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Created December 24, 2018 17:55
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Snapping MultiCursor widget for pyplot
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor as _MultiCursor
class MultiCursor(_MultiCursor):
"""MultiCursor widget subclass that snaps to plot data
Snaps to the nearest x-axis value on mouse-movement. The horizontal lines of
the cursor then follow the y-axis values. Data for each axis is displayed
on the bottom toolbar of the figure.
x_data (np.ndarray): The original x-axis data passed to the plot.
Must be shared by all related subplots (using ``sharex`` parameter)
x_label (str): Label used for x-axis display on the toolbar
x_format_func (callable, optional): If provided, a callable to convert
values in :attr:`x_data` to string
y_data: List containing the y-axis data for each subplot
y_labels: List of labels associated with :attr:`y_data`
y_format_funcs: List of callables (or ``None``) to format values in
:attr:`y_data` to string
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.x_data = kwargs.pop('x_data')
self.x_label = kwargs.pop('x_label')
self.x_format_func = kwargs.pop('x_format_func', None)
self.y_data = kwargs.pop('y_data')
self.y_labels = kwargs.pop('y_labels')
self.y_format_funcs = kwargs.pop('y_format_funcs', None)
if self.y_format_funcs is None:
self.y_format_funcs = [None] * len(self.y_data)
self.current_data_x = None
self.toolbar_message = None
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def onmove(self, event):
if self.ignore(event):
if event.inaxes is None:
if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self):
x = event.xdata
ax = event.inaxes
if ax not in self.axes:
fmin = self.x_data.min()
fmax = self.x_data.max()
if x < fmin:
i_x = 0
elif x > fmax:
i_x = self.x_data.size - 1
i_x = np.abs(self.x_data - x).argmin()
data_x = self.x_data[i_x]
if data_x == self.current_data_x:
msg = self.toolbar_message
if msg is not None:
if self.x_format_func is not None:
x_str = self.x_format_func(data_x)
x_str = str(data_x)
labels = [(self.x_label, x_str)]
self.needclear = True
if not self.visible:
if self.vertOn:
for line in self.vlines:
line.set_xdata((data_x, data_x))
if self.horizOn:
for lbl, y_arr, line, fmt_func in zip(self.y_labels, self.y_data, self.hlines, self.y_format_funcs):
data_y = y_arr[i_x]
if fmt_func is not None:
y_str = fmt_func(data_y)
y_str = str(data_y)
labels.append((lbl, y_str))
line.set_ydata((data_y, data_y))
self.current_data_x = data_x
msg = ', '.join(['='.join(lbl) for lbl in labels])
self.toolbar_message = msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
T = 2.0
N = 256
xdata = np.linspace(0, T, N)
y0 = np.cos(2 * np.pi * xdata)
y1 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * xdata)
def format_x(value):
return '{:.3f}'.format(value)
def format_y(value):
return '{:.3f}'.format(value)
fig = plt.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
plt.plot(xdata, y0)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2, sharex=ax0)
plt.plot(xdata, y1)
cursor = MultiCursor(fig.canvas, (ax0, ax1),
x_data=xdata, x_label='T', x_format_func=format_x,
y_data=[y0, y1], y_labels=['cos', 'sin'], y_format_funcs=[format_y, format_y],
color='r', lw=1, horizOn=True,
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