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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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HUD CDPM Callbacks -> Promises
- // Call this to kick off a search for Grantees for the currently selected
- // state.
- function _doGranteeSearchesByState() {
- // ******************************************************************
- // ******************************************************************
- // Since we are calling BOTH type of searches now, we do not want to
- // reset these here. But if we change things back to do one or the
- // other we need to deal with these!!!! See _doSearch instead.
- // ******************************************************************
- // ******************************************************************
- //iGranteeQueryPendingCount = 0;
- //iGranteeQueryCompletedCount = 0;
- //iGranteeQueryErrorCount = 0;
- // ******************************************************************
- if (includeCdbgGrantees) {
- iGranteeQueryPendingCount++;
- _doGranteeSearchByState(cdbgGranteeQueryTask,0);
- }
- if (includeEsgGrantees) {
- iGranteeQueryPendingCount++;
- _doGranteeSearchByState(esgGranteeQueryTask,1);
- }
- if (includeHomeGrantees) {
- iGranteeQueryPendingCount++;
- _doGranteeSearchByState(homeGranteeQueryTask,2);
- }
- if (includeHopwaGrantees) {
- iGranteeQueryPendingCount++;
- _doGranteeSearchByState(hopwaGranteeQueryTask,3);
- }
- if (includeCocGrantees) {
- iGranteeQueryPendingCount++;
- _doGranteeSearchByState(cocGranteeQueryTask,4);
- }
- if (includeDrgrGrantees) {
- iGranteeQueryPendingCount++;
- _doGranteeSearchByState(drgrGranteeQueryTask, 7);
- }
- // For search by state, we omit UGLG since it would return too many.
- //if (includeUglgGrantees) {
- // iGranteeQueryPendingCount++;
- // _doGranteeSearchByState(uglgGranteeQueryTask, 6);
- //}
- // note: see _onGranteeSearchSuccess
+ function OnGranteeSearchFullfillment(results) {
+ if (results.cdbg != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.cdbg, SearchType.cdbg, true);
+ if (results.cdbgState != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.cdbgState, SearchType.cdbg, false);
+ if (results.esg != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.esg, SearchType.esg, true);
+ if (results.esgState != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.esgState, SearchType.esg, false);
+ if (results.home != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.home, SearchType.home, true);
+ if (results.homeState != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.homeState, SearchType.home, false);
+ if (results.hopwa != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.hopwa, SearchType.hopwa, true);
+ if (results.hopwaState != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.hopwaState, SearchType.hopwa, false);
+ if (results.coc != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.coc, SearchType.coc, true);
+ if (results.cocState != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.cocState, SearchType.coc, false);
+ if (results.uglg != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.uglg, SearchType.uglg, true);
+ if (results.uglgState != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.uglgState, SearchType.uglg, false);
+ if (results.drgr != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.drgr, SearchType.drgr, true);
+ if (results.drgrState != null) ProcessSearchResults(results.drgrState, SearchType.drgr, false);
- // Helper function to kick off a search for Grantees specific to the type
- // associated with the QueryTask passed in - for the current state.
- function _doGranteeSearchByState(qTask, layerId) {
- if (qTask == null)
- return;
- // init the query...
- var query = new Query();
- query.where = "STUSAB=";
- query.where += "'" + currentState + "'";
- query.spatialRelationship = Query.SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS;
- query.returnGeometry = false;
- query.outFields = ["OBJECTID", "NAME"];
- // tell it which "onSuccess" function to call if the query succeeds.
- if (layerId == 0)
- qTask.execute(query, _onCdbgGranteeSearchSuccess, _onGranteeSearchFault);
- else if (layerId == 1)
- qTask.execute(query, _onEsgGranteeSearchSuccess, _onGranteeSearchFault);
- else if (layerId == 2)
- qTask.execute(query, _onHomeGranteeSearchSuccess, _onGranteeSearchFault);
- else if (layerId == 3)
- qTask.execute(query, _onHopwaGranteeSearchSuccess, _onGranteeSearchFault);
- else if (layerId == 4) {
- query.outFields.push("COCNAME");
- qTask.execute(query, _onCocGranteeSearchSuccess, _onGranteeSearchFault);
- }
- else if (layerId == 6) {
- query.outFields.push("UGLGNAME");
- qTask.execute(query, _onUglgGranteeSearchSuccess, _onGranteeSearchFault);
- }
- else if (layerId == 7) {
- query.outFields = ["OBJECTID", "KEYFIELD", "GRANTEE_NAME"];
- qTask.execute(query, _onDrgrGranteeSearchSuccess, _onGranteeSearchFault);
- }
- }
- // These are called by the specific types of grantee QueryTask if it succeeded.
- // These forward things to our generic handler.
- function _onCdbgGranteeSearchSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "CDBG", true);
- }
- function _onEsgGranteeSearchSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "ESG", true);
- }
- function _onHomeGranteeSearchSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "HOME", true);
- }
- function _onHopwaGranteeSearchSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "HOPWA", true);
- }
- function _onCocGranteeSearchSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "COC", true);
- }
- function _onUglgGranteeSearchSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "UGLG", true);
- }
- function _onDrgrGranteeSearchSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "CDBG-DR", true);
- }
- function _onCdbgGranteeSearchAddressSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "CDBG", false);
- }
- function _onEsgGranteeSearchAddressSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "ESG", false);
- }
- function _onHomeGranteeSearchAddressSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "HOME", false);
+ function OnGranteeSearchError(error) {
+ alert(_sErrorGettingGranteeInfo);
+ console.log("OnGranteeSearchError: " + error.toString());
- function _onHopwaGranteeSearchAddressSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "HOPWA", false);
- }
- function _onCocGranteeSearchAddressSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "COC", false);
- }
- function _onUglgGranteeSearchAddressSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "UGLG", false);
- }
- function _onDrgrGranteeSearchAddressSuccess(results) {
- _onGranteeSearchSuccess(results, "CDBG-DR", false);
+ function OnAddressSearchError(error) {
+ alert(_sErrorInAddressResults);
+ console.log("OnGranteeSearchError: " + error.toString());
// Validates the searchField, then kicks off asynchronous searches by state,
// and address (the results will be unioned together eventually).
- function _doSearch() {
- _clearSearchResults();
- searchText = $("#searchField").val();
- searchText = _trim(searchText);
- currentState = ""; // will be set below as needed.
- currentAddressCandidate = null;
- currentFilter = null;
- if (searchText == null || searchText == "") {
- alert(_sEnterSearch);
- return;
- }
- var words = searchText.split(" ");
- if (words == null || words.length==0) {
- alert(_sEnterSearch);
- return;
- }
- // Note: order here is important!
- // Here are the types of searches we support. Note that statename can be 1, 2,
- // or 3 words (e.g. 'alabama', 'new york', , 'District of Columbia'), but will
- // get mapped to currentState using the appropriate state abbreviation.
+ function _doSearch(searchTerm) {
+ // Here are the types of searches we support.
// address | stateabbr | statename | keyword stateabbr | keyword statename
// Note, a full address is any search string which includes a word which
// starts with a number (e.g. box or house number, or zip, etc.).
- var isAddress = false;
- var i = 0;
- while (i < words.length && !isAddress) {
- if (_startsWithDigit(words[i])) {
- isAddress = true;
- _isSearchingOnJustAState = false;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if (!isAddress) {
- // This helps prevent searching on UGLG for an entire state later on, and sets
- // the value of the _isXWordStateName variables.
- if (_containsAnythingButAState(searchText))
- _isSearchingOnJustAState = false;
- if (words.length == 1) {
- currentState = _getStateCode(words[0]);
- // The only valid searches with 1 word are a state name with one
- // word (e.g. 'alabama'), or state abbreviation.
- if (!_isSearchingOnJustAState) {
- alert(_sInvalidStateSearch);
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- // if they entered exactly two words, either both words together must give a non-abbreviated
- // state (e.g. "new york"), or the second word must be either a state abbreviation (e.g.
- // 'baltimore MD'), or a "one word" state name (e.g. 'baltimore maryland') - in which case
- // we'll treat the first word as the currentFilter (e.g. baltimore will be the currentFilter
- // in the example given).
- // if they entered exactly three words, either all words together must give a non-abbreviated
- // state (e.g. "district of columbia"), or the second and third word must be a two word
- // state (e.g. 'durham north carolina'), and we'll use the first word as currentFilter
- // (e.g. durham will be used as the currentFilter in the preceding case).
- // if they entered exactly 4 words, then the second and third and fourth word must be a
- // three word state (e.g. 'cdbg district of columbia'), and we'll treat the first word as
- // the currentFilter (e.g. cdbg will be the currentFilter in the preceding case).
- // Note that the containsState functions will set currentState and currentFilter (if needed).
- if (!_isSearchingOnJustAState && !_containsStateAtEnd(searchText) && !_containsStateAbbrAtEnd(searchText)) {
- alert(_sInvalidTermAndStateSearch);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
+ // Note that statename can be 1, 2,
+ // or 3 words (e.g. 'alabama', 'new york', , 'District of Columbia'), but will
+ // get mapped to currentState using the appropriate state abbreviation.
+ // The only valid searches with 1 word are a state name with one
+ // word (e.g. 'alabama'), or state abbreviation.
+ // if they entered exactly two words, either both words together must give a non-abbreviated
+ // state (e.g. "new york"), or the second word must be either a state abbreviation (e.g.
+ // 'baltimore MD'), or a "one word" state name (e.g. 'baltimore maryland') - in which case
+ // we'll treat the first word as the currentFilter (e.g. baltimore will be the currentFilter
+ // in the example given).
+ // if they entered exactly three words, either all words together must give a non-abbreviated
+ // state (e.g. "district of columbia"), or the second and third word must be a two word
+ // state (e.g. 'durham north carolina'), and we'll use the first word as currentFilter
+ // (e.g. durham will be used as the currentFilter in the preceding case).
+ // if they entered exactly 4 words, then the second and third and fourth word must be a
+ // three word state (e.g. 'cdbg district of columbia'), and we'll treat the first word as
+ // the currentFilter (e.g. cdbg will be the currentFilter in the preceding case).
