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Last active December 9, 2018 07:00
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Perl code to download netnews articles via NNTP in batch
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::NNTP;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_permute);
use Fcntl;
$main::usage = <<'EOF'
usage: perlsuck [ OPTIONS ... ]
--auth login with the NNTP_USER and NNTP_PASS environs; SSL only
--server NAME host/domain name of nntp server; default: ENV{NNTPSERVER}
--ssl encrypt connection and use port 563
$main::article_serial = 1;
$main::conn = undef;
sub max {
return ($_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1]);
sub spool_article {
my $lines = shift;
for (@{$lines}) {
local $/ =
(substr($_, -2) eq "\r\n" && "\r\n")
|| (substr($_, -1) eq "\n" && "\n")
|| (substr($_, -1) eq "\r" && "\r");
chomp; $_ .= "\n";
our $article_serial;
my $article_name = join('/', 'spool', ''. $article_serial);
sysopen(my $fh, $article_name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL)
or die("failed to open $article_name: $!");
or die("failed to write $article_name: $!");
sub fetch_article {
my $artnum = shift;
our $conn;
my $lines = $conn->article($artnum);
my $code = 0+ $conn->code();
return ($code, $lines);
sub fetch_article_range {
my ($first, $last) = @_;
my $last_fetched = undef;
for my $next ($first .. $last) {
my ($code, $lines) = fetch_article($next);
# if fetching from a range bounded above by server, and server gives a 423,
# the article will never appear (probably cancelled), so keep moving
next ARTICLES_RANGE if $code == 423;
last ARTICLES_RANGE unless $code < 400 && defined $lines;
$last_fetched = $next;
return $last_fetched;
sub fetch_circled_articles {
my ($first, $last) = @_;
my $next = $first;
my $last_fetched = undef;
my ($code, $lines) = fetch_article($next);
while ($code < 400 && defined $lines)
$last_fetched = $next++;
($code, $lines) = fetch_article($next);
return $last_fetched if $code != 423;
return fetch_article_range(1, $last) || $last_fetched;
sub read_subscriptions {
my (@new_subs, @old_subs, @disabled_subs);
open(my $fh, '<subscriptions')
or die("failed to open subscriptions file: $!");
while (!$fh->eof()) {
defined($_ = <$fh>)
or die("failed to read subscriptions file: $!");
my @parts = split;
next SUBS if $_ =~ /^\s*(#.*)?$/;
die("invalid subscriptions line: $_")
unless $#parts >= 1 && $parts[1] =~ /^([-#]?)([0-9]+)$/;
my $group_data = join(' ', $parts[0], ''.$2);
push(@disabled_subs, $group_data) if $1 eq '#';
push(@new_subs, $group_data) if $1 eq '-';
push(@old_subs, $group_data) if $1 eq '';
return (\@new_subs, \@old_subs, \@disabled_subs);
sub write_subscriptions {
my $updated_subs = shift;
open(my $fh, '>')
or die("failed to open subscriptions file: $!");
or die("failed to write subscriptions file: $!");
sub open_group {
my $group = shift;
our $conn;
my ($count, $server_first, $server_last, $server_name) = $conn->group($group);
$server_name eq $group or die("failed to open group $group: $!");
return ($server_first, $server_last, $server_last < $server_first);
sub read_new_group {
my ($group, $howfew) = @_;
my ($server_first, $server_last, $server_circle) = open_group($group);
my $iwant = $server_last - $howfew + 1;
my $available = ($server_circle ? 1 : $server_first);
return fetch_article_range(max($iwant, $available), $server_last);
sub read_old_group {
my ($group, $ihave) = @_;
my ($server_first, $server_last, $server_circle) = open_group($group);
my $pending_circle = $server_last < $ihave;
return fetch_article_range($server_first, $server_last)
if ($pending_circle && !$server_circle);
return fetch_article_range($ihave+1, $server_last)
if (!$pending_circle && $server_circle);
my $available = max($ihave + 1, $server_first);
return fetch_article_range($available, $server_last)
if (!$pending_circle && !$server_circle);
return fetch_circled_articles($available, $server_last);
sub main {
our $conn;
my $ssl = 0;
my $auth = 0;
my $server = $ENV{'NNTPSERVER'} || '';
our $usage;
GetOptions("auth" => \$auth,
"ssl" => \$ssl,
"server=s" => \$server)
or die($usage);
my ($new_subs, $old_subs, $disabled_subs) = read_subscriptions();
$conn = Net::NNTP->new($server, SSL => $ssl, Reader => 1, Debug => 1);
defined $conn
or die("failed to connect: $!");
if ($ssl && $auth) {
$conn->authinfo($ENV{'NNTP_USER'}, $ENV{'NNTP_PASS'})
or die("failed to authenticate: $!");
my @updated_subs;
for (@{$new_subs}) {
my ($group, $howfew) = split;
my $last_fetched = read_new_group($group, $howfew);
push(@updated_subs, sprintf("%s -%d\n", $group, $howfew)), next NEW_GROUP
unless $last_fetched;
push(@updated_subs, sprintf("%s %d\n", $group, $last_fetched));
for (@{$old_subs}) {
my ($group, $ihave) = split;
my $last_fetched = read_old_group($group, $ihave);
push(@updated_subs, sprintf("%s %d\n", $group, $ihave)), next OLD_GROUP
unless $last_fetched;
push(@updated_subs, sprintf("%s %d\n", $group, $last_fetched));
for (@{$disabled_subs}) {
my ($group, $article) = split;
push(@updated_subs, sprintf("%s #%d\n", $group, $article));
# Since this script will generally run in the front of a pipeline,
# it is not enough to set an exit status because that cannot be detected
# by a Bourne shell. Write an indication to a file as well.
sub write_timestamp {
open(my $fh, '>timestamp');
$fh->printf("%d\n", time());
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