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Created October 16, 2021 15:31
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from .ranking import ProbabilisticRanking
from .interleaving_method import InterleavingMethod
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as special
class Probabilistic(InterleavingMethod):
Probabilistic Interleaving
lists: two lists of document IDs
max_length: the maximum length of resultant interleaving.
If this is None (default), it is set to the minimum length
of the given lists.
sample_num: If this is None (default), an interleaved ranking is
generated every time when `interleave` is called.
Otherwise, `sample_num` rankings are sampled in the
initialization, one of which is returned when `interleave`
is called.
tau: a parameter that determines the probability of documents
(default: 3.0)
replace: rankings are sampled with replacement if it is True.
Otherwise, they are sampled without replacement,
e.g. given two rankings A and B, one of them is
sampled first and then another is used.
class Softmax(object):
def __init__(self, tau, ranking):
self.tau = tau
self.ranking = ranking
self.numerators = 1.0 / np.array(range(1, len(ranking)+1)) ** tau
self.doc_index = {docid: r for r, docid in enumerate(ranking)}
self.denominator = np.sum(self.numerators)
self._original_denominator = self.denominator
self._non_zero_index = set(range(len(self.numerators)))
def delete(self, docid):
if docid not in self.doc_index:
return 0.0
old_denominator = self.denominator
idx = self.doc_index[docid]
numerator = self.numerators[idx]
self.denominator -= numerator
if not self.denominator > 0:
self.denominator = 0
# Returns probability of sampling docid before deletion
if old_denominator <= 0:
return 0.0
return numerator / old_denominator
def reset(self):
self.denominator = self._original_denominator
self._non_zero_index = set(range(len(self.numerators)))
def sample(self):
if self.denominator == 0:
return None
p = np.random.rand() * self.denominator
cum = 0.0
for i in self._non_zero_index:
cum += self.numerators[i]
if cum > p:
return self.ranking[i]
return self.ranking[i]
class ProbablisticScore(dict):
__slots__ = ['allocations']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.update(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, lists, max_length=None, sample_num=None,
tau=3.0, replace=True):
lists: two lists of document IDs
max_length: the maximum length of resultant interleaving.
If this is None (default), it is set to the minimum length
of the given lists.
sample_num: If this is None (default), an interleaved ranking is
generated every time when `interleave` is called.
Otherwise, `sample_num` rankings are sampled in the
initialization, one of which is returned when `interleave`
is called.
tau: a parameter that determines the probability of documents
(default: 3.0)
replace: rankings are sampled with replacement if it is True.
Otherwise, they are sampled without replacement,
e.g. given two rankings A and B, one of them is
sampled first and then another is used.
self._softmaxs = {}
self._replace = replace
for i, l in enumerate(lists):
self._softmaxs[i] = self.Softmax(tau, l)
super(Probabilistic, self).__init__(lists,
max_length=max_length, sample_num=sample_num)
def _sample(self, max_length, lists):
Sample a ranking
max_length: the maximum length of resultant interleaving
*lists: lists of document IDs
Return an instance of Ranking
ranker_indices = list(range(len(lists)))
result = ProbabilisticRanking(lists)
available_rankers = []
while len(result) < max_length and len(ranker_indices) > 0:
if len(available_rankers) == 0:
available_rankers = list(ranker_indices)
if self._replace:
ranker_idx = np.random.choice(available_rankers)
ranker_idx = available_rankers.pop()
docid = self._softmaxs[ranker_idx].sample()
print('ranker: ' + str(ranker_idx))
print('add: ' + str(docid))
if docid is None:
available_rankers = list(ranker_indices)
for ranker_idx in ranker_indices:
if docid in self._softmaxs[ranker_idx].doc_index:
# reset the state of softmax
for i in self._softmaxs:
return result
def compute_scores(cls, ranking, clicks, tau=3.0, n=10**4):
ranking: an instance of Ranking
clicks: a list of indices clicked by a user
Return a list of scores of each ranker.
L = ranking
C = {ranking[index] for index in clicks}
if len(ranking.lists) == 2:
# [Hofmann+, CIKM 2011] (Computationally expensive)
o = cls.ProbablisticScore({0: 0.0, 1: 0.0})
o.allocations = {}
for i in range(2 ** len(ranking)):
a = []
for d in L:
a.append(i % 2)
i //= 2
c = [0, 0]
R = [cls.Softmax(tau, R_j) for R_j in ranking.lists]
cum_p = 1.0
for j, d in zip(a, L):
j_alter = (j + 1) % 2
if d in C:
c[j] += 1
cum_p *= R[j].delete(d)
if c[0] < c[1]:
o[1] += cum_p
elif c[1] < c[0]:
o[0] += cum_p
o.allocations[tuple(a)] = (c, cum_p)
return o
if 2 < len(ranking.lists):
# [Schuth+, SIGIR 2015]
R = [cls.Softmax(tau, R_j) for R_j in ranking.lists]
A_prime = [(np.zeros(len(R)), 0.0, [])]
threshold = 1 / len(R) * n ** (1 / len(L))
for d in L:
# Break if no click
# Stop when all the clicks are examined.
if len(C) == 0:
d_in_C = d in C
if d_in_C:
# Compute the document probability
# Only keep non-zero rankers
P = np.zeros(len(R))
R_non_zero = []
for j, R_j in enumerate(R):
P[j] = R_j.delete(d)
if P[j] > 0.0:
R_non_zero.append((j, R_j))
if len(R_non_zero) == 0:
A, A_prime = A_prime, []
is_pass = np.random.rand(len(A), len(R_non_zero)) <= threshold
for i, (o, p, a) in enumerate(A):
# Skip some assignments with certain probability
R_used = [R_non_zero[k]
for k in range(len(R_non_zero)) if is_pass[i][k]]
for j, R_j in R_used:
p_prime = p + np.log(P[j])
o_prime = np.copy(o)
if d_in_C:
o_prime[j] += 1
A_prime.append((o_prime, p_prime, a + [j]))
o = np.zeros(len(R))
allocations = {}
if len(A_prime) > 0:
# Use logsumexp to avoid over-flow
p_log_all = np.array([p_prime for _, p_prime, _ in A_prime])
p_all = np.exp(p_log_all - special.logsumexp(p_log_all))
for i, (o_prime, _, a) in enumerate(A_prime):
p_prime = p_all[i]
o += o_prime * p_prime
allocations[tuple(a)] = (list(o_prime), p_prime)
result = cls.ProbablisticScore({i: o[i] for i in range(len(R))})
result.allocations = allocations
return result
raise ValueError('Invalid number of original lists')
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