 83 02 40 00 00 09 04 02 00 02   .@......@.......
                           03 00 00 00 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 30 05 07 05 84   .....!...."0....
                           03 40 00 01 07 05 05 03 40 00 01                  .@......@..

        ------------------- IAD Descriptor --------------------
bLength                  : 0x08 (8 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x0B (Interface Association Descriptor)
bFirstInterface          : 0x00 (Interface 0)
bInterfaceCount          : 0x02 (2 Interfaces)
bFunctionClass           : 0x02 (Communications and CDC Control)
bFunctionSubClass        : 0x02
bFunctionProtocol        : 0x00
iFunction                : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 08 0B 00 02 02 02 00 00                           ........

        ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber         : 0x00 (Interface 0)
bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
bNumEndpoints            : 0x01 (1 Endpoint)
bInterfaceClass          : 0x02 (Communications and CDC Control)
bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x02 (Abstract Control Model)
bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x00 (No class specific protocol required)
iInterface               : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 00 00 01 02 02 00 00                        .........

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x00 (Header Functional Descriptor)
bcdCDC                   : 0x110 (CDC Version 1.10)
Data (HexDump)           : 05 24 00 10 01                                    .$...

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x01 (Call Management Functional Descriptor)
bmCapabilities           : 0x01
 D7..2                   : 0x00 (Reserved)
 D1                      : 0x00 (sends/receives call management information only over the Communication Class interface)
 D0                      : 0x01 (handles call management itself)
bDataInterface           : 0x01
Data (HexDump)           : 05 24 01 01 01                                    .$...

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x04 (4 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x02 (Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor)
bmCapabilities           : 0x06
 D7..4                   : 0x00 (Reserved)
 D3                      : 0x00 (not supports the notification Network_Connection)
 D2                      : 0x01 (supports the request Send_Break)
 D1                      : 0x01 (supports the request combination of Set_Line_Coding, Set_Control_Line_State, Get_Line_Coding, and the notification Serial_State)
 D0                      : 0x00 (not supports the request combination of Set_Comm_Feature, Clear_Comm_Feature, and Get_Comm_Feature)
Data (HexDump)           : 04 24 02 06                                       .$..

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x06 (Union Functional Descriptor)
bControlInterface        : 0x00
bSubordinateInterface[0] : 0x01
Data (HexDump)           : 05 24 06 00 01                                    .$...

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x81 (Direction=IN EndpointID=1)
bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0010 (16 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x40 (64 ms)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 81 03 10 00 40                              ......@

        ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber         : 0x01 (Interface 1)
bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
bNumEndpoints            : 0x02 (2 Endpoints)
bInterfaceClass          : 0x0A (CDC-Data)
bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x00
bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x00
iInterface               : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 01 00 02 0A 00 00 00                        .........

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x02 (Direction=OUT EndpointID=2)
bmAttributes             : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x00 (ignored)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 02 02 40 00 00                              ....@..

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x83 (Direction=IN EndpointID=3)
bmAttributes             : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x00 (ignored)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 83 02 40 00 00                              ....@..

        ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber         : 0x02 (Interface 2)
bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
bNumEndpoints            : 0x02 (2 Endpoints)
bInterfaceClass          : 0x03 (HID - Human Interface Device)
bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x00 (None)
bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x00 (None)
iInterface               : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 02 00 02 03 00 00 00                        .........

        ------------------- HID Descriptor --------------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x21 (HID Descriptor)
bcdHID                   : 0x0111 (HID Version 1.11)
bCountryCode             : 0x00 (00 = not localized)
bNumDescriptors          : 0x01
Data (HexDump)           : 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 30 05                        .!...."0.
Descriptor 1:
bDescriptorType          : 0x22 (Class=Report)
wDescriptorLength        : 0x0530 (1328 bytes)
Error reading descriptor : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (due to a obscure limitation of the Win32 USB API, see UsbTreeView.txt)

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x84 (Direction=IN EndpointID=4)
bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x01 (1 ms)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 84 03 40 00 01                              ....@..

