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Created October 21, 2014 21:09
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type Height = Int
data SkewTree a = Empty
| TopNode !Height !(SkewTree a) a !(SkewTree a) !(SkewTree a)
| InternalNode !Height !(SkewTree a) a !(SkewTree a)
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- data SkewTree a = Empty
-- | TopNode !Height !(SkewTree a) a !(SkewTree a) !(SkewTree a)
-- | InternalNode !Height !(SkewTree a) a !(SkewTree a)
-- deriving (Show,Eq)
leaf a = InternalNode 1 Empty a Empty
height Empty = 0
height (TopNode h _ _ _ _) = h
height (InternalNode h _ _ _ ) = h
splitToInternal (TopNode h l x r n) = (InternalNode h l x r, n)
splitToInternal Empty = error "splitToInternal: Empty"
splitToInternal _ = error "splitToInternal: InternalNode"
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty _ = False
insert x Empty = TopNode 1 Empty x Empty Empty
insert x t = let (l,t') = splitToInternal t
(r,n) = splitToInternal t'
in if (not $ isEmpty t' ) && height l == height r
then TopNode (height l + 1) l x r n
else TopNode 1 Empty x Empty t
lookup' x Empty = False
lookup' x (InternalNode _ l y r) = or [x == y, lookup' x l, lookup' x r]
lookup' x (TopNode _ l y r n) = or [x == y, lookup' x l, lookup' x r, lookup' x n]
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