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Save nocache/1148380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. do |s| = "feature_tour_repository"
s.version = "0.5.7"
s.platform = "ruby"
s.authors = ["Glenn Tweedie", "Mark Gallop", "Agworld"] = [""]
s.homepage = ""
s.summary = "Le Tour d'Agworld"
s.description = "Feature Tour Repository"
s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 1.3.6"
s.files = ["feature_tour_repository.rb"]
s.require_path = '.'
class FeatureTourRepository
cattr_accessor :features
@@features = [ { :name => "Introduction",
:features_attributes => [
:name => "Welcome to the New Agworld Feature Tour!",
:body => "First let's get used to using the Feature Tour.<br/>The tour is open by default if you haven't taken the tour yet or you have explicitly opened it. To close the tour at any time, click the blue Close Tour button.<br/>The tour remembers where you were up to last, so when you re-open it you will return to the point where you left off.<br/><br/>Now click the Next button to continue the tour of Agworld!",
:name => "Re-opening Tour",
:body => "You can always re-open the tour by clicking on the Feature Tour button.",
:element => "#feature-tour-btn",
:attach_position => 9,
:name => "Show/Hide Inline Help",
:body => "<p>Everywhere you go within Agworld, this link will show or hide the inline help view.</p><p>The help areas will be added to very regularly so keep checking back or don't hesitate to contact us if you want help in a certain area.</p>",
:element => "#inline_help_toggle",
:attach_position => 6,
:name => "Using Inline Help",
:body => "<p>Once you've dismissed the help text on any page in the Agworld system, it will no longer display next time you come back to that page.</p><p>If you ever want it back again, simply click \"Show\" again.</p><p>Help is broken up into purely informational items and tasks which conveniently have a checkbox next to them to allow you to remember which instructions you have followed.</p>",
:name => "Completing Your Profile",
:body => "<p>The first step to getting the most out of Agworld is to make sure your account is fully set up. There are just a few key pieces of information you need to set:<ul class='square'><li>Specify the agricultural segments you are interested in</li><li>Set your location</li><li>Select your closest weather station</li><li>Upload your client list (if you have any)</li><li>Set your contact preferences</li><li>Enter your (or your clients') properties and paddocks</li></ul></p>",
:route => "/profiles/edit",
:name => "Understanding the Dashboard",
:body => "<p>The Dashboard is your \"Home\" page in Agworld. Here you can see a quick summary of all the activity that has ocurred on the Agworld system which you have indicated that you want to know about.<br /><br />This can be configured from your <a href=\"/profiles\">contact profiles</a> page, any action which has a tick in the \"Timeline\" column will cause an entry to be placed in your activity feed (and in the timeline in the Agworld iPad App) when that action is performed on an object which you are allowed to view.</p>",
:route => "/",
{ :name => "Business",
:features_attributes => [
:name => "Alerting",
:body => "<p>Agworld has the ability to SMS, Fax and Email you automatically when new information is available, so making sure your contact information is up to date will improve communication between you and your employees, consultants, growers or contractors.</p><p>Have a look under the <b>My Business -> Business</b> page and click <b>Contact Details</b> on the right side to enter in your companies details. You can also provide your mobile number under the <b>Account</b> page shown at the top right. Individual employees in your business can customise how they wish to receive alerts under the <b>Communications -> Contact Profiles</b> page.</p>",
:route => "/companies/show",
:name => "Customize Alerts",
:body => "When you trigger an event which generates a message (such as approving a form), Agworld will give you the opportunity to customise the message content and who it will go to.",
:route => "/companies/show",
:filename => "communications_2-838be51b4c2d5b7864240e7a.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Documents & Notes",
:body => "<p>Agworld can be used as general information store for any documents or notes relating to your business or any of your clients. Upload PDF or Word Documents against your company to share with your employees or just for safe keeping.</p><p>On any business page look for the <b>Notes</b> and the <b>Documents</b> links in the menu on the right hand side.</p>",
:route => "/companies/show",
:name => "Document Archive",
:body => "The Documents archive, showing the instant access you get to their details.",
:route => "/companies/show",
:filename => "document_management_1-cc0fdd0b25357a98f2cf04b8.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Nicknames",
:body => "<p>Nicknames are a great way to improve your efficiency when filling out forms by storing aliases against commonly used terms such as <i>RLEM</i> for <i>Red Legged Earth Mite</i>. Everyone has their own way of short handing products, pests and crop segments so you can either use the defaults Agworld has provided or modify them to use your own.</p><p>Under the <b>Business</b> page click <b>Nicknames</b> on the right hand menu to specify your own nicknames.</p>",
:route => "/nicknames",
:name => "Prices",
:body => "<p>Pricing information for products can be provided for planning and reporting purposes. We will endeavour to have good estimates for data but providing more accurate data will improve the accuracy of any plans or reports generated by Agworld.</p><p>A product pricing table is available under the <b>My Business -> Prices</b> page.</p>",
:route => "/prices",
:disabled => true,
:name => "Boundaries",
:body => "Adding a new boundary is as simple as giving it a name.",
:disabled => true,
:name => "Boundaries 2",
:body => "Simply click and drag to adjust the boundary.",
:name => "Purchasing Agworld",
:body => "<p>You may be on a free trial of Agworld or only have some features enabled. We structure pricing in components to allow companies to only pay for what they need but if you find something missing that you would like, take a visit to the <b>My Business -> Purchase Agworld</b> page to enable more functionality.</p><p>You can also buy additional user accounts to have more employees in your business logging in and using the features of Agworld.</p>",
