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Forked from superCap3/create.log
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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71: # create an ad
72: # create_ad(oid, cid, n, mpid, sd, ed, d, vinit, vaud, vlang, pltyp, ct, pdev, arc, params = {})
73: gmt_start = DateTime.parse("2014-1-26").to_time.to_i #+ offset_in_seconds
74: gmt_end = DateTime.parse("2014-1-31" + 'T23:59:00').to_time.to_i
75: new_add = mash(@adap.create_ad("6482","44810", "Best Test Ad Ever!", "33", gmt_start, gmt_end, "15", "AUTO", "YES", "ENGLISH", "GAME_PLAYER", "PRO", "ANY", "VIDEO"))
=> 76: binding.pry
77: end
78: end
[1] pry(#<AdapMiddleware::App>)> gmt_start
=> 1390694400
[2] pry(#<AdapMiddleware::App>)> gmt_end
=> 1391212740
[3] pry(#<AdapMiddleware::App>)> new_add
=> {"result"=>{"code"=>"OK", "msg"=>""}, "id"=>198348}
Line 15 shows the result of a ad create call as successful with ID 198348
{"result"=>{"code"=>"OK", "msg"=>""},
"name"=>"Google Overlay",
"([Publisher]=\"answers\" AND ([Zone] IN (\"B_pre\",\"no_google\",\"D_pre_post\"))) OR ([Publisher]=\"5min_wikihow\" AND ([Zone] IN (\"D_pre_post\",\"B_pre\",\"no_google\"))) OR ([Publisher]=\"5min\" AND ([Zone] IN (\"no_google\",\"D_pre_post\",\"B_pre\",\"test1\",\"test\",\"E_pre_over_post\",\"A_pre_over\")))",
This demonstrates the data retrieved when a LIST ADS call is made
74: params = {}
75: params["n"] = "The new updated Name for this test Ad"
76: existing_ad = mash(@adap.update_ad("198348", params))
78: delete_response = mash(@adap.delete_ad("198348"))
=> 79: binding.pry
81: end
82: end
[1] pry(#<AdapMiddleware::App>)> existing_ad
=> {"result"=>{"code"=>"OK", "msg"=>""}, "id"=>198348}
[2] pry(#<AdapMiddleware::App>)> delete_response
=> {"result"=>{"code"=>"OK", "msg"=>""}, "id"=>198348}
[3] pry(#<AdapMiddleware::App>)> mash(@adap.list_ads({"aid"=>"198348"}))
Found bundle for host 0x7f96618c6fa0
Connection 0 seems to be dead!
Closing connection 0
Adding handle: conn: 0x7f965d001200
Adding handle: send: 0
Adding handle: recv: 0
Curl_addHandleToPipeline: length: 1
- Conn 1 (0x7f965d001200) send_pipe: 1, recv_pipe: 0
About to connect() to port 443 (#1)
Connected to ( port 443 (#1)
TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
Server certificate: *
Server certificate: Entrust Certification Authority - L1C
Server certificate: Certification Authority (2048)
GET /ads/list?aid=198348&ts=1392069072&user_id=8842&signature=zkM1U1EXRqoDhUJJO7j9n2Ehad4%3D HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Typhoeus -
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server ribs2.0 is not blacklisted
Server: ribs2.0
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: Keep-Alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: -
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Expose-Header: Set-Cookie
Content-Length: 1472
Connection #1 to host left intact
=> {"result"=>{"code"=>"OK", "msg"=>""},
"name"=>"The new updated Name for this test Ad",
[{"attribute"=>"VideoQuality", "values"=>["PRO"]},
{"attribute"=>"AdInitiation", "values"=>["AUTO"]},
{"attribute"=>"MediaType", "values"=>["GAME_PLAYER"]},
{"attribute"=>"AdSound", "values"=>["YES"]},
{"attribute"=>"PlacementListingType", "values"=>["_ALL_PLACEMENT_"]},
{"attribute"=>"Language", "values"=>["ENGLISH"]}],
"date_ranges"=>[{"start_date"=>1390694400, "end_date"=>1391212740}],
Demo's the results of an Update call, and a Delete call
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