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// screen resolution 800x600
// full HP required before start
// "PageDown" to stop script
ExtVar[0] = 1 // 1 = 70% hp, 2 = 50% hp, 3 = 30% hp
ExtVar[1] = 1 // check backpack items / pick round
ExtVar[2] = 20 // interval, >= 10
ExtVar[3] = 3 // sample item count, 0 ~ 8
ExtVar[4] = -1 // x offset, +- 13
ExtVar[5] = 1 // y offset, +- 13
noih / click.ahk
Last active August 20, 2023 06:30
#SingleInstance, Force
global isEnable := TRUE
isEnable := TRUE
While (isEnable) {
noih / secret_v1.2.ahk
Last active September 19, 2022 13:08
; Pos1 = Potion NPC
; Pos2 = Item
; Pos3 = Bank
; "Alt + \" => start
; "Pause" => pause
; "Ctrl + r" => reolad
; "Ctrl + t" => commands on end
; "Delete" => exit app
global Percent = 85 ; hp %
global BeltIndex = 1 ; belt index, 1 ~ 5
global UseDelay = 80 ; use belt again delay
; ==========================================
global KeysThreshold = 9
global MaxRound = 15
global SuccessThreshold = 3
#SingleInstance, Force
; 客製化腳本
; 參考資源
; 按鍵列表 =>
global HpPercent := 65 ; 補血 % (18 ~ 97)
global HpHotKey := "1" ; 腰帶水箱編號 (1 ~ 5)
; 起始指令 / 結束指令
global CommandsOnStart := ["/run", "/nowar", "/nomenu", "/shift on", "/trade off", "/effectoff", "/weather off"]
// screen resolution 800x600
// "F8" = cure skill hotkey
// Pos1 = potion NPC
// Pos2 = bank
// Pos3 = potion (work panel)
// "PageDown" to stop script
ExtVar[1] = 20 // interval, >= 10
ExtVar[2] = 1 // 1 = skill cure, 2 = food
ExtVar[3] = 2 // 1 = store bank to 4 billion, 2 = bond
global HpPercent := 65 ; 補血 % (18 ~ 97)
global HpHotKey := "1" ; 腰帶水箱編號 (1 ~ 5)
global LightHotKey := "" ; 開燈 法術 "F1" ~ "F8", 腰帶蠟燭 "1" ~ "5", "" = 不開燈
global LightTime := 366 ; 多久開燈一次
global MoveTime := 3500 ; 移動等待時間 (毫秒),根據腳色移動速度調整
global DelayPerRound := 100 ; 多久偵測一次 (毫秒),如果 lag 可嘗試加大
; 起始指令 / 結束指令
global CommandsOnStart := ["/run", "/nowar", "/nomenu", "/trade off", "/effectoff all", "/weather off"]
global CommandsOnEnd := ["/nowar off", "/nomenu off", "/shift off", "/trade on", "/effecton", "/weather on"]
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
CaptureScreen(0, 0, A_Desktop . "\" . A_Now ".bmp", 100)
/* CaptureScreen(aRect, bCursor, sFileTo, nQuality)
1) If the optional parameter bCursor is True, captures the cursor too.
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines -1
ListLines Off
SendMode Input
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 2
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
global foodHotKey := "1" ; 1 ~ 5, eat food or skill
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Input
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%