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Last active October 13, 2015 03:47
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This Elm program compiles to a Web page that plays a movie of image files, reversing direction when it reaches the last or first image
import Time (every)
import Window (dimensions)
firstImageIndex = 0
lastImageIndex = 1000
delta = lift inSeconds (fps 30)
modCount signal period = lift (\a -> a `mod` period) (count signal)
data PlayDirection = Fwd | Back
yoyoIndex direction fwdIndex reverseIndex = if (direction == Fwd) then fwdIndex else reverseIndex
yoyo signal period =
let fwdIndices = modCount signal period
reverseIndices = lift (\a -> period - a) fwdIndices
turnarounds = keepIf (\a -> a == 0) false fwdIndices
directions = (lift (\t -> if (t `mod` 2 == 0) then Fwd else Back) (count turnarounds))
lift3 yoyoIndex directions fwdIndices reverseIndices
showSlide (w,h) imageIndex =
let filename = "morph/" ++ show imageIndex ++ ".svg"
pic = image 800 800 filename
textElement = text (Text.color white (toText $ show imageIndex))
color black . container w h middle $ flow down [ container w (heightOf pic) middle pic, container w 100 midTop textElement ]
showSlides first last interval = lift2 showSlide dimensions (lift (\a -> a + first) (yoyo (every interval) (last - first)))
main = showSlides firstImageIndex lastImageIndex delta
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