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Steven Natera nodox

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nodox / attack_urls.txt
Created September 24, 2021 12:03 — forked from acosonic/attack_urls.txt
Comprehensive list of attack/probe URL's
#This was done by some tool, don't know which one, and our custom built app captured theese URL's, after filtering
#for unique URL's, here is list of URL's in original form, I will later try to create some protection
setting := false
triggerCheck := github.AutoTriggerCheck{
AppID: &conf.GithubApp.GithubAppIdentifier,
Setting: &setting,
triggers := []*github.AutoTriggerCheck{

Building a jobs board with Gatsby

Today we are going to discuss how we built Remotefordays, a jobs board for remote software engineer roles, with Gatsby. First we'll discuss how we made came to our tech stack, then we'll talk about the the gotachas, and falls starts we encountered along the way.

Components of the tech stack

Gatsby is an amazing tool for rapid prototyping high performance websites on the frontend. We can get a new project started without much hassle due to a phenominal developer experience. Therefore choosing Gatsby for our frontend concerns was easy. Next we needed to decide how to build and store job listings.

Since we are using gatsby, we were tempted to build the job board as a static site. After all, the content is not going to change after the initial job post. But there is a subtle requirement in a jobs board that requires the site to be designed for dynamic actions.

nodox /
Last active April 11, 2019 00:16
Output terraform file from go template
  • mkdir $HOME/go/src/tek
  • cd $HOME/go/src/tek
  • go run main.go
nodox / simple-express.js
Last active April 3, 2019 20:11 — forked from aparrish/simple-express.js
Simplest possible Express application
// simplest possible express app
var http = require('http');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
// local database. When you restart the express server, the values will reset to original
let db = [
name: "Mike",
nodox /
Last active October 2, 2018 23:51
Observability - How to monitor your applications

Monitoring applications with Prometheus

Today you are going to dive deep into the observability and build a monitoring solution for your container environment using Prometheus and Grafana.

What is Observability?

You know what really grinds my gear? Incomplete software tutorials. Everyone wants to be a teach the world about that shiny new tool or that brand new Javascript framework to build the application ofyour dreams. Developers will often write these elaborate tutorialsto teach you how to write X feature or implement Y functionality. The tutorial then ends with a disclaimer that you wouldn't want to run this in production. Or my favorite they will tell you how to deploy the application but not how to maintain the new piece of software that you released into the wild. I mean how are you so sure the new piece of software your released won't take down us-east-1 North Virginia data center AKA the cloud? That's right you're not sure. Well today that's all going to change.

In this tutorial we're going

nodox /
Last active September 14, 2018 10:06
How use a Gatsby Manor theme

How to use different Gatsby Manor themes

You are going to start a gatsby (v2) project using a Gatsby Manor theme to quickly style your project website.

Start a new project

Use the gatsby-cli to create a new project in your desired directory. (If you don't have gatsby installed, use yarn global add gatsby-cli to install gatsby globally.)

gatsby new gtk-demo\#v2
nodox /
Last active July 29, 2021 18:23
How to start a Gatsby project using a Gatsby Manor theme

How to start a Gatsby project using a Gatsby Manor theme

You are going to start a gatsby (v2) project using a Gatsby Manor theme to quickly style your project website.

Start a new project

Use the gatsby-cli to create a new project in your desired directory. (If you don't have gatsby installed, use yarn global add gatsby-cli to install gatsby globally.)


if I wanted to make something lowercase I would do this

const x = (name) => 
  name = name.toLowerCase()

But since its one parameter is there a way i could make it lowercase without specifying the parameter? Since arrow functions dont require it for one parameter.

const x = () =>

nodox / StepList.js
Created July 1, 2018 20:58
Building a stepp - steplist.js
import React from "react";
class StepList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
currentStep: 0,
totalSteps: this.props.children.length - 1,