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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Import mojo
Function Main:Int()
New Game()
End Function
Class Game Extends App
Const NUM_VALUES = 5850 'Number of values each tree will contain in this test.
Const FETCH_AMT = 300 'Amount of gets done each fetch cycle.
Field a:= New IntMap<String>
Field b:= New IntSplayTree<String>
Field fetchVals:Int[]
Field fetchTime1, fetchTime2
Method OnCreate:Int()
SetUpdateRate 10
'Load up the trees with some values.
Local time = Millisecs()
For Local i:Int = 0 Until NUM_VALUES
a.Set(i, "KeyValue " + i)
Print("Map insert time: " + (Millisecs() -time))
time = Millisecs()
For Local i:Int = 0 Until NUM_VALUES
b.Set(i, "KeyValue " + i)
Print("Splay insert time: " + (Millisecs() -time))
'Validate that the inserts succeeded.
Print("Map size: " + a.Count())
Print("Splay size: " + b.Size())
'Print b.Height()
'Prepare a set of values to fetch.
fetchVals = fetchVals.Resize(FETCH_AMT)
For Local i:Int = 0 Until FETCH_AMT
fetchVals[i] = Rnd(NUM_VALUES)
'Now, let's fetch these values a few times from our trees.
time = Millisecs()
For Local j:Int = 0 Until fetchVals.Length()
Print("Map fetch time: " + (Millisecs() -time))
time = Millisecs()
For Local j:Int = 0 Until fetchVals.Length()
Print("Splay fetch time: " + (Millisecs() -time))
End Method
Method OnUpdate:Int()
'Fetch a couple of values from the trees and display how long it took to do this. As time progresses, the splay tree should become more efficient.
Local time = Millisecs()
For Local i:Int = 0 Until FETCH_AMT
fetchTime1 = Millisecs() -time
time = Millisecs()
For Local i:Int = 0 Until FETCH_AMT
fetchTime2 = Millisecs() -time
End Method
Method OnRender:Int()
DrawText("Map fetch time: " + fetchTime1, 8, 8)
DrawText("Splay fetch time:" + fetchTime2, 8, 32)
End Method
End Class
Class SplayTree<K, V>
'This method MUST be implemented by subclasses of SplayTree...
Method Compare( lhs:K,rhs:K ) Abstract
Method Clear:Void()
End Method
Method IsEmpty:Bool()
Return root=Null
End Method
Method Contains:Bool(key:K)
Return (Get(key) <> null)
End Method
' return value associated with the given key
' If no such value, return null
Method Get:V(key:K)
root = Splay(root, key)
Local cmp:Int = Compare(key, root.key)
If (cmp = 0) Then Return root.value
End Method
'* Splay insertion
Method Set:Void(key:K, value:V)
' Splay key to root
If (root = null)
root = New Node<K, V>(key, value)
End If
root = Splay(root, key)
Local cmp:Int = Compare(key, root.key)
' Insert new node at root
If (cmp < 0)
Local n:= New Node<K, V>(key, value)
n.left = root.left
n.right = root
root.left = null
root = n
' Insert new node at root
ElseIf (cmp > 0)
Local n:= New Node<K, V>(key, value)
n.right = root.right
n.left = root
root.right = null
root = n
' It was a duplicate key. Simply replace the value
ElseIf (cmp = 0)
root.value = value
End If
End Method
'* Splay deletion
' * This Splays the key, then does a slightly modified Hibbard deletion on
' * the root (If it is the node to be deleted; If it is not, the key was
' * not in the tree). The modification is that rather than swapping the
' * root (call it node A) with its successor, it's successor (call it Node B)
' * is moved to the root position by Splaying for the deletion key in A's
' * right subtree. Finally, A's right child is made the new root's right
' * child.
' *
Method Remove:Void(key:K)
If (root = null) then Return ' empty tree
root = Splay(root, key)
Local cmp:Int = Compare(key, root.key)
If (cmp = 0)
If root.left = Null
root = root.right
Node x = root.right
root = root.left
Splay(root, key)
root.right = x
End If
End If
' else: it wasn't in the tree to remove
End Method
' /*************************************************************************
' * helper functions
' *************************************************************************/
' height of tree (1-node tree has height 0)
Method Height:Int()
Return Height(root)
End Method
Method Size:Int()
Return Size(root)
End Method
Method Height(x:Node<K, V>)
If x = Null Then Return - 1
Return 1 + Max(Height(x.left), Height(x.right))
End Method
Method Size:Int(x:Node<K, V>)
If x = Null Then Return 0 Else Return (1 + Size(x.left) + Size(x.right))
End Method
'* Splay function
'* **********************************************************************/
' Splay key in the tree rooted at Node h. If a node with that key exists,
' it is Splayed to the root of the tree. If it does not, the last node
' along the search path for the key is Splayed to the root.
Method Splay:Node<K, V>(h:Node<K,V>, key:K)
If (h = Null) Then Return Null
Local cmp1:Int = Compare(key, h.key)
If (cmp1 < 0)
' key not in tree, so we're done
If h.left = Null Then Return h
Local cmp2:Int = Compare(key, h.left.key)
If (cmp2 < 0)
h.left.left = Splay(h.left.left, key)
h = rotateRight(h)
ElseIf (cmp2 > 0)
h.left.right = Splay(h.left.right, key)
If (h.left.right <> Null) Then h.left = rotateLeft(h.left)
End If
If h.left = Null Then Return h Else Return rotateRight(h)
ElseIf(cmp1 > 0)
' key not in tree, so we're done
If h.right = Null Then Return h
Local cmp2:Int = Compare(key, h.right.key)
If (cmp2 < 0)
h.right.left = Splay(h.right.left, key)
If (h.right.left <> null)
h.right = rotateRight(h.right)
ElseIf(cmp2 > 0)
h.right.right = Splay(h.right.right, key)
h = rotateLeft(h)
End If
If h.right = Null Then Return h Else Return rotateLeft(h)
Return h
End If
End Method
Method rotateRight:Node<K, V>(h:Node<K, V>)
Local x:Node<K, V> = h.left
h.left = x.right
x.right = h
Return x
End Method
Method rotateLeft:Node<K, V>(h:Node<K, V>)
Local x:Node<K, V> = h.right
h.right = x.left
x.left = h
Return x
End Method
Field root:Node<K, V>
End Class
Class Node<K, V>
Field key:K ' key
Field value:V ' associated data
Field left:Node, right:Node ' left and right subtrees
Method New(key:K, value:V)
Self.key = key
Self.value = value
End Method
End Class
'Helper versions...
Class IntSplayTree<V> Extends SplayTree<Int, V>
Method Compare(lhs:Int, rhs:Int)
Return lhs-rhs
End Method
End Class
Class FloatSplayTree<V> Extends SplayTree<Float,V>
Method Compare(lhs:Float, rhs:Float)
If lhs<rhs Return -1
Return lhs>rhs
End Method
End Class
Class StringSplayTree<V> Extends SplayTree<String,V>
Method Compare(lhs:String, rhs:String)
Return lhs.Compare( rhs )
End Method
End Class
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