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Created July 30, 2021 14:49
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nand2tetris assmebler in node.js
// nand2tetris-asm.js
const fs = require('fs')
const readline = require('readline')
const { EOL } = require('os')
// argv[0] = 'node'
// argv[1] = 'this_js_itself'
const infile = process.argv[2]
// Pass 1
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(infile)
const outfile = infile.substring(0, infile.indexOf('.')) + '.hack'
const ws = fs.createWriteStream(outfile)
class Parser {
hasMoreCommands () {
// read next command is done by readStream and its event.
// This method is just a place holder.
return true
static advance (line) {
const re = /\s+/
const a = line.split(re)
if (a[0] === '') {
buf = a[1]
} else {
buf = a[0]
static commandType () {
if (buf === undefined) {
return 'NO_COMMAND'
const c = buf[0]
if (c === '@') {
return 'A_COMMAND'
} else if (c === '(') {
return 'L_COMMAND'
} else if (c === '0' || c === '1' || c === '-' || c === 'D' || c === 'A' || c === '!' || c === 'M') {
return 'C_COMMAND'
} else {
return 'NO_COMMAND'
static symbol () {
if (this.commandType() === 'A_COMMAND') {
const A = /(?<=@).*/
return buf.match(A)
} else if (this.commandType() === 'L_COMMAND') {
const L = /(?<=\().*?(?=\))/
return buf.match(L)
} else {
return null
static dest () {
if (buf.indexOf('=') > -1) {
const destTokens = buf.split('=')
return destTokens[0]
static jump () {
if (buf.indexOf(';') > -1) {
const jumpTokens = buf.split(';')
return jumpTokens.slice(-1)[0]
static comp () {
let start = buf.indexOf('=')
if (start === -1) {
start = 0
} else {
let end = buf.indexOf(';')
if (end === -1) {
end = buf.length
return buf.slice(start, end)
class Code {
static dest (v) {
if (v === 'M') return 1
else if (v === 'D') return 2
else if (v === 'MD') return 3
else if (v === 'A') return 4
else if (v === 'AM') return 5
else if (v === 'AD') return 6
else if (v === 'AMD') return 7
else return 0
static jump (v) {
if (v === 'JGT') return 1
else if (v === 'JEQ') return 2
else if (v === 'JGE') return 3
else if (v === 'JLT') return 4
else if (v === 'JNE') return 5
else if (v === 'JLE') return 6
else if (v === 'JMP') return 7
else return 0
static comp (v) {
if (v === '0') return parseInt('101010', 2)
else if (v === '1') return parseInt('111111', 2)
else if (v === '-1') return parseInt('111010', 2)
else if (v === 'D') return parseInt('001100', 2)
else if (v === 'A') return parseInt('110000', 2)
else if (v === '!D') return parseInt('001101', 2)
else if (v === '!A') return parseInt('110001', 2)
else if (v === '-D') return parseInt('001111', 2)
else if (v === '-A') return parseInt('110011', 2)
else if (v === 'D+1') return parseInt('011111', 2)
else if (v === 'A+1') return parseInt('110111', 2)
else if (v === 'D-1') return parseInt('001110', 2)
else if (v === 'A-1') return parseInt('110010', 2)
else if (v === 'D+A') return parseInt('000010', 2)
else if (v === 'D-A') return parseInt('010011', 2)
else if (v === 'A-D') return parseInt('000111', 2)
else if (v === 'D&A') return parseInt('000000', 2)
else if (v === 'D|A') return parseInt('010101', 2)
else if (v === 'M') return parseInt('1110000', 2)
else if (v === '!M') return parseInt('1110001', 2)
else if (v === '-M') return parseInt('1110011', 2)
else if (v === 'M+1') return parseInt('1110111', 2)
else if (v === 'M-1') return parseInt('1110010', 2)
else if (v === 'D+M') return parseInt('1000010', 2)
else if (v === 'D-M') return parseInt('1010011', 2)
else if (v === 'M-D') return parseInt('1000111', 2)
else if (v === 'D&M') return parseInt('1000000', 2)
else if (v === 'D|M') return parseInt('1010101', 2)
class SymbolTable {
constructor () {
this.table = {}
addEntry (symbol, address) {
this.table[symbol] = address
contains (symbol) {
if (this.table[symbol] === undefined) return false
else return true
getAddress (symbol) {
return this.table[symbol]
// Global Variables
let buf
const symbolTable = new SymbolTable()
// default symbols
symbolTable.addEntry('SP', 0)
symbolTable.addEntry('LCL', 1)
symbolTable.addEntry('ARG', 2)
symbolTable.addEntry('THIS', 3)
symbolTable.addEntry('THAT', 4)
symbolTable.addEntry('SCREEN', 16384)
symbolTable.addEntry('KBD', 24576)
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
symbolTable.addEntry('R' + i.toString(), i)
// Pass 1 : read src and build symbol table
let addr = 0
rl.on('line', (input) => {
const type = Parser.commandType()
if (type === 'L_COMMAND') {
symbolTable.addEntry(Parser.symbol(), addr)
if (type === 'A_COMMAND' || type === 'C_COMMAND') {
}).on('close', () => {
// Pass 2 : assmemble
// if A command with a symbol but not registered in symbol table,
// It shoud be a variable starting from address 16.
const rl2 = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(infile)
addr = 16 // reset address to variable address
rl2.on('line', (input) => {
const zero = '0000000000000000'
const prefix = parseInt('1110000000000000', 2)
const type = Parser.commandType()
if (type === 'A_COMMAND') {
let s = Parser.symbol()
if (isNaN(s)) {
if (symbolTable.contains(s)) {
s = symbolTable.getAddress(s).toString(10)
} else {
symbolTable.addEntry(s, addr)
s = addr.toString(10)
ws.write((zero + parseInt(s).toString(2)).slice(-16) + EOL)
} else if (type === 'C_COMMAND') {
const comp = Code.comp(Parser.comp()) * 64 // 6 bit shift
const dest = Code.dest(Parser.dest()) * 8 // 3 bit shift
const jump = Code.jump(Parser.jump())
const code = prefix + comp + dest + jump
ws.write((zero + parseInt(code).toString(2)).slice(-16) + EOL)
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