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Last active June 6, 2024 17:32
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N-queens problem in prolog
N-queens problem solved in Prolog (SWI-Prolog).
Usage es: n_queen(4,X).
n_queen(N, Solution) :-
%create a list of N dummy variabiles
length(Solution, N),
queen(Solution, N). %search for a configuration of N queens
%returns a list of integer from K to N included es up2N(1,3,X) X = [1,2,3]
up2N(N,N,[N]) :-!.
up2N(K,N,[K|Tail]) :- K < N, K1 is K+1, up2N(K1, N, Tail).
queen([],_). %No queens is a solution for any N queens problem. All queens are in a safe position.
queen([Q|Qlist],N) :-
queen(Qlist, N), %first we solve the subproblem
%we then generate all possible positions for queen Q
%we pick one of such position
member(Q, Candidate_positions_for_queenQ),
%we check whether the queen Q is safe
check_solution(Q,Qlist, 1).
check_solution(_,[], _).
check_solution(Q,[Q1|Qlist],Xdist) :-
Q =\= Q1, %not on the same row
Test is abs(Q1-Q),
Test =\= Xdist, %diagonal distance
Xdist1 is Xdist + 1,
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