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Last active December 4, 2018 06:26
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sm_mrw_add Usage

Usage: sm_mrw_add [OPTIONS ...] [command ...]
    At least model or entity_type is required.
          If entity_type is prop_physics_override, both are required.
    command is a full command to run when a player touches the reward.
          If present, #player will be replaced with the target string of the client who activated the reward.
          -c <X Y Z>
                Coordinates to spawn the entity at, can be relative to origin using ~'s.
                If relative will be resolved at spawn time. Useful for reloading in new locations.
                If not provided, origin will be used.
          -d <respawn_method>
                Must be one of the following:
                pickup: When a player touches it, it will disappear until the respawn time is up.
                static: The reward will stay, but will be inactive until the respawn time is up.
                constant: The reward will stay and never deactivate.
                nohook or nopickup: Default. Just an entity, nothing special about it.
          -e <entity_type>
                The type of entity you wish to create. If not provided, prop_physics_override is used.
          -m <model>
                The path to the model file you wish to use.
                You may use model aliases defined with sm_mrw_model_add.
          -o <X Y Z>
                Origin coordinates, resolved now. If not provided client's location will be used.
          -p <entity_property_script>
                Allows you to define a series of entity properties using this format:
                      prop_type must be 0 for Prop_Data (default) or 1 for Prop_Send.
                      type may be one of the following: int float or string.
                      Multiple key,value pairs can be seperated by &'s.
          -r <RX RY RZ>
                Rotations for the entity. Cannot be relative.
          -s <script>
                A series of variables dispatched to the entity as an overridescript or individual keys to trigger.
                A value of null will erase the script defined by a provided model alias.
                      type may be one of the following: int float string ent or vec.
                      For vec, value must be a series of 3 floats seperated by commas.
                      Multiple key[,value]'s can be seperated on the right side of the ? by &'s.
                You may use script aliases defined with sm_mrw_script_add.
          -t <respawn_time>
                      The fractional seconds until the reward respawns.
                      A value of 0 will never respawn.
                      A value of -1 will use the value of sm_mrw_respawn_time.
          -P Sets respawn_method to pickup.
          -S Sets respawn_method to static.
          -C Sets respawn_method to constant.

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