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Last active September 3, 2021 01:33
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  • Save nogic1008/253c99b0d961febe5c9a623045b5df7a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @output_file_name eagate.min.js
// @compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
// @language_out ECMASCRIPT_2015
// ==/ClosureCompiler==
(function ($, location) {
const idRegex = /^.+\/ddr\/ddra20\/p.+=([01689bdiloqDIOPQ]{32}).*$/;
const srcRegex = /^.+\/ddr\/ddra20\/p\/images\/play_data\/(.+)\.png$/;
const playStyleRegex = /^.+\/ddr\/ddra20\/p.+_data_(double|single)\.html.*/;
const apiBaseUri = "";
const dt = $("#data_tbl");
if (!dt.length) {
alert("DDR A20PLUSの楽曲データ一覧ページではありません。");
const playStyle = location.href.replace(playStyleRegex, "$1");
if (!playStyle) {
alert("DDR A20PLUSの楽曲データ一覧ページではありません。");
const result = {};
$(".data", dt).each(function () {
// Get songName & songId from first column
const songId = $("td:first > .music_info:first", this)
.replace(idRegex, "$1");
const jacketAlt = $("td:first > .music_info:first > img:first", this).attr("alt");
const songName = $("td:first > .music_info:first", this).text() || jacketAlt;
result[songId] = [];
$(".rank", this).each(function () {
// Get difficulty
const id = $(this).attr("id");
const difficulty =
id === "beginner"
? 0
: id === "basic"
? 1
: id === "difficult"
? 2
: id === "expert"
? 3
: 4;
// Get score
const scoreText = $(".data_score:first", this).text().trim();
const score = parseInt(scoreText, 10);
if (!Number.isInteger(score)) return;
// Get clearLamp
const fileName = $(".music_info:first > img:eq(1)", this)
.replace(srcRegex, "$1");
const rankImageFileName = $(".music_info:first > img:first", this)
.replace(srcRegex, "$1");
const isFailed = rankImageFileName === "rank_s_e";
const clearLamp =
fileName === "full_mar"
? 7
: fileName === "full_perfect"
? 6
: fileName === "full_great"
? 5
: fileName === "full_good"
? 4
: isFailed
? 0
: score === 0
? 1
: 2;
// Get rank
const rank = isFailed
? "E"
: score >= 990000
? "AAA"
: score >= 950000
? "AA+"
: score >= 900000
? "AA"
: score >= 890000
? "AA-"
: score >= 850000
? "A+"
: score >= 800000
? "A"
: score >= 790000
? "A-"
: score >= 750000
? "B+"
: score >= 700000
? "B"
: score >= 690000
? "B-"
: score >= 650000
? "C+"
: score >= 600000
? "C"
: score >= 590000
? "C-"
: score >= 550000
? "D+"
: "D";
playStyle: playStyle === "single" ? 1 : 2,
const userId = prompt("DDRadarのユーザーIDを入力");
const password = prompt("インポート用に設定したパスワードを入力");
if (!password) return;
Object.entries(result).map(([songId, scores]) =>
fetch(`${apiBaseUri}/${songId}/${userId}`, {
method: "post",
body: JSON.stringify(scores),
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
mode: "cors",
.then(() =>
`<div class="ddradar_added">「${scores[0].songName}」のインポートが完了しました。</div>`
.catch((e) =>
`<div class="ddradar_added" style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">「${scores[0].songName}」のインポートに失敗しました。(${e})</div>`
).then(() => {
})($, location);
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