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Last active May 24, 2021 12:10
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A wedding is being held in a huge conference hall attended by a massive number of people. The organiser has given you a list of people with their location in the conference hall at a certain snapshot. Your task is to find out, in that snapshot, who in that list has disobeyed social distancing measure and mingled with more than 8 people within a …
from typing import List, Tuple
import random
# Question: A wedding is being held in a huge conference hall attended by a massive number of people. The organiser has given you a list of people with their location in the conference hall at a certain snapshot. Your task is to find out, in that snapshot, who in that list has disobeyed social distancing measure and mingled with more than 8 people within a 2-metre radius.
class Person:
Class represeting a person
neighbour_matrix: list
2D list to keep track of a person's neighbours
id : int
identification number of a person
x : float
x-coordinate of a person's location
y : float
y-coordinate of a person's location
neighbour_count : int
number of neighbours a person has within a 2 meter radius
neighbour_matrix = [
[None] * 20000
] * 20000 # Initialised to have be a 20000x20000 empty list
def __init__(self, id, x, y): = int(id[6:])
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.neighbour_count = 0
def distance_to(self, person) -> float:
"""Function to find the distance between two persons"""
return ((self.x - person.x) ** 2 + (self.y - person.y) ** 2) ** 0.5
def is_neighbour(self, person) -> bool:
"""Function to check if two persons are neighbours (are within a n meter radius)"""
return self.distance_to(person) <= 2
def snapshot(num_people: int = 20000, hall_length: int = 250, hall_breath: int = 300) -> List[Tuple[str, float, float]]:
"""There's 20,000 people in a conference hall of 250m by 300m
a list of 3-tuple of Person_id, x-coordinate, y-coordinate
return [(f'Person{i:06}', random.random() * hall_length, random.random() * hall_breath,) for i in range(num_people)]
def bruteforce(persons):
Function to find the distance between all pairs of persons in the 'persons'
list, check whether they are in the same 2 meter radius and update the
neighbour_matrix and neighbour_count.
for person in persons:
id1 =
for person2 in persons:
id2 =
# Ignore persons whose y-cordinates differ by more than 2 meters
if abs(person.y - person2.y) > 2:
# If the 2 persons have not been checked before and they are not the same person then proceed
if (Person.neighbour_matrix[id1][id2] == None) and (id1 != id2):
is_neighbour = person.is_neighbour(person2)
# If the persons are neighbours then add to the both neighbour_counts
if is_neighbour:
person.neighbour_count += 1
person2.neighbour_count += 1
# Store the value of the neighbour check in both cells of the
# neighbour_matrix to avoid recomputation (if i,j are neighbours then j,i are also neighbours)
Person.neighbour_matrix[id1][id2] = is_neighbour
Person.neighbour_matrix[id2][id1] = is_neighbour
def optimize(persons):
Function optimizing the bruteforce computation using recursion.
length = len(persons)
mid = int(length / 2)
# Obtain the person in the middle of the persons list
midpoint = persons[mid]
# If the length of the persons list is <=5 apply bruteforce
if length <= 5:
# Create a list of all persons whose y-coodinate is
# within 2 metres of the middle person
mid_section = []
for person in persons:
if abs(person.x - midpoint.x) <= 2:
# Sort mid_section by y-coordibates
mid_section = sorted(mid_section, key=lambda person: person.y)
# If the length of the persons list > 5, reduce the problem by
# splitting the list and applying recursion.
# Account for persons in the mid_section who haven't been checked
# due to the split
def find_offenders(dataset, n):
Find the list of offenders which are the persons having more
than n neighbours and print their (id, neighbour_count)
# Create a list of Person objects
persons = []
for item in dataset:
persons.append(Person(item[0], item[1], item[2]))
offenders = []
for person in persons:
if person.neighbour_count > n:
offenders.append((, person.neighbour_count))
if(len(offenders) == 0):
print("No offenders")
print(sorted(offenders, key=lambda tup: tup[0]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
find_offenders(sorted(snapshot(), key=lambda tup: tup[1]), 8)
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