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x05 (Direction=OUT EndpointID=5)
bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x01 (1 ms)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 05 03 40 00 01                              ....@..

      -------------------- String Descriptors -------------------
             ------ String Descriptor 0 ------
bLength                  : 0x04 (4 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language ID[0]           : 0x0409 (English - United States)
Data (HexDump)           : 04 03 09 04                                       ....
             ------ String Descriptor 1 ------
bLength                  : 0x1A (26 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409          : "Raspberry Pi"
Data (HexDump)           : 1A 03 52 00 61 00 73 00 70 00 62 00 65 00 72 00   ..R.a.s.p.b.e.r.
                           72 00 79 00 20 00 50 00 69 00                     r.y. .P.i.
             ------ String Descriptor 2 ------
bLength                  : 0x0A (10 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409          : "Pico"
Data (HexDump)           : 0A 03 50 00 69 00 63 00 6F 00                     ..P.i.c.o.

Copy link


    =========================== USB Port1 ===========================

Connection Status        : 0x01 (Device is connected)
Port Chain               : 1-5-1

      ========================== Summary =========================
Vendor ID                : 0x2E8A (Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited)
Product ID               : 0x000A
USB Version              : 2.0 -> but Device is Full-Speed only
Port maximum Speed       : High-Speed
Device maximum Speed     : Full-Speed
Device Connection Speed  : Full-Speed
Self powered             : no
Demanded Current         : 500 mA
Used Endpoints           : 6

      ======================== USB Device ========================

        +++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
Device Description       : USB Composite Device
Device Path              : \\?\USB#VID_2E8A&PID_000A#6&1321bbb9&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE)
Kernel Name              : \Device\USBPDO-9
Device ID                : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A\6&1321BBB9&0&1
Hardware IDs             : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&REV_0100 USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A
Driver KeyName           : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0010 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Driver                   : \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\usbccgp.sys (Version: 10.0.22621.1194  Date: 2023-04-19)
Driver Inf               : C:\Windows\inf\usb.inf
Legacy BusType           : PNPBus
Class                    : USB
Class GUID               : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000} (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Service                  : usbccgp
Enumerator               : USB
Location Info            : Port_#0001.Hub_#0003
Location IDs             : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1), ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)
Container ID             : {a3669c40-deb8-11ed-ab2a-00e04cb2d503}
Manufacturer Info        : (標準 USB ホスト コントローラー)
Capabilities             : 0x84 (Removable, SurpriseRemovalOK)
Problem Code             : 0
Address                  : 1
Power State              : D0 (supported: D0, D1, D2, D3, wake from D0, wake from D1, wake from D2)
 Child Device 1          : USB シリアル デバイス (COM4)
  Device Path            : \\?\USB#VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00#7&1132e143&4&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT)
  Kernel Name            : \Device\000000b5
  Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00\7&1132E143&4&0000
  Class                  : Ports
  Driver KeyName         : {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001 (GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS)
  Service                : usbser
  Location               : 0000.0014.0000.
  LocationPaths          : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1)#USBMI(0)  PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1)#USB(1)  ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)#USBMI(0)  ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)#USB(1)
  COM-Port               : COM4 (\Device\USBSER001)
 Child Device 2          : USB 入力デバイス
  Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\7&1132E143&4&0002
  Class                  : HIDClass
  Driver KeyName         : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0012 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)
  Service                : HidUsb
  Location               : 0000.0014.0000.
  LocationPaths          : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(5)#USB(1)#USBMI(2)  ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)#ACPI(HS05)#USB(1)#USBMI(2)
  SelectiveSuspEnabled   : 0
  EnhPowerMgmtEnabled    : 1
   Child Device 1        : HID 準拠デバイス
    Device ID            : HID\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\8&274C7F00&0&0000
    Class                : HIDClass
    Driver KeyName       : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0013 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)
    Problem              : 22 (CM_PROB_DISABLED)

        +++++++++++++++++ Registry USB Flags +++++++++++++++++
 osvc                    : REG_BINARY 00 00