:route => "/purchases",
{ :name => "Library",
:features_attributes => [
:name => "Ag Industry Library",
:body => "The Agworld Industry Library is a powerful search engine for finding, storing and sharing all the information you need, in one central location.<br /><br />Suppliers, consultants, fellow focus group members and you can post information securely into the Library and have control over how it is shared amongst other Agworld members.<br /><br />Configure your <b>Communications -> <a href=\"/profiles\">Contact Profiles</a></b> to define when and how you want to be alerted when new information is added to the Library which you are able to access.",
:route => "/library",
:name => "Exact Match Searching",
:body => "While you're used to searching for information using keywords, Agworld and our partners have spent a lot of time categorising data so you can search for it using 'exact match' searching. Some of the fields below will allow you to select an exact value from a drop-down list when you start typing, this allows you to drill down very quickly to find what you are looking for.<br /><br />This is also what allows us to create your own personalised alerting system, based on what farming segment you define for yourself in your profile.",
:route => "/library",
:name => "Your Library",
:body => "<p>The Library is actually a fantastic way to store your own information!</p><p>Why would you tuck your pest photos, tech manuals, research papers and other valuable pieces of information away on a file server somewhere?</p><p>Fire, theft, viruses and various other issues are always a threat. Put them in the cloud!<br />Not only do you get the peace of mind knowing that your data is safe and securely backed up regularly, but you will also be able to access it from anywhere you need to, at home, work or in the paddock!</p>",
:route => "/library",
:name => "Search Your Library",
:body => "Easily search your library for exactly what you need.",
:route => "/library",
:filename => "library_search_1-5cb6be6d9343626b49b25da9.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Accessing Your Library",
:body => "Access your data from anywhere you need to, at home, work or in the paddock!",
:route => "/library",
:filename => "library_search_2-7a4c541e1eb95c3ffec862da.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
{ :name => "Forms",
:features_attributes => [
:name => "Forms Introduction",
:body => "<p>Forms are a powerful core capability of the Agworld system.</p><p>Using a Digital Pen and special printed paper forms you can record all kinds of information wherever you are (from the car to the paddock) and then collate and distrubute that information via Agworld.</p>",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:name => "Form Permissions",
:body => "Agworld manages access to your forms so that only approved people can see and/or change forms.",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:name => "Your Forms",
:body => "The forms list page shows you all the digital and paperless forms which you have access to.<br />You can see information about what type of form it is, when it was modified and by whom, and whether it has been approved or corrected.",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:name => "Form Actions",
:body => "An example entry from the forms list. Notice the action buttons, which appear on the right when your mouse is near.",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:filename => "your_forms_1-18870d6b2e40024c3036db26.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Searching Your Forms",
:body => "Forms can be searched in a number of ways. Note the page links at the bottom of the list.",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:filename => "your_forms_2-3ecb66209cb2dd185298cb07.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Editing a Form",
:body => "Agworld has a powerful online editor to correct and complete forms that have been submitted. Once a form has been 'approved' then it can be automatically sent to relevant people via email, fax or SMS.",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:name => "Pen Strokes",
:body => "You can see the original pen strokes from the paper form right there as you edit:",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:filename => "forms_editing_1-c985ccb88aed07062e9e5777.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Select from a List",
:body => "Paddocks, products, pests and crop types are available to choose from a list:",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:filename => "forms_editing_2-91f6ac9071b96512f4ea488a.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Filter as You Type",
:body => "Type a few letters of the pest and the dropdown list is automatically filtered to the most relevant:",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:filename => "forms_editing_3-2662153378e0a7d9faa9f78d.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Work Efficiently",
:body => "Advanced handwriting recognition, combined with Agworld's unequalled library produce efficient work:",
:route => "/digital_forms",
:filename => "forms_editing_4-ddc8468bd58ccbb820728bcf.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
{ :name => "Connect",
:features_attributes => [
:name => "My Connections",
:body => "<p>Agworld runs on a system of 'connections' (also referred to as 'relationships').</p><p>In the My Connections screen you can browse and manage the connections that you, as a user, have with other companies. By and large these other companies will be your clients, for example all the farmers that you do business with.</p><p>Your network of connections determines how other users of Agworld can interact with you, and vice versa.</p>",
:route => "/clients",
:name => "Classifiers",
:body => "<p>Using the classifiers feature you can add extra custom information about your clients. This will be shared with any other employees in your company and it's up to you how you want to use it.</p><p>For example, you could set up an accounting ID on each client, and/or group your clients by region.</p><p>Being able to search and sort clients by the classifiers makes this a very powerful feature.</p>",
:route => "/company_classifiers",
:name => "Finding Companies",
