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Created November 23, 2012 01:33
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IFPH 練習問題 1.2.3 簡約系列の計数 ref:
-- | 式の定義
data Expr = Zero
| Pred Expr
| Succ Expr
deriving (Show,Read)
-- | Redex(簡約可能式)を数える.
countRedex :: Expr -> Int
countRedex Zero = 0
countRedex (Succ t) = case t of
Pred _ -> 1 + countRedex t
_ -> countRedex t
countRedex (Pred t) = case t of
Succ _ -> 1 + countRedex t
_ -> countRedex t
-- | 1ステップの簡約(複数の結果がありうる)
reduce :: Expr -> [Expr]
reduce Zero = []
reduce (Pred t) = case t of
Succ t' -> t' : map Pred (reduce t)
_ -> map Pred (reduce t)
reduce (Succ t) = case t of
Pred t' -> t' : map Succ (reduce t)
_ -> map Succ (reduce t)
-- | 簡約系列の生成
redSeqs :: Expr -> [[Expr]]
redSeqs t = case reduce t of
[] -> [[t]]
ts -> concatMap (map (t:) . redSeqs) ts
-- | 簡約系列の数
countRedSeqs :: Expr -> Int
countRedSeqs = length . redSeqs
-- | IFPH 練習問題 1.2.3 で与えられた式
exer010203 :: Expr
exer010203 = Succ(Pred(Succ(Pred(Pred(Zero)))))
? countRedSeqs exer010203
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