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Last active July 18, 2020 22:11
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Queued rate limiter attempt
import time
from functools import wraps
import threading
import queue
from typing import List, Callable
import string
import random
import asyncio
class QueuedRateLimiter:
""" Rate limit execution of tasks in a queue
max_exec_per_limit = 10 and window_size_in_seconds = 60 sec
Only 10 executions is allowed during a 60 second window.
When x execs is reached during n second window, exec is paused and resumed when allowed again.
def __init__(self, max_exec_per_limit: int = 10, window_size_in_seconds: int = 60):
self.max_exec_per_limit = max_exec_per_limit
self.window_size_in_seconds = window_size_in_seconds # Seconds
self.time_until_next = 0
self.is_rate_limited = False
self.time_bucket: List[float] = []
self.func_queue = queue.Queue() # Is thread safe! No need for locks and such
def rate_limiter(self):
""" Rate limiting
Decides when to rate limit.
now = time.perf_counter()
if self.is_rate_limited and now < self.time_until_next:
# Ignore
elif self.is_rate_limited and now > self.time_until_next:
self.is_rate_limited = False
if len(self.time_bucket) >= self.max_exec_per_limit:
diff_first = now - self.time_bucket[0]
if diff_first <= self.window_size_in_seconds:
# Rate limit
self.time_until_next = self.window_size_in_seconds
self.is_rate_limited = True
# Clear time_bucket
if self.func_queue.empty():
def run(self) -> None:
while True:
while not self.func_queue.empty():
print("Looking for a job")
if self.is_rate_limited:
print(f"RATE LIMITED {self.time_until_next=} sec")
# Its ok to execute a task now..
task = self.func_queue.get(timeout=1)
func: Callable = task["func"]
func_args = task["func_args"]
print("---- Queue is empty ----")
print("Waiting for jobs..")
async def run_async(self) -> None:
while True:
while not self.func_queue.empty():
print("Looking for a job")
if self.is_rate_limited:
print(f"RATE LIMITED {self.time_until_next=} sec")
await asyncio.sleep(self.time_until_next)
# Its ok to execute a task now..
task = self.func_queue.get(timeout=1)
func: Callable = task["func"]
func_args = task["func_args"]
await func(func_args)
print("---- Queue is empty ----")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print("Waiting for jobs..")
def get_random_string(length=5):
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
result_str = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length))
return f"someMsg-{result_str}"
def send_msg_test(msg):
print(f"Sent {msg=}")
async def send_msg_test_async(msg):
print(f"Sent_async {msg=}")
async def async_main():
rt = QueuedRateLimiter(window_size_in_seconds=4)
for i in range(12):
rt.func_queue.put({"func": send_msg_test_async, "func_args": get_random_string()})
loop.create_task(rt.run_async()) # Essential to get async version running
print("SLEEPING for 5..")
await asyncio.sleep(2)
for i in range(12):
rt.func_queue.put({"func": send_msg_test_async, "func_args": get_random_string()})
def sync_main():
rt = QueuedRateLimiter(window_size_in_seconds=4)
for i in range(12):
rt.func_queue.put({"func": send_msg_test, "func_args": get_random_string()})
th = threading.Thread(
print("Sleeping for 5..")
for i in range(12):
rt.func_queue.put({"func": send_msg_test, "func_args": get_random_string()})
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run async version
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_forever() # Essential to get async version running
# Run sync version
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