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Created July 30, 2016 02:25
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Coq development to state the correctness of Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching. A bit abortive so far :-)
Require Import Utf8.
Require Import Coq.Vectors.Fin.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Open Scope list_scope.
Import ListNotations.
Notation "s '/:' n" := (skipn n s) (at level 60).
Notation "s ':/' n" := (firstn n s) (at level 60).
Notation "c1 '*=*' c2" := (Coq.Vectors.Fin.eqb c1 c2) (at level 70).
Parameter max_chr : nat.
Definition Char := Coq.Vectors.Fin.t max_chr.
Definition cstr : Type := list Char.
Fixpoint cstr_eq_dec (s1: cstr) (s2: cstr) :=
match (s1, s2) with
| ([ ], [ ]) => true
| (_, [ ]) => false
| ([], _) => false
| (c1 :: r1, c2 :: r2) =>
if c1 *=* c2 then cstr_eq_dec r1 r2 else false
Notation "s1 ':=:' s2" := (cstr_eq_dec s1 s2) (at level 70).
Definition slice (s: cstr) : (nat * nat) → cstr :=
λ p , let (offset, len) := p in firstn len (skipn offset s)
Notation "s ':/:' p" := (slice s p) (at level 60).
Definition occurs_p (s1: cstr) (s2: cstr) (i: nat): bool :=
let l1 := length s1 in s1 :=: s2 :/: (i, l1)
Definition natopt_lift f : option nat → option nat :=
λ opt , match opt with
| None => None
| Some x => Some (f x)
Fixpoint brute (s1: cstr) (s2: cstr) : option nat :=
match (s1, s2) with
| ([ ], [ ]) => Some 0
| (_, [ ]) => None
| (_, _ :: rest) =>
let l1 := length s1 in
if s1 :=: s2 :/ l1 then Some 0
else natopt_lift S (brute s1 rest)
Fixpoint mismatch (s1: cstr) (s2: cstr) : option nat :=
match (s1, s2) with
| ([ ], [ ]) => None
| (_, [ ]) => Some 0
| ([ ], _) => None
| (c1 :: r1, c2 :: r2) =>
if c1 *=* c2 then natopt_lift S (mismatch r1 r2)
else Some 0
Definition partial_match_p (s1: cstr) (s2: cstr) : bool :=
let l := min (length s1) (length s2) in
s1 :/ l :=: s2 :/ l
Fixpoint min_partial_match (s1: cstr) (s2: cstr) (base: nat) :=
match s2 with
| [ ] => base
| _ :: rest =>
if partial_match_p s1 s2 then base
else min_partial_match s1 rest (base + 1)
Fixpoint KMP_search_wf (skip: nat) (pat: cstr) (subject: cstr) : option nat :=
match (pat, subject, skip) with
| ([ ], _, _) => Some 0
| (_, [ ], _) => None
| (_, _ :: rest, S n) => KMP_search_wf n pat rest
| (_ :: rpat, _ :: rest, 0) =>
let nextfn l := min_partial_match (pat :/ (l+1)) (rpat :/ l) 0 in
match mismatch pat subject with
| None => Some 0
| Some 0 => KMP_search_wf 0 pat rest
| Some (S j) =>
let next := nextfn j in
KMP_search_wf next pat rest
Definition KMP_search := KMP_search_wf 0.
Theorem KMP :
∀(pat subject : cstr) , KMP_search pat subject = brute pat subject.
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