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Last active July 27, 2021 14:38
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OKTA-CLI Examples
# Pre-req's
# - Validate macOS Mojava 10.14.6
# - pipx ( - Highly recommended ;)
# - okta-cli (from not cli that is more creating the OIDC Apps cli)
# - jq ( or 'brew install jq')
# List DEPROVISION users, every attribute
okta-cli users list --deprovisioned --json | \
jq '.[]'
# List DEPROVISION users, only "id"
okta-cli users list -d -j | \
jq '.[] | .id'
# List DEPROVISION users, only "id" and "email"
okta-cli users list -d -j | \
jq '.[] | [.id,]'
# NOTE: To completely delete a User in Okta, a user must be DEPROVISION first
# DEPROVISION users by TLD email.
okta-cli users list -j | \
jq '.[] | select( | contains("")) | .id' | \
xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; okta-cli users delete --no-confirmation %'
# DELETE user that are DEPROVISION status
okta-cli users list -d -j | \
jq '.[] | .id' | \
xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; okta-cli users delete --no-confirmation %'
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