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Last active June 27, 2019 15:00
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Dot sourcing
Import-Module Pester -MaximumVersion 4.9.9
# use the fact that closures are dynamic modules with
# their own session state, and that scriptblocks are bound
# to the session state that created them, that makes
# the call to `dot` transparent, because the scope
# that the function creates is in a different sessionstate
# and so the `$ScriptBlock` still dot-sources directly into
# the calling session state, just like with the naked `.`
$function:dot = {
. $ScriptBlock
Describe "a" {
It "dot sources" {
$a = 1
# ensure that we are running the same scope
# by writing into the `$a` variable
dot { $a = 20 }
$a | Should -be 20
It "can be mocked" {
Mock dot { Write-Host "I am mock" -ForegroundColor Cyan }
$a = 1
dot { $a = 20 }
$a | Should -Be 1
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