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Created October 21, 2013 13:05
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Save noeticpenguin/7083556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A basic Rest Client for Salesforce's Apex
Public with sharing virtual class RestClient {
Public class RestClientException extends Exception {}
* class variable creation - DO NOT EDIT
Public Map<String,String> headers;
Public String url;
Public String method;
Public String body;
Public HttpRequest request;
Public HttpResponse response;
Public String responseBody;
Public String lastDebugMessage;
Http h;
* Constants - Edit to your satisfaction
Public Static Integer TIMEOUT = 60000; // Default HTTP Timeout
Public Boolean DEBUG = true; // should we print debug statements?
* Constructors:
Public RestClient() {} //Prevent empty objects.
//master constructor with everything required.
Public RestClient(String url, String method, Map<String,String> headers, String body) {
try {
this.h = new Http();
this.request = buildRequest(headers, url, method.toUpperCase(), body);
this.response = makeRequest(this.h, this.request);
this.responseBody = handleResponse(this.response);
} catch(Exception e) {
//log the error, but set as much as we can with the input given
log('Failed to execute callout. SFDC Reports: ',e, e.getMessage());
if(headers != null) this.headers = headers;
this.body = body;
this.url = url;
this.method = method.toUpperCase();
Public RestClient(String url, String method, String body) {
this(url, method, null, body);
Public RestClient(String url, String method, Map<String,String> headers) {
this(url, method, headers, null);
Public RestClient(String url, String method) {
this(url, method, new Map<String,String>(), null);
* Helper Methods - These do the actual work.
Public Static HttpRequest buildRequest(map<String,String> headers, String url, String method, String body){
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setTimeout(TIMEOUT); // timeout in milliseconds
if (headers != null) {
for(String hkey : headers.keySet()){
request.setHeader(hkey, headers.get(hkey));
if (body != null && body.length() > 0) {
return request;
Public Static HttpResponse makeRequest(Http h, HttpRequest request){
HttpResponse response = h.send(request);
if (response.getStatusCode() > 299) {
throw new RestClientException('Failed to recieve a success code from remote. Code was: ' + response.getStatusCode() + ' request was ' + request + ' Response Body is: ' + response.getBody());
return response;
Public string handleResponse(HttpResponse response){
log('Response', response, response.getBody());
return response.getBody();
* GET Convenance Methods.
// RestClient.get('')
Public String get(String url) {
RestClient x = new RestClient(url, 'get', null, null);
log(url, x, null);
return x.responseBody;
// RestClient.get('', HeaderMap{'q', 'convenance'})
Public String get(String url, map<String,String> headers) {
RestClient x = new RestClient(url, 'get', headers, null);
return x.responseBody;
// RestClient.get('', HeaderMap{'q', 'convenance'}, 'some body of text for unknown reason.')
Public String get(String url, map<String,String> headers, String body) {
RestClient x = new RestClient(url, 'get', headers, body);
return x.responseBody;
Public HttpResponse post(String url, Map<String,String> headers, String Body) {
RestClient x = new RestClient(url, 'POST', headers, body);
return x.response;
Public String request(String url, String method, Map<String,String> headers){
RestClient x = new RestClient(url, method, headers);
return x.responseBody;
Public String request(String url, String method, String body){
RestClient x = new RestClient(url, method, body);
return x.responseBody;
Public String request(String url, String method){
RestClient x = new RestClient(url, method);
return x.responseBody;
* Private helper methods: Only this class should use them.
public void log(String header, Object obj, String msg) {
String startStop = '\n===============================================================================';
String logOutput = startStop;
logOutput += (header != null) ? '\n== Header: ' + header : 'Header: No Header Set';
logOutput += (obj != null) ? '\n== Obj string Rep: ' + obj : '\n No Obj set';
logOutput += (msg != null) ? '\n== ' + msg : '';
logOutput += startStop;
lastDebugMessage = logOutput;
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Hi, can you help me in this
collaborating on building an oAuth enabled RestClient for SF(i want to do curd operation from one sf org to other sf org. using REST API)

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Hi Kevin ,
Congratulation for the new job !
Do you have by any chance the test class for this class ?


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