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Last active August 25, 2017 09:11
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def index
@page = params.fetch("page",1).to_i
@offset = params.fetch("offset",0).to_i
@limit = params.fetch("limit",24).to_i
@search_fields = params["search_fields"]
# Order status
@status_filter = params.fetch("status_filter","all")
@status_filter = "all" if @status_filter.blank?
# Payment status
@payment_status_filter = params.fetch("payment_status_filter","all")
@payment_status_filter = "all" if @payment_status_filter.blank?
# Delivery status
@delivery_status_filter = params.fetch("delivery_status_filter","all")
@delivery_status_filter = "all" if @delivery_status_filter.blank?
# Label printed and export status
@label_and_export_status_filter = params[:label_and_export_status_filter]
@payment_method_id = params[:payment_filter]
@delivery_option_id = params[:delivery_filter]
@must_match_params = params[:must_match_params]
@promotion_id = params[:promotion_id]
@coupon_id = params[:coupon_id]
@addon_product_id = params[:addon_product_id]
@merchant_id = params[:merchant_id]
@user_id = params[:user_id]
# For stock picking
@start_date = params[:start_date]
@end_date = params[:end_date]
@query_filter = params.fetch("query_filter","{}")
@query_filter = JSON.parse(@query_filter)
@query = params.fetch(:query,"")
# For order invoice
@order_ids = params.fetch("target_ids", [])
@is_batch_invoice = params.fetch("is_batch_invoice", false)
result = {}
if @promotion_id.present?
# Promotion orders history
@orders = Order.valid_or_temp.where( => Promotion.find(params[:promotion_id]).order_promotion_items.distinct(:order_id))
elsif @coupon_id.present?
# Coupon orders history
@orders = Order.valid_or_temp.where( => Coupon.find(params[:coupon_id]).coupon_items.pluck(:order_id,:subscription_order_id).flatten.compact)
elsif @addon_product_id.present?
# Add_on product orders history? not sure where will use
@show_addon_products_count = true
@addon_product_id = params[:addon_product_id]
order_items = OrderItem.where( => "removed", :item_type => "AddonProduct", :item_id => params[:addon_product_id])
@orders = Order.valid_or_temp.where( => order_items.distinct(:order_id))
elsif @query_filter.present?
# user orders history (storefront)
# storefront passes something like {customer_id: <id>, status: {$nin: [temp, removed] }....amazing huh?
@orders = Order.belongs_to_merchant(@merchant._id).where(@query_filter)
elsif @merchant_id.present?
# Attention: NO ONE WILL CALL IT
# /v1/merchants/:merchant_id/orders coz we use /v1/:mid/orders
# Display all orders belongs to this merchants
@orders = Order.valid_or_temp.belongs_to_merchant(@merchant_id).desc(:id)
@tags = ["#{}","#{}:#{__method__}:owner_id:#{@merchant._id}", "Merchant:#{@merchant._id}:orders"]
elsif @user_id.present? && params[:order_delivery_types].present?
# TODO: Move to user preference
order_delivery_types = params[:order_delivery_types]
order_delivery_types = JSON.parse(order_delivery_types) if order_delivery_types.is_a?(String)
# The story: We are searching orders with given delivery type for the shopper in a shop
# We were planned to use search but customer id is not included in the data, so we can only perform in an old style way
order_ids = Order.valid_or_temp
response = search_orders(
from: @offset,
size: @limit,
must_match_params: {
_id: order_ids,
status: ["temp", "pending", "completed"],
order_delivery_type: order_delivery_types
limit: @limit,
offset: @offset,
items: { |r| r._source.as_json },
}) unless response.blank?
render json: {data:result} and return
elsif @user_id.present?
# User orders history (admin)
# Update on 23/01/17: I think storefront is using it as well
@orders = Order.valid_or_temp.belongs_to_merchant([:user_id])
elsif @order_ids.present? && @is_batch_invoice
@orders = Order.valid_or_temp.belongs_to_merchant( => @order_ids).limit(@limit)
@orders.update_all(invoice_last_exported_at: DateTime.current)
return render :invoice
elsif @status_filter == "all" &&
@payment_status_filter == "all" &&
@delivery_status_filter == "all" &&
@label_and_export_status_filter.blank? &&
@must_match_params.blank? &&
@delivery_option_id.blank? &&
@payment_method_id.blank? &&
@start_date.blank? &&
@end_date.blank? &&
# This is normal use, all orders of a merhcants
# this is deplicated as it is a duplicated of the handling with params[:merchant_id] present
@orders = Order.valid_or_temp.belongs_to_merchant(@merchant._id).desc(:id)
@tags = ["#{}","#{}:#{__method__}:owner_id:#{@merchant._id}", "Merchant:#{@merchant._id}:orders"]
# This is for order search but with/without query
# With query, then search
# Without query, then like filtering
response = search_orders from: @offset,
size: @limit,
query: @query,
status: @status_filter,
payment_status: @payment_status_filter,
delivery_status: @delivery_status_filter,
label_and_export_status: @label_and_export_status_filter,
must_match_params: @must_match_params,
payment_method_id: @payment_method_id,
delivery_option_id: @delivery_option_id,
start_date: @start_date,
end_date: @end_date,
search_fields: @search_fields
limit: @limit,
offset: @offset,
items: { |r| r._source.as_json },
}) unless response.blank?
render json: {data:result}
if (order_ids = params[:order_ids]).present?
order_ids =' ', '').split(',') if order_ids.is_a? String
order_ids = Array(order_ids).select { |id|' ','')) }
@orders = @orders.where( => order_ids)
@count = @orders.length
@orders = @orders.desc(:id).limit(@limit).skip(@offset)
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