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Last active March 31, 2020 09:06
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A challenge inspired by Java Brains on YouTube ( to find the longest palindrome within a string. I'm just learning Kotlin so this was a good exercise.
/* Challenge inspired by Java Brains' video: */
package com.nocdib.longestPalindrome
// Variable to count the number of times a word is tested for a palindrome
var comparisons: Int = 0
fun main() {
println( longestPalindrome(""))
println(longestPalindrome("naomi, did I moan?"))
/* Return the longest palindrome in a string, excluding single-characters */
fun longestPalindrome(str: String = ""): String {
// Remove all non-alphanumeric characters from the string
var alphanumericString = str.replace(("[^A-Za-z0-9]").toRegex(), "")
var longestPalindrome: String = ""
comparisons = 0
// The first letter in the substring
for(x in 0..alphanumericString.length) {
// The last letter in the substring
for(y in alphanumericString.length downTo x) {
// If the first letter comes before the last letter and the size of the substring is greater than the current longest palindrome then start comparing.
if(x < y && (y-x) > longestPalindrome.length) {
// Test if the substring from the first to last letters is a palindrome...
var testString: String = alphanumericString.substring(x,y)
// ...and if it is then see if it's longer than the current longest palindrome
if(isPalindrome(testString)) {
longestPalindrome = if (longestPalindrome?.length < testString.length) testString else longestPalindrome
return "The longest palindrome in \"$str\" is \"$longestPalindrome\" and it took $comparisons comparisons to find."
} // Decrease the index of the last letter
} // Increase the index of the first letter
return "The longest palindrome in \"$str\" is \"$longestPalindrome\" and it took $comparisons comparisons to find."
/* Return true if a string reads the same forwards and backwards */
fun isPalindrome(str: String) : Boolean {
//println("isPalindrome: ${str}")
return str.toLowerCase().equals(str.toLowerCase().reversed()) && str.length > 1
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