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Last active June 8, 2017 06:49
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Joe Heitkamp - M2 Portfolio

Areas of Emphasis

For module 2, I set out to to build a stronger understanding of javascript fundamentals and find ways to become a more valuable member of the Turing community. I think that I have succeeded in both endeavours. While there is always room for continued improvement, I have been able to help new students navigate through the hardships of Mod 1 while also proving to myself that I am showing consistent improvement in my programming skills.

Rubric Scores

  • A: End-of-Module Assessment: 3
  • B: Individual Work & Projects: 3
  • C: Group Work & Projects: 4
  • D: Professional Skills: 4
  • E: Community Participation: 4

A: End of Module Assessment

I feel confident that I am ready to move on to the next module. I have hit a few speedbumps along the way, but at every instance have dug deep and worked hard to overcome those difficulties.

B: Individual Work & Projects

There was a huge difference in the workflow from Mod 1 to Mod 2. There were only 2 individual and 2 group projects. Both of the individual projects became great experiences in working with a larger team as the entire cohort banded together to solve the challenges.

Sorting Suite

Sorting Suite was our first attempt at serious CS Data Structures and Algorithms. We had to implement, and more importantly, understand how these sorting algorithms worked.


  • if you're gonna use es6, go all in!
  • Could add test for empty and single-item array
  • insertion could be made into one function
  • If you are going to break into separate functions, test both
  • Great job walking through each sort!


1. Fundamental JavaScript & Style


2. Test-Driven Development


3. Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components


4. Functional Expectations


5. Code Sanitation

The output from ESLint shows…

4 - Zero complaints


Complete-me was a deeper dive into data structures.



1. Fundamental JavaScript & Style


2. Test-Driven Development


3. Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components


4. Functional Expectations


5. Code Sanitation

The output from ESLint shows…

4 - Zero complaints

C: Group Work & Projects

Game-Time and Weatherly

The group projects are fun and stressful. Both group projects this mod really pushed us to expand our coding know how by referencing the docs and testing all the things.




  • some long functions
  • could merge some classes together / move responsibility
  • for the most part i liked the design


1. Functional Expectations


2. User Interface


3. Testing


4. JavaScript Style


5. Workflow


6. Code Sanitation

The output from JSHint shows…

4 - Zero complaints

(feedback to me)



(evaluation comments)

(evaluation scores)

(feedback to me)

D: Professional Skills

The focus this mod was really on how to continue to leverage your strengths to continue on a path of personal and professional development. A big piece of this was in taking on the responsibilty to help those with less understanding of programming while also reaching out and nurturing a mentor relationship with someone of more advanced understanding of programming.

Gear Up


  • This Gear Up was focused on empathy and the role it can play in making us better communicators, teammates, and coders. If we don't put ourselves in the shoes of those around us, we can easily become dismissive and less understanding of the struggles that any person can face. If we want others to recognize the battles we fought to get where we are, then we have to be willing to recognize theirs.

Tragedy of the Commons

  • This Gear Up created the best group discussion that I think I've had in my time at Turing, and I was disappointed that the discussion felt cut short. There was a signifigant amount of unexamined bias that came to the forefront and the discussion around this bias merited more time. If there is a gear up that absolutely needs a follow up, this is it.

UBI #2

  • I walked into this one with a fairly supportive approach to UBI. I came out of it with an equally supportive approach, but with a deeper understanding of the uphill battle it will take to convince more people of the merits of UBI. This session did give me pause on my unquestioning enthusiasm for UBI as it was clear that way more testing and data is needed to be able to make a strong case to support it. I'm looking forward to facilitating a gear up in mod 4!

  • GitHub URL

(3-4 sentences summarizing your takeaways from each session, including things you're continuing to think about, things you learned, things you're doing differently)

E: Community Participation

Playing a Part

The largest contribution I made to the community this inning was in giving back to Mod 1 FE by creating spikes in both weeks 4 and 5 to prep them for pentathalon. For week 4, I created some new mythical creature to slay, and with the help of my cohort mates, we ran through Cthulhu together while taking time to examine error messages and console logs to incrementally pass each test. (here's the new mythical creature repo(WIP) - (

For week 5, there were no spikes, so I took it upon myself to host another session of mythical creature slaying after 4pm that lasted close to 2 hours. Here are a few responses that came back from this exercise. -

  • Hey there Joe, I wanted to let you know I really appreciated the time you took to help me out on mythical creatures during our pairing. Being a huge challenge to me last mod it was incredibly helpful to get your take and approach to working through them. I also wanted to let you know that making more creatures on your own was was beneficial as it broke up the repetition, thanks for taking the time to do that for us all.

  • Joe is a tremendous advocate, and a super mythical creature warrior. To help Mod 1 students, Joe created new mythical creatures and wrote tests to get us ready for "Pentathalon". I cannot express how helpful that was, or how generous of spirit you've got to be to do that for others. Joe makes the "hard stuff" tangible, and he works through each step, logically with simplicity. We are lucky to have Joe as a community member, and I am lucky he's my friend!

Final Review


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( Leave blanks for reviewers )

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