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Last active July 1, 2023 08:09
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{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
module Modular where
import Control.Arrow
newtype ModInt = ModInt Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)
modulus :: Int
modulus = 998244353
toModInt :: Int -> ModInt
toModInt n = ModInt (n `mod` modulus)
instance Num ModInt where
ModInt a + ModInt b = ModInt ((a + b) `mod` modulus)
ModInt a - ModInt b = ModInt ((a - b) `mod` modulus)
ModInt a * ModInt b = ModInt ((a * b) `mod` modulus)
abs (ModInt a) = ModInt (abs a)
signum (ModInt a) = ModInt (signum a)
fromInteger n = ModInt $ fromInteger (n `mod` fromIntegral modulus)
instance Real ModInt where
toRational (ModInt a) = toRational a
instance Integral ModInt where
quotRem a b = (a * inv b, 0)
toInteger (ModInt a) = toInteger a
inv :: ModInt -> ModInt
inv a = a ^ (modulus - 2)
instance Show ModInt where
show (ModInt a) = show a
instance Read ModInt where
readsPrec _ = map (first fromInteger) . readsPrec 0
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