        ---------------- Connection Information ---------------
Connection Index         : 0x01 (Port 1)
Connection Status        : 0x01 (DeviceConnected)
Current Config Value     : 0x01 (Configuration 1)
Device Address           : 0x12 (18)
Is Hub                   : 0x00 (no)
Device Bus Speed         : 0x01 (Full-Speed)
Number Of Open Pipes     : 0x05 (5 pipes to data endpoints)
Pipe[0]                  : EndpointID=1  Direction=IN   ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Interrupt  wMaxPacketSize=0x10    bInterval=64  -> 270 Bits/ms = 33750 Bytes/s
Pipe[1]                  : EndpointID=4  Direction=IN   ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Interrupt  wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=1   -> 718 Bits/ms = 89750 Bytes/s
Pipe[2]                  : EndpointID=5  Direction=OUT  ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Interrupt  wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=1   -> 718 Bits/ms = 89750 Bytes/s
Pipe[3]                  : EndpointID=2  Direction=OUT  ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Bulk       wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=0  
Pipe[4]                  : EndpointID=3  Direction=IN   ScheduleOffset=0  Type=Bulk       wMaxPacketSize=0x40    bInterval=0  
Data (HexDump)           : 01 00 00 00 12 01 00 02 EF 02 01 40 8A 2E 0A 00   ...........@....
                           00 01 01 02 03 01 01 01 00 12 00 05 00 00 00 01   ................
                           00 00 00 07 05 81 03 10 00 40 00 00 00 00 07 05   .........@......
                           84 03 40 00 01 00 00 00 00 07 05 05 03 40 00 01   ..@..........@..
                           00 00 00 00 07 05 02 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 07   ........@.......
                           05 83 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00                     ...@......

        --------------- Connection Information V2 -------------
Connection Index         : 0x01 (1)
Length                   : 0x10 (16 bytes)
SupportedUsbProtocols    : 0x03
 Usb110                  : 1 (yes, port supports USB 1.1)
 Usb200                  : 1 (yes, port supports USB 2.0)
 Usb300                  : 0 (no, port not supports USB 3.0)
 ReservedMBZ             : 0x00
Flags                    : 0x00
 DevIsOpAtSsOrHigher     : 0 (Device is not operating at SuperSpeed or higher)
 DevIsSsCapOrHigher      : 0 (Device is not SuperSpeed capable or higher)
 DevIsOpAtSsPlusOrHigher : 0 (Device is not operating at SuperSpeedPlus or higher)
 DevIsSsPlusCapOrHigher  : 0 (Device is not SuperSpeedPlus capable or higher)
 ReservedMBZ             : 0x00
Data (HexDump)           : 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

    ---------------------- Device Descriptor ----------------------
bLength                  : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x01 (Device Descriptor)
bcdUSB                   : 0x200 (USB Version 2.0)
bDeviceClass             : 0xEF (Miscellaneous)
bDeviceSubClass          : 0x02
bDeviceProtocol          : 0x01 (IAD - Interface Association Descriptor)
bMaxPacketSize0          : 0x40 (64 bytes)
idVendor                 : 0x2E8A (Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited)
idProduct                : 0x000A
bcdDevice                : 0x0100
iManufacturer            : 0x01 (String Descriptor 1)
 Language 0x0409         : "Raspberry Pi"
iProduct                 : 0x02 (String Descriptor 2)
 Language 0x0409         : "Pico"
iSerialNumber            : 0x03 (String Descriptor 3)
 *!*ERROR  String descriptor not found
bNumConfigurations       : 0x01 (1 Configuration)
Data (HexDump)           : 12 01 00 02 EF 02 01 40 8A 2E 0A 00 00 01 01 02   .......@........
                           03 01                                             ..

