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Last active December 14, 2018 13:20
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The position class of a chess game in kotlin
internal data class Position(val name: String) {
constructor(file: Int, rank: Int) : this("${(file + 'A'.toInt()).toChar()}${rank + 1}")
val file: Int = name.validateAndTransform { it[0] - 'A' }
val rank: Int = name.validateAndTransform { it[1].toString().toInt() - 1 }
private fun <T> String.validateAndTransform(trasformer: (String) -> T): T =
if (Regex("""^[A-H][1-8]$""") matches this)
throw IllegalStateException("position name must be of one letter from A to H and one number from 1 to 8")
* @return the name of this position
override fun toString() = name
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