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Created September 29, 2021 06:40
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#! /usr/bin/env perl
# This program parses the keysym definitions from a X11 source distribution
# and one or more XCompose specifications files (XCompose files mentioned
# later on the command line will override settings from those mentioned
# earlier). It then produces the same bindings (more or less) in the format
# suitable for a personal DefaultKeyBinding.dict file.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use feature qw(unicode_strings state);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order no_bundling);
use Tree::Trie;
use File::Slurp qw(write_file);
$main::keysymdef = qq($ENV{'HOME'}/.local/lib/keysymdef.h);
$main::dumpsyms = 0;
$main::dumpevents = 0;
$main::multikey = 0xf70c; # F9 key as mapped by Apple
$main::output = '';
# Note: I ignore the keysyms numbers proper and instead I grab the Unicode
# point from the comments later on the line. The two coincide *only* in
# the Latin-1 range, and the Unicode data is what MacOS in fact expects
# in keybindings. If others had success with grabbing the keysym numbers
# it was by sheer luck.
sub parse_keysymdef {
our $keysymdef;
open(my $fh, '<', $keysymdef);
my (%keysyms, $kw, $xk, $kn, $cs, $uc);
while (<$fh>) {
($kw, $xk, $kn, $cs, $uc) = split;
next unless defined $uc &&
$kw eq '#define' &&
$kn =~ m(^0x[0-9a-f]*$)i &&
$cs eq '/*';
next unless $xk =~ m(^XK_(\S+)$); my $name = $1;
next unless $uc =~ m(^U[+]([0-9a-f]{4})$)i; my $code = hex($1);
$keysyms{$name} = $code;
return \%keysyms;
sub dump_keysyms {
my ($keysyms) = @_;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$keysyms}) {
$v = '0x' . sprintf('%04x', $v);
print($k, ' ', $v, "\n");
# The check for dead keys in fact does nothing, as all bindings
# which contain dead key events are eliminated by other conditions already.
# But I include it anyway to be safe.
sub decode_event {
my ($keysyms, $e) = @_;
return undef if $e =~ m(^dead_);
my $rawcode = (
$e =~ m(^U([0-9a-f]{4})$)i ? hex($1) : undef
return ${$keysyms}{$e} // $rawcode;
# By the time this is called, Multi_key is remapped to the pseudo-Unicode
# of the desired compose keystroke. This happens in main().
sub parse_xcompose {
my %eventmap;
my ($keysyms) = @_;
for my $xcompose (@ARGV) {
open(my $fh, '< :encoding(UTF-8)', $xcompose);
while (<$fh>) {
my @fields = split; next unless @fields;
next unless $fields[0] eq '<Multi_key>';
my @events = ( );
push(@events, $1), shift(@fields)
while @fields && $fields[0] =~ m(^<(.*)>$);
next unless $#events;
@events = map { decode_event($keysyms, $_) } @events;
next if grep { not defined($_) } @events;
next unless @fields && $fields[0] eq ':'; shift(@fields);
