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Created March 14, 2017 17:27
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No logic in tests
# say not to this one
$configuration:Servers | foreach {
It "A test" {
# code
# use this instead
It "A test" -TestCases @(
@{ Server = "server1"},
. . .
) {
# code
# if you DO need to generate the list of test cases dynamically, do it in a function that is tested.
# Pester currently does not fail when you provide 0 testcases, so look out for lack of data that allows
# your tests to pass
#(this is also common problem with foreach in tests,
#no items in collection -> no it block runs -> no fails -> passing tests that did not test anything)
# say no to this one
if ($PSVersionTable.PsVersion.Major -ge 5){
It "A test running only on powershell 5="{
# code
# write this (and test it!) instead
Invoke-OnPowerShell5OrLaterOnly {
It "A test" {
# code
# feel free to come up with a better name :))
function Invoke-OnPowerShell5OrLaterOnly ([ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock) {
if ($PSVersionTable.PsVersion.Major -ge 5) {
& $ScriptBlock
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