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Created June 28, 2016 18:15
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* Demo InterfaCSS stylesheet file.
* Read more about the stylesheet format here:
* Checkout this page for a reference on what properties can be set:
* For a short selection of available properties that can be set, see bottom of file.
/** Load remote font: **/
@SanFranciscoDisplayUltralight: url("");
@stdFont1: AvenirNextCondensed-Regular 14;
@stdFont2: Superclarendon-BlackItalic 15;
@stdFont3: GillSans-Bold 13;
@stdFont4: AvenirNextCondensed-Bold 16;
@stdFont5: Futura-Medium 16;
@pinkColor: #ff3ab7;
@magentaColor: #4d0e8d;
@lightGreenColor: #c3e217;
@greenColor: #a1d22a;
@orangeColor: #e26317;
@mediumGray: #6e6e6e;
@blueColor: #00bce3;
/** Common style declarations **/
.roundedCorners {
cornerRadius: 5;
clipsToBounds: YES;
.buttonStyle1, .buttonStyle2, .buttonStyle3 {
titleColor: white;
titleColor(highlighted): @lightGreenColor;
font: @stdFont4;
titleLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth: YES;
titleLabel.minimumScaleFactor: 0.5;
.buttonStyle1 {
backgroundImage: @magentaColor; // Color as image
backgroundImage(highlighted): darken(#4d0e8d, 50%); // Color function example
.buttonStyle2 {
backgroundColor: @pinkColor;
backgroundImage: url("");
contentVerticalAlignment: top;
titleColor: black;
titleColor(highlighted): @lightGreenColor;
.buttonStyle3 {
borderColor: @greenColor;
borderWidth: 2;
font: @stdFont5;
UIView > UILabel { /* Set default font for all labels that are direct children of UIViews */
font: @stdFont1;
UIView.headerView > UILabel { /* Set default font for all labels that are direct children of UIViews with style class "headerView" */
font: @SanFranciscoDisplayUltralight 30;
.labelStyle1, .labelStyle2, .labelStyle3 {
textAlignment: center;
.labelStyle1 {
textColor: @magentaColor;
font: @stdFont1;
borderColor: @magentaColor;
borderWidth: 0.5;
.labelStyle2 {
backgroundColor: #ff3ab7;
textColor: white;
font: @stdFont2;
.labelStyle3 {
font: @stdFont3;
/** Element specific styles (and layout) **/
#demoRootView {
backgroundColor: gradient(#fafafa, #e0e0e0);
#demoHeaderView {
layout: top( + 1), height(44), centerX(parent); /* Placing label at top layout guide (with offset) and using intrinsic content size of label */
#demoHeaderLabel { /* Example of nested style declaration */
layout: size(parent, parent);
textAlignment: center;
text: "Welcome to InterfaCSS";
#demoLabel1 {
layout: height(40), width(parent.width * 0.27), bottom(demoButton1 - 40), centerX(parent.width * 0.18);
text: "I am label #1";
#demoLabel2 {
layout: height(40), width(parent.width * 0.3), centerY(demoLabel1), centerX(parent.width * 0.5);
text: "Label #2";
#demoLabel3 {
layout: height(40), width(parent.width * 0.27), centerY(demoLabel1), centerX(parent.width * 0.82);
attributedText: "I am " (underlineStyle: single, color: #4d0e8d), "label " (underlineStyle: single, color: lighten(#4d0e8d, 50%)), "#3" (underlineStyle: single, color: fadeout(lighten(#4d0e8d, 50%), 33%));
#demoButton1 {
layout: height(40), width(parent.width * 0.25), centerY(demoButton2), centerX(parent.width * 0.15);
title: "Button #1";
#demoButton2 {
layout: size(120, 80), center(parent, parent); /* Using implicit/default parent relations that evaluates to parent.centerX / parent.centerY (same attributes used) */
title: "I am a button #2";
#demoButton3 {
layout: height(40), width(parent.width * 0.25), centerY(demoButton2), centerX(parent.width * 0.85);
attributedTitle: "✔︎" (color: @greenColor), " Button #3" (color: @mediumGray);
attributedTitle(highlighted): "✘" (color: @orangeColor), " " (), "Button #3" (color: @mediumGray, underlineStyle: single);
#demoButton3:phone:portrait {
attributedTitle: "✔︎" (color: @greenColor), " Btn #3" (color: @mediumGray);
attributedTitle(highlighted): "✘" (color: @orangeColor), " " (), "Btn #3" (color: @mediumGray, underlineStyle: single);
#demoSpinner {
layout: centerX(demoButton2), top(demoButton2.bottom + 50);
activityIndicatorViewStyle: whiteLarge;
color: @pinkColor;
hidesWhenStopped: NO;
/*animating: YES; Comment out this line if you want the spinner to start animating automatically */
transform: scale(1.5, 1.5);
#demoSpinner:landscape {
layout: right(parent.marginRight - 10), top( + 10);
transform: scale(1, 1);
#demoSlider {
layout: width(120), center(demoButton2.left - 50, demoButton2.bottom + 70);
transform: rotate(75);
anchorPoint: point(0.5, 0.5); /* Make sure the slider is rotated around it's center point */
tintColor: @lightGreenColor;
thumbTintColor: @magentaColor;
maximumValue: 10;
value: 5;
#demoSlider:landscape {
transform: rotate(15);
#demoSwitch {
layout: topLeft(demoButton2 + 30, demoButton2 + 50);
tintColor: lighten(gray, 60%);
onTintColor: @greenColor;
thumbTintColor: @blueColor;
Below is a small selection of available properties that can be set on different view classes in UIKit.
UIView {
alpha: 0.33;
anchorPoint: point(0.5, 0.5);
autoresizingMask: width height left right top bottom;
center: point(5, 6);
clipsToBounds: YES;
contentMode: center;
cornerRadius: 5;
frame: rect(1,2,3,4);
shadowColor: red;
tintColor: #ffffff;
transform: rotate(10) scale(20,30) translate(40,50);
UILabel {
attributedText: "text" (font: HelveticaNeue-Medium 12, backgroundColor: rgb(0,0,255), color: darken(green, 33%), baselineOffset: 10, strokeColor: yellow, strokeWidth: 1.0);
numberOfLines: 2;
text: "Text:";
textAlignment: right;
textColor: rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5);
UIButton {
attributedTitle: "Hello " (font: @someFontVariable, foregroundColor: @someColorVariable), "World" (font: @someOtherFontVariable, foregroundColor: red, underlineStyle: single dash);
backgroundImage: #2bff8a; // Color as image
backgroundImage(selected): darken(#2bff8a, 50%); // Parameterized property that sets a value for a specific UIControlState
contentInset: insets(10, 20, 30, 40);
font: HelveticaNeue-Medium 12; // Basically and alias for titleLabel.font
title: "Title";
title(selected): "Selected Title";
titleColor(selectedHighlighted): blue;
UITextField {
adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth: YES;
autocorrectionType: default;
attributedText: "Hello " (font: @someFontVariable, foregroundColor: @someColorVariable), "World" (font: @someOtherFontVariable, foregroundColor: red, underlineStyle: single dash);
borderStyle: roundedRect;
clearsOnInsertion: NO;
keyboardAppearance: light
keyboardType: numbersAndPunctuation;
minimumScaleFactor: 0.5;
placeholder: "placeholder";
returnKeyType: done;
text: "Text:";
textColor: rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5);
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