# Note the dot is NOT quantified on the next line.
# Some bindings in the X11 Compose file ARE multi-character
# but that is WEIRD
next unless @fields && $fields[0] =~ m(^"(.)"$);
my $result = ($1 eq q(\\\\) ? q(\\) : $1);
my $eventrep = join(' ', map { '0x' . sprintf('%04x', $_) } @events);
$eventmap{$eventrep} = $result;
return \%eventmap;
sub dump_eventmap {
my ($eventmap) = @_;
while (my ($eventrep, $result) = each %{$eventmap}) {
print($eventrep, ' : "', $result, '"', "\n");
sub build_trie {
my ($eventmap) = @_;
my $eventtrie = Tree::Trie->new;
while (my ($eventrep, $result) = each %{$eventmap}) {
my $eventstr = join('', map { chr(hex($_)) } (split(' ', $eventrep)));
$eventtrie->add_data($eventstr => $result);
return $eventtrie;
sub wrap_result {
my ($result) = @_;
return ["insertText:", $result];
sub tail {
my ($subject) = @_;
$subject =~ m(^.*(.)$)
or die(qq(Boom! Tail of an empty string\n));
return $1;
sub build_multihash {
our ($multikey);
my ($eventtrie) = @_;
my %multihash = ();
my @que = (\%multihash, chr($multikey));
while (@que) {
my ($thishash, $prefix) = (shift(@que), shift(@que));
my @suffixes = $eventtrie->lookup($prefix, 1);
die(qq(Error: ambiguous prefix ${prefix}\n))
if ($#suffixes && grep { $_ eq '' } @suffixes);
my $label = tail($prefix);
if ($suffixes[0] eq '') {
my $result = $eventtrie->lookup_data($prefix);
$thishash->{$label} = wrap_result($result);
next QUE;
my $newhash = { };
$thishash->{$label} = $newhash;
push(@que, $newhash, $prefix . $_) for @suffixes;
return \%multihash;
# I tried two CPAN packages for the task of translating complex data
# into the plist/dict format. Mac::PropertyList requires the inner parts
# of a data structure to be already translated before joining them
# on the outer level, which is a nonstarter. Data::PropertyList can
# translate multilevel structures in one go, but insists on dumping
# literal, unescaped string data. That may work (I have not checked)
# but looks way too scary with all those weird non-Latin characters
# in there.
# So I was left with implementing this myself. Luckily for this application
# the structure is very restricted (for example I know that arrayrefs
# only contain strings) so I can take shortcuts.
sub unicode_escape_char {
my ($c) = @_;
return "\\U" . uc (sprintf('%04x', ord($c)));
sub plist_escape_char {
my ($c) = @_;
return $c if ord($c) > 0x20 && ord($c) < 0x7f
&& $c !~ m([@~#"'^]) && $c ne '$' && $c ne '\\';
return unicode_escape_char($c);
# The parentheses around map are necessary,
# otherwise the subsequent quote is taken as another datum for map
sub plist_show_string {
my ($s) = @_;
state %cached;
$cached{$s} = join('',
(map { plist_escape_char($_) } split('', $s)),
) unless defined $cached{$s};
return $cached{$s};
sub plist_show_arrayref {
my ($a) = @_;
return '(' . join(', ', map { plist_show_string($_) } @{$a}) . ')';
sub plist_show_anyref {
my ($r, $l) = @_;
return plist_show_arrayref($r) if ref($r) =~ m(^ARRAY);
return plist_show_hashref($r, $l) if ref($r) =~ m(^HASH);
die(qq(Unexpected reference type\n"));
sub plist_show_binding {
my ($k, $v, $l) = @_;
return (
. ' = ' .
plist_show_anyref($v, $l + 2)
. ';'
sub plist_show_hashref {
my ($h, $l) = @_;
my $sep = "\n" . (' ' x $l);
return (
'{' . $sep .
join($sep, map { plist_show_binding($_, $h->{$_}, $l) } sort(keys(%{$h})))
. "\n" . (' ' x ($l - 2)) . '}'
sub main {
our ($keysymdef, $dumpsyms, $dumpevents, $multikey, $output);
'keysyms=s' => \$keysymdef,
'dumpsyms' => \$dumpsyms,
'dumpevents' => \$dumpevents,
'multikey=i' => \$multikey,
'output=s' => \$output
) or die(qq(Error in command line arguments\n));
my $keysyms = parse_keysymdef();
$keysyms->{'Multi_key'} = $multikey;
dump_keysyms($keysyms), return 1 if $dumpsyms;
die(qq(At least one input file must be specified\n)) unless @ARGV;
my $eventmap = parse_xcompose($keysyms);
dump_eventmap($eventmap), return 1 if $dumpevents;
my $eventtrie = build_trie($eventmap);
my $multihash = build_multihash($eventtrie);
print(plist_show_hashref($multihash, 2)), return 1 unless $output;
write_file($output, plist_show_hashref($multihash, 2));
return 1;
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