    ------------------ Configuration Descriptor -------------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x02 (Configuration Descriptor)
wTotalLength             : 0x006B (107 bytes)
bNumInterfaces           : 0x03 (3 Interfaces)
bConfigurationValue      : 0x01 (Configuration 1)
iConfiguration           : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
bmAttributes             : 0xA0
 D7: Reserved, set 1     : 0x01
 D6: Self Powered        : 0x00 (no)
 D5: Remote Wakeup       : 0x01 (yes)
 D4..0: Reserved, set 0  : 0x00
MaxPower                 : 0xFA (500 mA)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 02 6B 00 03 01 00 A0 FA 08 0B 00 02 02 02 00   ..k.............
                           00 09 04 00 00 01 02 02 00 00 05 24 00 10 01 05   ...........$....
                           24 01 01 01 04 24 02 06 05 24 06 00 01 07 05 81   $....$...$......
                           03 10 00 40 09 04 01 00 02 0A 00 00 00 07 05 02   ...@............
                           02 40 00 00 07 05 83 02 40 00 00 09 04 02 00 02   .@......@.......
                           03 00 00 00 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 30 05 07 05 84   .....!...."0....
                           03 40 00 01 07 05 05 03 40 00 01                  .@......@..

        ------------------- IAD Descriptor --------------------
bLength                  : 0x08 (8 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x0B (Interface Association Descriptor)
bFirstInterface          : 0x00 (Interface 0)
bInterfaceCount          : 0x02 (2 Interfaces)
bFunctionClass           : 0x02 (Communications and CDC Control)
bFunctionSubClass        : 0x02
bFunctionProtocol        : 0x00
iFunction                : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 08 0B 00 02 02 02 00 00                           ........

        ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber         : 0x00 (Interface 0)
bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
bNumEndpoints            : 0x01 (1 Endpoint)
bInterfaceClass          : 0x02 (Communications and CDC Control)
bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x02 (Abstract Control Model)
bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x00 (No class specific protocol required)
iInterface               : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 00 00 01 02 02 00 00                        .........

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x00 (Header Functional Descriptor)
bcdCDC                   : 0x110 (CDC Version 1.10)
Data (HexDump)           : 05 24 00 10 01                                    .$...

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x01 (Call Management Functional Descriptor)
bmCapabilities           : 0x01
 D7..2                   : 0x00 (Reserved)
 D1                      : 0x00 (sends/receives call management information only over the Communication Class interface)
 D0                      : 0x01 (handles call management itself)
bDataInterface           : 0x01
Data (HexDump)           : 05 24 01 01 01                                    .$...

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x04 (4 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x02 (Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor)
bmCapabilities           : 0x06
 D7..4                   : 0x00 (Reserved)
 D3                      : 0x00 (not supports the notification Network_Connection)
 D2                      : 0x01 (supports the request Send_Break)
 D1                      : 0x01 (supports the request combination of Set_Line_Coding, Set_Control_Line_State, Get_Line_Coding, and the notification Serial_State)
 D0                      : 0x00 (not supports the request combination of Set_Comm_Feature, Clear_Comm_Feature, and Get_Comm_Feature)
Data (HexDump)           : 04 24 02 06                                       .$..

        -------------- CDC Interface Descriptor ---------------
bFunctionLength          : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x24 (Interface)
bDescriptorSubType       : 0x06 (Union Functional Descriptor)
bControlInterface        : 0x00
bSubordinateInterface[0] : 0x01
Data (HexDump)           : 05 24 06 00 01                                    .$...

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x81 (Direction=IN EndpointID=1)
bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0010 (16 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x40 (64 ms)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 81 03 10 00 40                              ......@

        ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber         : 0x01 (Interface 1)
bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
bNumEndpoints            : 0x02 (2 Endpoints)
bInterfaceClass          : 0x0A (CDC-Data)
bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x00
bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x00
iInterface               : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 01 00 02 0A 00 00 00                        .........

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x02 (Direction=OUT EndpointID=2)
bmAttributes             : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x00 (ignored)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 02 02 40 00 00                              ....@..

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x83 (Direction=IN EndpointID=3)
bmAttributes             : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x00 (ignored)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 83 02 40 00 00                              ....@..

        ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber         : 0x02 (Interface 2)
bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
bNumEndpoints            : 0x02 (2 Endpoints)
bInterfaceClass          : 0x03 (HID - Human Interface Device)
bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x00 (None)
bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x00 (None)
iInterface               : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 02 00 02 03 00 00 00                        .........

        ------------------- HID Descriptor --------------------
bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x21 (HID Descriptor)
bcdHID                   : 0x0111 (HID Version 1.11)
bCountryCode             : 0x00 (00 = not localized)
bNumDescriptors          : 0x01
Data (HexDump)           : 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 30 05                        .!...."0.
Descriptor 1:
bDescriptorType          : 0x22 (Class=Report)
wDescriptorLength        : 0x0530 (1328 bytes)
Error reading descriptor : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (due to a obscure limitation of the Win32 USB API, see UsbTreeView.txt)

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x84 (Direction=IN EndpointID=4)
bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x01 (1 ms)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 84 03 40 00 01                              ....@..

        ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress         : 0x05 (Direction=OUT EndpointID=5)
bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize           : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval                : 0x01 (1 ms)
Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 05 03 40 00 01                              ....@..

      -------------------- String Descriptors -------------------
             ------ String Descriptor 0 ------
bLength                  : 0x04 (4 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language ID[0]           : 0x0409 (English - United States)
Data (HexDump)           : 04 03 09 04                                       ....
             ------ String Descriptor 1 ------
bLength                  : 0x1A (26 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409          : "Raspberry Pi"
Data (HexDump)           : 1A 03 52 00 61 00 73 00 70 00 62 00 65 00 72 00   ..R.a.s.p.b.e.r.
                           72 00 79 00 20 00 50 00 69 00                     r.y. .P.i.
             ------ String Descriptor 2 ------
bLength                  : 0x0A (10 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409          : "Pico"
Data (HexDump)           : 0A 03 50 00 69 00 63 00 6F 00                     ..P.i.c.o.

Copy link

nobonobo commented Apr 20, 2023

< Kernel Name              : \Device\USBPDO-8
> Kernel Name              : \Device\USBPDO-9
< Driver KeyName           : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0008 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
< Driver                   : \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\usbccgp.sys (Version: 10.0.22621.1194  Date: 2023-02-17)
< Driver Inf               : C:\WINDOWS\inf\usb.inf
> Driver KeyName           : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0010 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
> Driver                   : \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\usbccgp.sys (Version: 10.0.22621.1194  Date: 2023-04-19)
> Driver Inf               : C:\Windows\inf\usb.inf
< Container ID             : {f754df9d-d457-11ed-8697-00e04cb2d503}
> Container ID             : {a3669c40-deb8-11ed-ab2a-00e04cb2d503}
<   Device Path            : \\?\USB#VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00#7&1132e143&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT)
<   Kernel Name            : \Device\000000c7
<   Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00\7&1132E143&0&0000
>   Device Path            : \\?\USB#VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00#7&1132e143&4&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT)
>   Kernel Name            : \Device\000000b5
>   Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_00\7&1132E143&4&0000
<   Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\7&1132E143&0&0002
>   Device ID              : USB\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\7&1132E143&4&0002
<   Driver KeyName         : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0018 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)
>   Driver KeyName         : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0012 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)
<     Device Path          : \\?\HID#VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02#8&246c7d5&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID)
<     Kernel Name          : \Device\000000c9
<     Device ID            : HID\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\8&246C7D5&0&0000
>     Device ID            : HID\VID_2E8A&PID_000A&MI_02\8&274C7F00&0&0000
<     Driver KeyName       : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0019 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)
>     Driver KeyName       : {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}\0013 (GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS)
>     Problem              : 22 (CM_PROB_DISABLED)
<  NewInterfaceUsage       : REG_DWORD 00000000 (0)
< Device Address           : 0x0A (10)
> Device Address           : 0x12 (18)
<                            00 01 01 02 03 01 01 01 00 0A 00 05 00 00 00 01   ................
>                            00 01 01 02 03 01 01 01 00 12 00 05 00 00 00 01   ................
    Problem              : 22 (CM_PROB_DISABLED)


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