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Created November 8, 2017 13:28
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Mongoose with flow example
/* @flow */
/* eslint-disable func-names */
import { Schema } from 'mongoose';
import DB from 'schema/db';
import composeWithMongoose from 'graphql-compose-mongoose';
import composeWithRelay from 'graphql-compose-relay';
import crypto from 'crypto';
import bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
import type { $Request } from 'express';
import { AvatarUrlSchema, type AvatarUrlDoc } from 'schema/customTypes/avatarUrl';
import { Cabinet, type CabinetDoc } from 'schema/cabinet';
export const UserSchema = new Schema(
email: {
type: String,
set: v => v.toLowerCase().trim(),
// validate: (v) => UserSchema.isValidEmail(v), TODO
required: true,
provider: {
type: String,
required: true,
providerId: {
type: String,
set: v => v.toLowerCase().trim(),
description: 'String code of provider',
required: true,
token: {
type: String,
required: true,
default() {
// if token not exists, generate random password
return this.encryptPassword(Math.random().toString());
name: String,
avatarUrl: AvatarUrlSchema,
oneTimeTokenExp: String,
meta: {
type: Schema.Types.Mixed,
lastIp: String,
lastLoginAt: Date,
setDefaultsOnInsert: true,
timestamps: true,
collection: 'user',
UserSchema.index({ email: 1 }, { background: true });
UserSchema.index({ provider: 1, providerId: 1 }, { unique: true, background: true });
export class UserDoc /* :: extends Mongoose$Document */ {
email: string;
provider: string;
providerId: string;
token: string;
name: ?string;
avatarUrl: ?(AvatarUrlDoc | $Shape<AvatarUrlDoc>);
oneTimeTokenExp: ?string;
meta: ?any;
lastIp: ?string;
lastLoginAt: ?Date;
_plainPassword: ?string; // internal field, exists only on object create
_oneTimeToken: ?string; // internal field
/** @deprecated remove when will be unused in other places of codebase */
static async findByProviderDeprecated(provider, providerId, cb) {
return this.findOne({ provider, providerId: providerId.toLowerCase().trim() }, cb);
static isValidEmail(email) {
const r = /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$/; // eslint-disable-line
return r.test(email);
static async findByProvider(provider, providerId): Promise<?UserDoc> {
return this.findOne({
providerId: providerId.toLowerCase().trim(),
static async findByEmail(email): Promise<?UserDoc> {
return this.findOne({ email });
static async findByEmailOrCreate({ email, password, provider, providerId }): Promise<UserDoc> {
const existsUser = await this.findOne({ email });
if (existsUser) return existsUser;
const newUser = new this({ email, password, provider, providerId });
return newUser;
set password(password: string) {
this._plainPassword = password;
this.token = this.encryptPassword(password);
get password(): ?string {
return this._plainPassword;
encryptPassword(password: string): string {
return bcrypt.hashSync(password, 10);
checkPassword(password: string): boolean {
if (this.token) {
return bcrypt.compareSync(password, this.token);
return false;
genPassword(len: number = 8): string {
const newPass = crypto
.randomBytes(Math.ceil(len * 3 / 4)) // eslint-disable-line
.toString('base64') // convert to base64 format
.slice(0, len) // return required number of characters
.replace(/\+/g, '0') // replace '+' with '0'
.replace(/\//g, '0'); // replace '/' with '0'
this.password = newPass;
return newPass;
// by default valid 1 hour
oneTimeTokenGenerate(EXPIRED_AFTER?: number = 3600000) {
let token;
// If current one-time-token is valid at least half of expire period, then return existed
// The reason is that user may require several emails in short period of time
// So we should return same token, cause user may click by link from any email.
if (this.oneTimeTokenExp) {
const [tokenInDB, expireAtInDB] = this.oneTimeTokenExp.split(':');
const expireAtInDBInt = parseInt(expireAtInDB, 10);
if (expireAtInDBInt > + EXPIRED_AFTER / 2) {
token = tokenInDB;
// Generate new token
if (!token) {
token = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
const expireAt = + EXPIRED_AFTER;
this.oneTimeTokenExp = `${token}:${expireAt}`;
this._oneTimeToken = token;
return token;
oneTimeTokenCheck(token: string): boolean {
if (!token || !this.oneTimeTokenExp) return false;
const [tokenInDB, expireAt] = this.oneTimeTokenExp.split(':');
return parseInt(expireAt, 10) > && token === tokenInDB;
oneTimeTokenRevoke(): void {
this.oneTimeTokenExp = null;
async oneTimeLoginGenerate(EXPIRED_AFTER: number): Promise<string> {
const token = this.oneTimeTokenGenerate(EXPIRED_AFTER);
const email64 = Buffer.from('base64');
return `${email64}:${token}`;
touchLastLoginAt(req: $Request): this {
let ip = '';
if (req) {
ip =
(req.headers && req.headers['x-forwarded-for']) ||
(req.connection && req.connection.remoteAddress);
this.lastIp = ip;
this.lastLoginAt = new Date();
return this;
async getCabinets(all: boolean = false): Promise<Array<CabinetDoc>> {
if (! return Promise.resolve([]);
if (all) {
return Cabinet.find({
$or: [{ users: }, { owner: }],
return Cabinet.find({ owner: }).exec();
export const User ='User', UserSchema);
export const UserTC = composeWithRelay(composeWithMongoose(User));
password: 'String!',
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What's the definition of DB? With flow 1.7.0, the type of User seems to be just UserDoc and has no mongoose methods.

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