// For this version, we are doing a NON-UGLG search by state, and
// then an address lookup, then geospatial intersects on the geometry
@@ -895,109 +509,179 @@
// entered more than a state.
// ******************************************************************
- // ******************************************************************
- // Since we are calling BOTH type of searches now, we need to reset
- // these here instead of within each function below. If we change
- // things back to do one or the other type of search, but not both,
- // then we need to deal with these!!!!
- // ******************************************************************
- // ******************************************************************
- // Initializing this to 1 prevents finalization before we've done
- // the search by address (which will deal with the extra 1 later).
- iGranteeQueryPendingCount = 1;
- iGranteeQueryCompletedCount = 0;
- iGranteeQueryErrorCount = 0;
- // ******************************************************************
- showWaitCursor(true);
// NOTE: Order here is important - search by state should be first,
// since it resets some variables used to control flow (i.e. so we
// know when we are done, etc.).
- _doGranteeSearchesByState();
- _doAddressLookup();
- + //
+ var promises = { // named promises so we can match up with the right layer name and metadata when fulfilled. We'll fill or not, and check when fulfilled
+ cdbg: null,
+ cdbgState: null,
+ esg: null,
+ esgState: null,
+ home: null,
+ homeState: null,
+ hopwa: null,
+ hopwaState: null,
+ coc: null,
+ cocState: null,
+ uglg: null,
+ uglgState: null,
+ drgr: null,
+ drgrState: null
+ };
+ // kick off search by address
+ var esriLocatorOptions = {
+ address: { "SingleLine": searchTerm.text },
+ outFields: ["Loc_name"]
+ };
+ new Locator("").addressToLocations(esriLocatorOptions).then(function (event) {
+ // Helper function to kick off a search for Grantees whose geometry intersects
+ // the address the user entered. Pass the QueryTask and layerId associated with
+ // the type of grantee being searched for (e.g. pass cdbgGranteeQueryTask for
+ // qt, and 0 for layerId since CDBG is layer 0 in the HUD grantee web server).
+ // It will eventually take the user to the Choose Grantee widget.
+ // kick off a search for Grantees using the geocode item ESRI
+ // returned to us for the address the user has entered. It will eventually
+ // take the user to the Choose Grantee Widget.
+ if (event == null || event.length < 1 || event[0].address == null || event[0].location == null)
+ return; //finalize
+ var query = new Query();
+ query.geometry = event[0].location; //TODO: should this deal with multiple location matches, eg Joplin MO (city) and Joplin Regional Airport (grantee)?
+ query.spatialRelationship = Query.SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS;
+ query.returnGeometry = false;
+ query.outFields = SearchType.cdbg.searchfields;
+ //query.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference;
+ if (includeCdbgGrantees) promises.cdbg = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.cdbg.layer).execute(query);
+ if (includeEsgGrantees) promises.esg = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.esg.layer).execute(query);
+ if (includeHomeGrantees) promises.home = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.home.layer).execute(query);
+ if (includeHopwaGrantees) promises.hopwa = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.hopwa.layer).execute(query);
+ if (includeCocGrantees) promises.coc = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.coc.layer).execute(query);
+ if (includeUglgGrantees) promises.uglg = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.uglg.layer).execute(query);
+ if (includeDrgrGrantees) {
+ query.outFields = SearchType.drgr.searchfields;
+ promises.drgr = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.drgr.layer).execute(query);
+ }
+ }, OnAddressSearchError).always(function () { // wait until the address-level succeeds or fails, but always do the state-level search.
+ // kick off a search for Grantees for the current state.
+ var query = new Query();
+ query.where = "STUSAB='" + searchTerm.stateCode.toUpperCase() + "'";
+ query.spatialRelationship = Query.SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS;
+ query.returnGeometry = false;
+ if (includeCdbgGrantees) {
+ query.outFields = SearchType.cdbg.searchfields;
+ promises.cdbgState = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.cdbg.layer).execute(query);
+ }
+ if (includeEsgGrantees) {
+ query.outFields = SearchType.esg.searchfields;
+ promises.esgState = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.esg.layer).execute(query);
+ }
+ if (includeHomeGrantees) {
+ query.outFields = SearchType.home.searchfields;
+ promises.homeState = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.home.layer).execute(query);
+ }
+ if (includeHopwaGrantees) {
+ query.outFields = SearchType.hopwa.searchfields;
+ promises.hopwaState = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.hopwa.layer).execute(query);
+ }
+ if (includeCocGrantees) {
+ query.outFields = SearchType.coc.searchfields;
+ promises.cocState = new QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.coc.layer).execute(query);
+ }
+ // For search by state, we omit UGLG since it would return too many.
+ if (includeDrgrGrantees) {
+ query.outFields = SearchType.drgr.searchfields;
+ promises.drgrState = QueryTask(granteeURL + "/" + SearchType.drgr.layer).execute(query);
+ //pull all the promises together, execute, deal with success or failure, and finalize
+ all(promises).then(OnGranteeSearchFullfillment, OnGranteeSearchError).always(_finalizeGranteeSearch);
+ });
+ }d
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