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Created August 9, 2019 17:06
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an xarray accessor implementing functions we need in ILAMB
from cf_units import Unit
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
class ilamb_variable:
def __init__(self, xarray_obj):
self._obj = xarray_obj
self.measure = None
self.bounds = None
def convert(self,unit,density=998.2):
"""Convert the variable to a given unit.
We use the UDUNITS2 library via the cf_units python interface
to convert the unit. Additional support is provided for unit
conversions in which substance information is required, such
as in precipitation where it is common to have data in a mass
rate per unit area [kg s-1 m-2] and desire it in a linear rate
[m s-1]. Conversion occurs in place, but also returns the
DataArray object so that the user can chain calls together.
unit : str
the desired unit
density : float, optional
the mass density in [kg m-3] to use when converting,
defaults to that of water
self : xarray.DataArray
if 'units' not in self._obj.attrs:
msg = "Cannot convert the units of a DataArray lacking the 'units' attribute"
raise ValueError(msg)
src_unit = Unit(self._obj.units)
tar_unit = Unit(unit)
# Define some generic quantities
linear = Unit("m")
linear_rate = Unit("m s-1")
area_density = Unit("kg m-2")
area_density_rate = Unit("kg m-2 s-1")
mass_density = Unit("kg m-3")
# Do we need to multiply by density?
if ( (src_unit.is_convertible(linear_rate) and tar_unit.is_convertible(area_density_rate)) or
(src_unit.is_convertible(linear ) and tar_unit.is_convertible(area_density )) ):
with np.errstate(over='ignore',under='ignore'): *= density
src_unit *= mass_density
# Do we need to divide by density?
if ( (tar_unit.is_convertible(linear_rate) and src_unit.is_convertible(area_density_rate)) or
(tar_unit.is_convertible(linear ) and src_unit.is_convertible(area_density )) ):
with np.errstate(over='ignore',under='ignore'): /= density
src_unit /= mass_density
# Convert the unit
with np.errstate(over='ignore',under='ignore'):
self._obj.attrs['units'] = unit
return self._obj
def add_measure(self,area_filename,fraction_filename=None):
# check that the measure is in the attributes
if 'cell_measures' not in self._obj.attrs:
msg = "DataArray does not contain the 'cell_measures' attribute"
raise ValueError(msg)
# try to get the cell areas from the file
measure_name = self._obj.cell_measures.split(":")[1].strip()
with xr.open_dataset(area_filename) as ds:
if measure_name not in ds:
msg = "The cell_measures: %s is not found in %s" % (measure_name,area_filename)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.measure = ds[measure_name]
# optionally multiply by cell fractions
if fraction_filename is None: return
fraction_name = "sftlf"
with xr.open_dataset(fraction_filename) as ds:
if fraction_name not in ds:
msg = "The fraction variable sftlf is not found in %s" % (area_filename)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.measure *= ds[fraction_name].ilamb.convert("1")
def integrate_space(self,mean=False):
if self.measure is None:
msg = "Must call ilamb.add_measure() before you can call ilamb.integrate_space()"
raise ValueError(msg)
# area weighted sum, divided by area if taking a mean
out = (self._obj*self.measure).sum(self.measure.dims)
if mean: out /= self.measure.sum()
# handle unit shifts, measure assumed in m2 if not given
unit = Unit(self._obj.units)
if not mean:
unit *= Unit(self.measure.units if "units" in self.measure.attrs else "m2")
out.attrs['units'] = str(unit).replace("."," ")
out.ilamb.bounds = self.bounds
return out
def integrate_time(self,initial_time=None,final_time=None,mean=False):
if self.bounds is None:
msg = "Must call ilamb.add_bounds() before you can call ilamb.integrate_time()"
raise ValueError(msg)
# do we need to subset?
if initial_time is not None or final_time is not None:
data = self._obj.loc[initial_time:final_time]
dt = self.bounds.loc[initial_time:final_time]
data = self._obj
dt = self.bounds
# area weighted sum, divided by area if taking a mean
out = (data*dt).sum('time')
if mean: out /= dt.sum()
# handle unit shifts, bounds assumed in d if not given
unit = Unit(self._obj.units)
if not mean:
unit *= Unit(self.bounds.units if "units" in self.bounds.attrs else "d")
out.attrs['units'] = str(unit).replace("."," ")
out.ilamb.measure = self.measure
return out
def cumsum(self):
if self.bounds is None:
msg = "Must call ilamb.add_bounds() before you can call ilamb.cumsum()"
raise ValueError(msg)
out = (self._obj*self.bounds).cumsum(dim='time')
unit = Unit(self._obj.units)
unit *= Unit(self.bounds.units if "units" in self.bounds.attrs else "d")
out.attrs['units'] = str(unit).replace("."," ")
out.ilamb.measure = self.measure
return out
def add_bounds(self,dataset):
if not ('time' in dataset and 'time' in self._obj.coords): return
t0 = dataset['time']
t = self._obj['time']
if 'bounds' not in t.attrs: return
if t0.size != t.size: return
#if not np.allclose(t0,t): return # should check this but it breaks
if t.bounds not in dataset: return
self.bounds = np.diff(dataset[t.bounds].values,axis=1)
self.bounds = xr.DataArray([bnd.total_seconds()/(24*3600) for bnd in self.bounds[:,0]],
dims = ('time'),
coords = {'time':t})
self.bounds.attrs['units'] = 'd'
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