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Created July 8, 2019 11:26
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/// allocator: for allocating working memory which is released at the end of the function
/// arena_allocator: a &(std.heap.ArenaAllocator).allocator that should later be used to free all nodes of the returned Huffman tree without traversal
pub fn fromFrequencies(allocator: *Allocator, arena_allocator: *Allocator, symbols: []Node) !*Node {
// index symbols
const index: []*Node = try allocator.alloc(*Node, symbols.len);
for (symbols) |*node, i| {
var n = node;
index[i] = n;
// view of index that shrinks to n=1 (root node) as nodes are combined and the tree is built
var remaining_nodes = index[0..];
while (remaining_nodes.len > 1) {
std.sort.insertionSort(*Node, remaining_nodes, Node.sortByWeight);
var lowest1 = remaining_nodes[0];
var lowest2 = remaining_nodes[1];
//std.debug.warn("\nlen: {} - lowest: {}({}), {}({})", remaining_nodes.len, if (lowest1.symbol) |sym| sym.val else null, lowest1.weight, if (lowest2.symbol) |sym| sym.val else null, lowest2.weight);
var node = try arena_allocator.create(Node);
node.* = Node{ .weight = lowest1.weight + lowest2.weight };
var child_nodes = [2]*Node{ lowest1, lowest2 };
if (lowest1.symbol != null and lowest1.symbol != null) {
if (lowest1.symbol) |sym1| {
if (lowest2.symbol) |sym2| {
if (sym1.code > sym2.code) {
child_nodes = [2]*Node{ lowest2, lowest1 };
} else {
if (lowest1.symbol == null and lowest2.symbol != null) {
child_nodes = [2]*Node{ lowest2, lowest1 };
node.nodes = child_nodes;
remaining_nodes[1] = node;
remaining_nodes = remaining_nodes[1..];
var root_node = remaining_nodes[0].*;
return &root_node;
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