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Last active December 18, 2023 12:12
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
' 文字コードをUTF-16リトルエンディアン、改行をCR+LFで保存してください
"Meiryo UI"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Meiryo"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"MS Gothic"="Ume Gothic"
"MS Mincho"="Ume Mincho"
"MS PGothic"="Ume P Gothic"
"MS PMincho"="Ume P Mincho"
"MS Sans Serif"="Ume P Gothic"
"MS Shell Dlg"="Ume UI Gothic"
"MS UI Gothic"="Ume UI Gothic"
"MS Pゴシック"="Ume P Gothic"
"MS P明朝"="Ume P Mincho"
"MS ゴシック"="Ume Gothic"
"MS 明朝"="Ume Mincho"
"Tahoma"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Yu Gothic UI Light"="Noto Sans CJK JP Light"
"Yu Gothic UI Semibold"="Noto Sans CJK JP Medium"
"Yu Gothic UI Semilight"="Noto Sans CJK JP DemiLight"
"Yu Gothic UI"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Yu Gothic Light"="Noto Sans CJK JP DemiLight"
"Yu Gothic Medium"="Noto Sans CJK JP Medium"
"Yu Gothic"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"Yu Mincho Demibold"="Noto Serif CJK JP SemiBold"
"Yu Mincho Light"="Noto Serif CJK JP DemiLight"
"Yu Mincho"="Noto Serif CJK JP"
"メイリオ"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"游ゴシック"="Noto Sans CJK JP"
"游明朝"="Noto Serif CJK JP"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]
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nogajun commented Sep 18, 2019


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