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Last active June 26, 2024 16:02
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## Remove Windows users script
# Initial excluded users list
$excludedUsers = @("Admin", "admin", "Administrator", "administrator", "Administrador", "administrador", "Invitado", "DefaultAccount", "WDAGUtilityAccount", "USER", "User", "user", "gaia", "Professorat", "Profesorado", "profesorado", "professor", "profesor", "professorat")
# Get existing local users
$localUsers = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "LocalAccount='True'" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# Filter excluded users that are in the local users list
$defaultChoices = $excludedUsers | Where-Object { $localUsers -contains $_ }
$nonDefaultChoices = $localUsers | Where-Object { $excludedUsers -notcontains $_ }
# Check if Gum is installed
Function Check-Gum {
try {
$gumVersion = Invoke-Expression "gum --version"
return $true
} catch {
return $false
# Function to prompt for Gum installation
Function Install-Gum {
Write-Host "Gum is not installed. Do you want to install it now? [Y/N]"
$response = Read-Host
if ($response -eq 'Y' -or $response -eq 'y') {
Invoke-Expression "winget install charmbracelet.gum"
if (-not (Check-Gum)) {
Write-Host "Failed to install Gum. Exiting."
} else {
Write-Host "Gum installation skipped. Exiting."
# Function to remove local users
Function Remove-LocalUser {
This function deletes a local user
This function deletes a local user
Remove-LocalUser -userName "usr"
Removes a new local user named usr.
.Parameter ComputerName
The name of the computer upon which to delete the user
.Parameter UserName
The name of the user to delete
NAME: Remove-LocalUser
AUTHOR: Noël Ruault, based on ed wilson's version
LASTEDIT: 26/06/2023 10:07:42
KEYWORDS: Local Account Management, Users
#Requires -Version 2.0
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
$computerName = $env:ComputerName
$User = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computerName"
$user.Delete('user', $userName)
# Prompt whether to use Gum or default script
Write-Host "Do you want to use Gum for interactive prompts? [Y/N]"
$useGum = Read-Host
if ($useGum -eq 'Y' -or $useGum -eq 'y') {
# Check and install Gum if necessary
if (-not (Check-Gum)) {
$defaultChoicesToSelectedParam = $defaultChoices -join ","
$gumChoicesCommand = "gum choose --no-limit --selected=$defaultChoicesToSelectedParam " + ($defaultChoices + $nonDefaultChoices) -join " "
# Introduction message
$introMessage = "This script is meant to delete local users except for specified excluded users. It will list all local users and prompt you to add any other users to the exclusion list. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
# Confirm the action
Invoke-Expression "gum confirm -- \"$introMessage\"" | Out-Null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host "Action canceled by user."
# Prompt for additional excluded users
$selectedUsers = Invoke-Expression "$gumChoicesCommand" | Out-String
$selectedUsers = $selectedUsers.Trim() -split "\n"
Write-Host "You have selected the following users to exclude:"
$selectedUsers | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
# Confirm the selection
$confirmSelectionMessage = "The selected users will be excluded from deletion. Do you want to proceed?"
Invoke-Expression "gum confirm -- \"$confirmSelectionMessage\"" | Out-Null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host "Action canceled by user."
# Update excluded users list
$excludedUsers = $selectedUsers
} else {
Write-Host "Running the default script without interactive prompts."
# Remove users not in the excluded list
foreach ($localUser in $localUsers) {
if ($excludedUsers -contains $localUser -or $excludedUsers -contains $localUser.ToUpperInvariant() -or $excludedUsers -contains $localUser.ToLowerInvariant()) {
Write-Host "Skipping user: $localUser"
} else {
Write-Host "Removing user: $localUser"
Remove-LocalUser -userName $localUser
# Note: Ideally the system should have an automatic removal user policy enabled:
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