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Last active February 4, 2022 05:05
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Solidity Notes

Solidity has basic structure like so


contract NewContract {
  uint data; // contract fields like this are in storage
  constructor(uint _data) public {
     uint[] memory memoryLocalArray; //in memory storage
     data = _data


  • storage

    • persisted state
    • key value store (256 bit)
    • read and write are costly
    • contract can manage only it's own
  • memory

    • temporary
    • arrays and structs
    • addressable at byte level
  • callData

    • evm code execution
    • non modifiable
    • max size 1024, word 256 bit

Data Types

Solidity has elementary and complex data types.

Elementary Data Types

  • uint - use for unsigned integers of various sizes (+ only)
    • defaults to 0
  • int - for signed integers of various sizes ( +/- )
    • defaults to 0
  • bool - true/false
    • defaults to false
  • address - address of externally owned account or contract account. Holds a 20 byte hex string of an Ethereum address. It is a Value Type.
    • uninitialized address = 0x0

default is a 32 bit for uint and int uint8 variables can only hold upto a byte, which means numbers from 0-255, but a 32 bit unsigned is 4,294,967,295 (232 − 1)

Conversions Type

  • implicit conversion

  • uint a = 255 works

  • uint b = 256 compilation error

  • uint8 a = 255; uint c = a; works

  • explicit conversion

  • uint loss = 260; uint8 small = uint8(loss); leads to data loss

Complex Data Types

  • arrays *fixed size array

      // Solidity program to demonstrate 
      // creating a fixed-size array 
      pragma solidity ^0.5.0;  
      // Creating a contract 
      contract Types {  
          // Declaring state variables
          // of type array
          uint[6] data1;    
          // Defining function to add 
          // values to an array 
          function array_example() public returns (
          int[5] memory, uint[6] memory){  
              int[5] memory data 
              = [int(50), -63, 77, -28, 90];  
              = [uint(10), 20, 30, 40, 50, 60];
              return (data, data1);  
    • Dynamic Array
       // Solidity program to demonstrate 
       // creating a dynamic array
       pragma solidity ^0.5.0;  
       // Creating a contract  
       contract Types {  
           // Declaring state variable 
           // of type array. One is fixed-size
           // and the other is dynamic array
           uint[] data 
             = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; 
           int[] data1;  
           // Defining function to 
           // assign values to dynamic array
           function dynamic_array() public returns(
             uint[] memory, int[] memory){  
                 = [int(-60), 70, -80, 90, -100, -120, 140]; 
               return (data, data1);  
  • struct

  • cannot have member of it's own type

  • can be contained in arrays/mappings

pragma solidity >=0.4.24;

contract StructsContract {

   // Family
   struct Family {
       bytes32 lastName;
       uint8 houseNo;
       uint16 age;

   // Creating an array of type family..which is a struct
   Family[] myFamily;

   // Getting a lastName, and returning complete
   // family details
   // We cannot compare 2 strings in solidity...
   function getName(bytes32 name) public view returns (bytes32, uint8, uint16) {
       // Search the array
       for(uint8 i = 0; i < myFamily.length; i++){
           if(name == myFamily[i].lastName) {
               return (myFamily[i].lastName,uint8(myFamily[i].houseNo), myFamily[i].age);

   // Structs Cannot be passed as argument so we are passing all elements/attributes of struct as args
   function addName(bytes32 _lastName, uint8 _value, uint16 _age) public returns (bool) {
       // Declare the struct variable in memory...
       Family memory newFamily;
       //  use the . notation to access members of a struct
       newFamily.lastName = _lastName;
       newFamily.houseNo = _value;
       newFamily.age = _age;
       // Push the newFamily struct...into our myFamily array
       return true;
  • not part of abi, external calls cannot send or recieve the struct type, however calls internal can
  • mapping
    • hash is stored as the value of the key
    • allowed only as storage or state variable, cannot be local to a function
    • key can be anything except another mapping
    • value type can be another mapping
    • not iterable - no .length property
    • value exists for all keys 0x0 if no value was provided,
    • missing key returns null|undefined

pragma solidity >=0.4.24;

contract MappingsContract { // Creates in Storage mapping(string => string) relations;

// Add a relation
function addRelation(string memory name, string memory relation) public {
    // Store the relation
    relations[name] = relation;

// Returns a Relation
function getRelation(string memory name) public view returns (string memory){
    return relations[name];

// Remove the key value pair from the mapping
function removeRelation(string memory name) public {


* string
dynamic byte array is the data type of a string
* bytes
Example of convert string to bytes and getting index of string in byte
 pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;

contract StringConversion {

   function getStringElementAtIndex(uint index, string memory myString) public pure returns (byte){
           bytes memory stringToBytes = bytes(myString);
           return stringToBytes[index];


* enums
* indexed values 

enum TransferType {Domestic, Foreign} //No semicolon //will not be part of ABI definition //explicit conversion to/from integer type uint8 transferTypeInt = TransferType.Domestic //compile error uint8 transfertTypeInt = uint8(TransferType.Domestic);//compiles

another example enum contract 

pragma solidity >=0.4.24;

contract EnumsContract {

// Create an Enumeration
enum names {Joe, Brandy, Rachna, Jessica}

// get the value at specified index
function getNames(uint8 arg) public pure returns (string memory){
    if(arg == uint8(names.Joe)) return "Joe";
    if(arg == uint8(names.Brandy)) return "Brandy";
    if(arg == uint8(names.Rachna)) return "Rachna";
    if(arg == uint8(names.Jessica)) return "Jessica";


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