:body => "<p>In order to set up your network of connections you will need to add some.</p><p>This is done by searching for an existing company and sending them a \"connection request\" which they will need to accept.</p><p>This should be quite familiar for those who make use of social media networks.</p>",
:route => "/connections/new",
:name => "Adding Companies",
:body => "<p>If the company you want to get connected to is not already an Agworld member, you can simply add them yourself!</p><p>They will be sent an invitation to join Agworld for free and in the meantime you will be able to carry on with your work (such as creating recommendations for them or doing their farm planning).</p>",
:route => "/connections/new",
:name => "Accepting or Rejecting Requests",
:body => "<p>Just as you can invite others to get connected, you might receive a connection request yourself.</p><p>These will appear on the sidebar when on the dashboard homepage plus you will see a message in your activity feed.</p><p>You can revoke previously accepted connections at any time, so you are in total control of how you are sharing information between companies.</p>",
:route => "/dashboard",
{ :name => "Planning",
:features_attributes => [
:name => "Getting Started",
:body => "<p>In Agworld, planning your farm is simple, powerful and very fast with farmers and consultants collaborating together in real time while working on the same plan. Updates are immediate and emailing files is a thing of the past!</p><p>With its innovative templates, automatically generated price lists, and comprehensive reporting, planning your business has never been faster!</p>",
:name => "Templates and Scenarios",
:body => "<p>Agworlds innovative templating system lies at the very heart of the planning tool. Using templates as the building blocks, consultants and farmers alike can plan their business in just a few clicks of the mouse. Whether you convert your existing plans to templates, or build them from scratch, as your library increases, so does your productivity. You can even share templates amongst your entire business!</p>",
:name => "Crop Templates",
:body => "Follow the 'Crop Templates' link from the 'My Business' menu",
:filename => "planning_crop_templates_1-6908b6f998e50203386c82fa.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Editing Your Template",
:body => "Editing your template",
:filename => "planning_crop_templates_2-65b6c88b38fbbc90fec67d8e.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:disabled => true;
:body => "Flexible price calculation",
:name => "Lock Your Prices",
:body => "Lock your prices so that they are not accidentally updated",
:filename => "planning_crop_templates_4-44650acaffaafdbc76343ee4.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Customise Your Brews",
:body => "Customise your brews",
:filename => "planning_crop_templates_5-f39eb3831d2df1be619f0230.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Gross Margins",
:body => "Establish your gross margins",
:filename => "planning_crop_templates_6-f2f530723ae24a32f3c69c99.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Rotation Planning",
:body => "<p>Armed with your library of templates, planning your rotations is simple, intuitive and fast. Apply your templates in a single click, view your rotation history and instantly access and modify all of your essential season information from a single place. Planning your rotations through Agworld will change the way you do business!</p>",
:name => "Activities Based Around Seasons",
:body => "All planning activities are based around seasons:",
:filename => "planning_rotations_1-67197075b51caaa64d606d7a.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Side by Side",
:body => "Side by side viewing and editing of your past and present season plans:",
:filename => "planning_rotations_2-912f30ce03589a94a42a3615.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Easy Access",
:body => "Easy access to key season information:",
:filename => "planning_rotations_3-320f4b761b41abb8f6ba6de6.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "High Level Rotation Planning",
:body => "Plan your crop rotations quickly and easily:",
:filename => "planning_rotations_4-6fbbe51725f87d618c57d2de.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Paddock-Level Planning",
:body => "Easy access to paddock level plan information:",
:filename => "planning_rotations_5-de3caa3e2688339d3cf1b8fe.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Produce Your Plans",
:body => "Rapidly produce your plans using your crop templates and a simple point and click:",
:filename => "planning_rotations_6-fa4fb433df42b00a959a04fc.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Aerial Planning",
:body => "<p>Visually planning your business using the aerial planning interface is another simple and effective tool in your planning tool belt. Watch the map change immediately as updates are applied and freely experiment with paddock boundaries and crops. Historical planning information or other spatial data can even be overlayed onto the map to assist in any vital planning decisions!</p>",
:name => "Visualise Your Plans",
:body => "Visualise your plans",
:filename => "planning_aerial_1-6c7106ff092efc748e521425.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Compare",
:body => "Compare your current season with previous seasons",
:filename => "planning_aerial_2-fc6b4a6f248466fe971fae15.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Choose Boundary",
:body => "Choose your boundary or manually set the area",
:filename => "planning_aerial_3-029a18ca0de7c1d1bf1a63cc.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "New Plans",
:body => "Easily create new plans",
:filename => "planning_aerial_4-2ce9049256b57fe1475a346f.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Apply Crops",
:body => "Point and click application of crops",
:filename => "planning_aerial_5-63364c14800fc588e6dcd60d.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Custom Colours",
:body => "Easily customise crop colours",
:filename => "planning_aerial_6-283123778f16ddf02d29c846.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
:name => "Price Calculations",
:body => "Easy to use, flexible price calculations",
:filename => "planning_crop_templates_3-d19b46c6278c7fdcc214075c.png",
:content_type => "image/png",
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